Happy new year, guys!
Happy new year, guys!
No... Don't you fucking dare!
Or what?
Oh you wouldn't be able imagine.
I swear to god.....
You were raised better
Don't do this...
Please don't.
tired old comic OP. Post something worth an actually reaction to
You had to.
Do you like this?
You gonna post the rest of that or what?
Of course
This is the most degenerate thread I ever saw-
Is that the end, or do we get to see her digested?
Oh boy, here we go!
This is how we spend the new year. Let that sink in.
This is how I spend every year.
Is this gonna be another vore comic.? That seems to be the theme in here so far.
Yes. Do you like vore?
I’d rather not say, but do go on.
I win
You know, I think it's fucking cheating that those vore comics only show Xrays right after ingestion, but later on it's just the outer view of the stomach.
I want to see the person inside slowly being digested alive, either commenting the pleasure or the pain of it, and talking with the person who swallowed them all the time as their consciousness slowly fades away.
It's "disrespectful" for the eater to just swallow and forget, especially if we're talking about a lover or a friend being vored.
eh, still not exactly what I want.
Not enough interaction between the vorer and the voree
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decipher me.
I think i have something you might like, but its over 40 pages long and i don’t know if i wanna post that much at once.
Are you gonna post the whole series or are you just an attention-whore?
Look down a few more posts
Ur a fag
Don’t be shy, people! Post whatever fucked up shit you have. Try to outdo OP!
That’s a smile that’d I wanna protect.