

You're fat.


The common response to these threads is telling the poster to get new material, or to fuck off. This tends to result in the tired and repetitive response “Grow up” almost without fail, as if the person who is continuously reposting the same forced meme over and over actually believes they hold some variety of mature high ground.

Reminder that logposter is a 40+ year old fatass virgin with terrible photoshop skills and zero friends. He smells like piss and crippling loneliness; a truly pathetic individual who derives pleasure from rustling the Jimmies of easily-baited newfags. He will die alone in a pile of jizz-rags and empty pizza boxes. Nobody will miss him except for his dog, who only likes him because he gets to lick peanut butter off his balls. Sage grows in all fields.



So hot..




It's time to stop.


Too lazy to make a new one huh? I'm disappointed.
Also sage.


>mfw your folder starts to slowly fill with more Alice
I'll have you converted soon enough.

>your folder
whew lad
my dear boy, do you have any concept of the number of logs I have spread over 5 different log folders...

Alice I'm still sorry for beating you in the hunger games, I thought we could be friends of course

I thought we were friends tho user


Well what, asshole? I'm not a mind reader.



shitting in 2018 is now logging
