Is there anything better than pussy?

Is there anything better than pussy?

yes, a really good book

a nice conversation

college degree

going to the church

School shootings

Enjoying hobbies in quiet peace.

Finding old music you haven't heard in years and playing the fuck out of it.

That feeling when you finally get to piss after holding it for so long.

Getting off a nut is nice but it only lasts for a few seconds AND depend on someone elses involvement. Plus, fapping is a thing.

These things last a lifetime.


True love

surely not traps. Stay away from them

A good book
A career you love
The sound of a 429Boss at idle
Planting trees in whose shade you will never rest.


Gassing the Jews

watching the sunset from the kindergarden were you raped every single kid

Traps are shit. Either commit to the dick or gtfo

Coffee this morning, with her

Books will never top pussy

Loving yourself

Peeing after holding it for a really long time. It feels like heaven.

Heroin, meth, ecstasy, pretty much any "hard" drug, the shit that's so good and so addictive people willingly ruin their lives over it.

Also, I was both fat and fit in my life, and there's a certain joy I took in mere existence when I was healthy. Don't ever take your health for granted, user.

Oh, and killing a man.

a tight boipussy

anal if she's not into kegels.

but it's real hard to beat a snapper

I like the way you think user. You're hired!

Well op the only thing better than pussy is more pussy.

a vasectomy

Plenty of things. When I was a virgin I thought pussy would be amazing and I would always bust in 30 seconds but I've never busted from getting pussy. Nothing can feel as good as your own hand, that's the sad truth.

Cocaine for sure.
Probably cost less than a pussy addiction too

Depends on the quality of the coke and the quality of the pussy.

Cash money.

3d pussy

opening a crisp new pack of pokemon cards

the rush of blood you feel when winning

first love

achieving happiness

(but pussy may not be in your happiness or fighting goal. in this case you will know)

Black Sabbath. But only with Ozzie.