Why does everyone nowerdays seem to be getting cancer?

Why does everyone nowerdays seem to be getting cancer?

Cause they put cancerous stuff in our foods and their is a wide variety of cancers.

Is it the governments fault?

Theres a lot going on. Part of it could be blamed on some parts of the government like some lack of regulations while other parts can be blame on the big food company's who knowingly put chemicals in to make food or drinks cheaper or to keep pests away. It's all how you view things but remember this, Monsanto is evil.

Microwaving things in plastic.

Who are Monsanto and what did they do that’s so bad?

they put chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs gay.


My dad believes that it isn't cancer that kills you, it's the treatment that kills you. He's told me if he's diagnosed with cancer that he'll just live with it and not go through chemo. He believes it's all a big money making scheme.

Monsanto is probably one of the largest food corporations there is. They put their farmers in a debt contract so they can't leave, if farmer A uses Monsanto GMO seeds and it gets into Farmers B field and Farmer B dosn't have Monsanto seeds then Farmer B could get sued for "stealing" and has to either pay up or use Monsanto seeds. They also like to use their chemicals to kill pests.

You could also blame population size simply being too large to be fed without seriously cutting corners in one way or another

I think that the government *could* have the cure for cancer, and they won’t let anyone else but the wealthy and elite have it, heck why do you think the queen has been alive for so fucking long, she gets the best meds,treatment and doctors the world has, it’s a fucking joke really but I do understand that there are simply too many people in the world to all cure some, sadly have to die.

That's also true. Doesn't help we give our food away to third world countries. Teach a man to fish. If the man can't or refuses to fish then let him suffer. If a disaster happens then maybe but if its a place always in need then you should just cut them loose.

This so much, population size is such a huge reason the world is so shit now but no one says anything because either a.) Let old people die b.) limit the amount of children people can have. Neither one would be popular

I was just diagnosed with cancer before christmas, in my early 20's, so we'll see where this new year goes.

It puts life into a new perspective, definitely.

Would you say your quite healthy, and be honest like tell us about your habits and shit.

So pretty much when I imagine their ceo I just think of some fat pig in a suit?

You know sometimes I hope there is a hell for these types of people, but then I think id probably be going too it if there was.


Nope, I wasn't. My diet wasn't too bad but it wasn't fantastic either, and I led a pretty sedetary lifestyle though I wasn't overweight. But I don't fit the profile for my cancer, at all (i'm in like the >3% of people who get it). I don't mean to scare you, cancer is very rare if you look at the numbers.

Truthfully? I spent my whole life worrying about death, about getting sick, about a lot of things. I'm sure it's normal, but after getting the news it was like I didn't have to worry anymore. I have it. And even though the rates aren't too optimistic for my type of cancer, I don't really fear it anymore.

As crazy as it sounds, I spent my whole life just going through the motions in a lot of things, even though I knew in the back of my head that it was dumb and that life is short. Getting something like this has changed that, and its humbled me in ways I honestly didn't think was possible. The only positive part about diseases like this is the way you start seeing life after it.


If you don’t mind me asking, what type of cancer do you have?
