Now what? I’m trying to set up a coffee date

Now what? I’m trying to set up a coffee date

Other urls found in this thread:

Want to get some coffee this (insert day convenient for you)?

>some time
erase that shit, dont be betafag, dont overuse, just put the hour and place, if she puts up an excuse then you're fucked and doesnt want to go with you

“Do you like coffee with cum?”
If dubs you must send it.

What now? I told her I wanted to watch a duck dynasty marathon

Coffee sucks and makes your breathe smell like shit. Why is this always a first date/scenario?

But as already mentioned, stop being a fat - none of this sometime shit...goes no where. Time and place.

Just say are you down for that coffee or something like that, how hard can it be
Also she is loling you every message so glhf

“Wanna meet on Saturday and have a coffee?”
How hard can it be?

You really make it seem like he is spamming 10 girls everyday offering coffee...
Say *that* coffee instead of *a* coffee to trick her into thinking that you are not an autistic cunt and offer something familiar to her at the same time


whatever the fuck that show is she can't wait to be asked to explain it to someone

So in the future you want to make it seem like whatever you're going to do is happening whether she tags along or not.

"Hey I'm going for Coffee Tuesday at Xpm, you should join"

Don't let your day hinge on her, go out and have coffee or whatever it is you enjoy regardless of her decision.

It also helps establish you to her, you have plans and shit to do regardless of where she falls on your schedule.

She hasn’t responded

She has already told you no twice without offering an alternative date. She doesn't want to hang out with you. If she did, she would have made it easy for you.

Have some self respect and move along without saying anything else. If she eventually responds to your latest message you need to just ignore it because she probably thinks she needs to let you down the hard way now since you're fucking braindead to hints.

I have a cuck fetish I have no self respect

Dude you're so retarded. Don't ask a girl if she wants to have coffee without a date offered. Offer a time and a place to her and if she declines it's on her to pick a different day or fuck off. You already look like a loser to this girl because you're available literally any time if she will just say yes to your stupid coffee date. In the future assume they do want to hang out until they say otherwise.

>So in the future you want to make it seem like whatever you're going to do is happening whether she tags along or not.
>"Hey I'm going for Coffee Tuesday at Xpm, you should join"
>Don't let your day hinge on her, go out and have coffee or whatever it is you enjoy regardless of her decision.
>It also helps establish you to her, you have plans and shit to do regardless of where she falls on your schedule.
fucking retarded.
Also never do coffee. Dinner dates first date and if you don't act autistic ALWAYS ask her home after. I swear men are such fucking pussies. I'm a verified 6-7 according to /soc/ and i've never had a girl say she wouldn't come over to keep hanging out after a dinner date. Most will go pretty far too. If she likes your face enough to respond to you online, she's going to want to get to know you. If you are not a sperglord and make her laugh, she's going to want the date to keep going, if you make her laugh in your room then she'll probably get down with you. Seriously, it's not rocket science. no coffee dates, and don't follow this dweebs instructions, make it clear that you are taking her out.

>make it clear that you are taking her out.
Enjoy paying for her dinner, this is why a third of tinder uses it as a mealticket.

You don't need to invest any money on someone on the first date.

>fucking retarded.
What's retarded about sticking to your plans regardless? Even if she doesn't show up you can practice cold approaches on other girls at the coffee shop. It's literally his best option, stop trolling. Only a dumbass spends money on a dinner date for someone they don't know. Enjoy holding her door, buying her dinner, and delivering her to the BBC house after she's done with you.

Help me out

you seem like the kind of guy who would find hidden life meaning from eating a bowl of cereal

"if you help me jack off at 11:58 I will be cumming at exactly 12:00"

because you texted her at 911, you insensitive prick. do you know now many brave firemen and policemen died on that morning?
also, who gets coffee at night?

"are you the one they call stump grinder?"

Hit here with this, two separate messages "We've already matched" "Should we just make out at this point?" That's my KO, works like 80% of the time.


Nah send the first part in one message and the second part in another

This is a pretty shit Tinder thread by Sup Forums standards, shouldn't we be rolling for offensive replies?

i got a girl now so these replies are old, but trust me it works

can we roll this one please?

another one

>told you no twice without offering an alternative date.

Golden tip anons.

Now what?

that one looks type dead, you gotta change the topic

So what do we get for helping? At least post some pictures of this bitch.

OP is legend

is that bumble? fuck that. "hey" is a cop out opening. if she can't be fucked to start a conversation on the platform centered around the woman starting the conversation, she's sure as hell not going to put out.