Any medfags online? The gums underneath a tooth that got a temporary crown a couple weeks ago swole up and has just today gotten a dark color and peices are falling off (if i get one while the thread is alive i will post a pic, they are really nasty and red). I cant go to the dentist cuz they are all closed for holidays and shit. Wat do?
Any medfags online...
Bump, i need help guys
Whats this black stuff?
Go to hospital you have a serious infection
Plz time is crunching, family will ve waiting for me.
srsly you should go to the hospital with this
Can i wait a couple days for the dentists to open? Will wrising with listerine help m8
Brush your teeth nigga
It's clotted blood. Calm down.
I do but i got some dental work done and they fucked my shit i guess
I was thinking this but it looked bad, i needed a second opinion.
Hello op. I recommend gargling very warm water with a bit of salt to ease the gums and alleviate pain. Do a full cup of gargle and spit. But be sure to go to a dentist when ever possible
Ok thanks i was already planning this but they dont open for a bit, alcohol will help right?
I'm a dental student. It's bleeding because you're fucking with it with your tongue. Stop doing that. It's a crown, not a fucking heart transplant. Leave it alone.
Looks like you may have had a slight gingival reaction to the retraction cord that was placed around the tooth prior to the impression.
Looks like he slipped with his tool and pierced your gum, causing this massive infection. Happens all the time but you need to get it treated.
I havent fucked with it in the past 2 weeks but i will confess to fucking the fuck out of it today but it,just started this shit at like 12 when i,was,brushing and i saw a shite load of blood and my shit was all fucked.
Shit this has to be exactly what happened, when they put it on they fuckin went ham with that cord tryn to get a impression and,made the tooth hurt like fuck for a couple,days