Sup Sup Forums my little sister just started messaging me asking me to come pick her up from a party I think she is...

Sup Sup Forums my little sister just started messaging me asking me to come pick her up from a party I think she is drink already

Also she is sending me pics?? What do Sup Forums?? Is this my chance???

>It's now or never

Fucking YES.

Post results

do fuck


Don’t do it

Fuck her

Do it and send pics

go get her. make your move.. fuck her if you can.


post the pix plox

Is that her?

Or Just pick her up like a normal human being

chance for what? for all I know you're thinking this is the start of your UBER career...



how dare you

Post the pics she sent you

Op here just talked to her and she is super drunk

You know what to do


She got changed quickly...

Just go pick her up she probably needs a lift, is this bait?


Fuck her right in the pussy

Facebook pic, suspect a troll is trolling.

in incest culture this is considered a dick move

I’ve watched enough hentai to know where this goes

not even kidding, it sounds to me like she's maybe not totally confident in asking you for a ride, so she's using her looks to sweeten you up first. If you play your cards right you have a shot at maybe some nudes or something minor.

Wincest detected

A story as old as time...

No glove, No love.

Yeah I got those pics from her face book genius, but not this one

What does it mean Sup Forums?

Need help here Sup Forumsro's

>fuck sis,
>Take pics
>Post here

pics or it didn't happen

At least change the filenames if you're gonna tell a bullshit story

Obligatory OP IS A FAG

Ask her if pants are next.

Maybe you stole them.

take the hint, go

that means somebody is taking pics of her while you jerk off

Simple.. tell her you'd rip that bra off if you were there.

Gotta wonder whose taking the pic though..

Ask her who’s takin the pics lol
Then post more of em

Meme and ask her why she's filing with "Equafax"
Alternatively, convince her that her pants are dirty/gross/nasty and she needs to take them off to enter your car. Normal rules don't mean shit when that bitch is drunk.

All yall asking for pics need to ask for age.

looks more like Equaline brand

Op here, seriously, am I being set up? I flirt with her alot I admit

Tell her im busy??

It's Equate. Generic Walmart brand.

True... I guess all assuming drunk = legal age

Just do it, if she's drunk she might not remember either way

or Equate...

better question, how long till OP gives up sad trolling attempt?

you all are some gullible idiots

Incest is the best, put your sister to the test.

Fuck no, hop on that shit. Try to get laid, make Sup Forums proud. Be the OP that delivers.

>Inb4 OP gets doxx

you HAVE to, man. for US.

If she is legal just do it man

Fake, but if its real does she know its you?

Why have anons not found her facebook yet?She's hot, ergo perfect fap material.

pick her up and decide from there man, shes your fuckin sister, give her that fuckin lift and at least she's safe.

thanks, forgot the name.

OK I told her to send more pics and I'll come get her, don't let me down Sup Forums

Record and take pics. Eat her out

>tfw u will never get a girl like her

nvmshe ugly. the op pic looks amazing though

Op. Don’t post cp man.

she's cute. take care of her, don't be a freak.

Do not fail us soldier


she's legal

ask her to post a time stamp

Then post more figit


If she is still waiting for you to pick her up, ask her, if you come get her, if she'll let YOU take pics of her.

she's very prety. Say you want more and go seen dick pick

You da man user. Deliver!


Accounts private, would take more export than I care to do to help faggot OP dox some girl he's obsessed with

She must be magic. That's an entirely different bathroom she's in now.



oh I'm sure the place she's at has a bunch of different bathrooms. OP would never make this up.

was that supposed to make sense?

You Fags it's really my sister I just don't want to fuck up badly I've been drinking myself now my heart is beating out of my chest

Fuck OP for making up dumb fantasy stories, but fuck you guys harder for lapping up his shit

Lol niggas be trolled

No, you're a lying homo

she is so cute man

i dont care. Real or fake, I want moar.

She seems cute. I've been drinking as well. Give me her number.

Just get nudes and some pussy kiddo. Everyone’s drunk no one will know.

idgaf if op is trolling she still hot, show more

Just do it op! Post pics! Good luck man


Reminder that drunkeness is a legit excuse. go for it

Na im bailing guys. It's not worth it. I'm out

op is a such a pussy,

>OP tries a different approach


Exactly, you can say you were drunk the next day too

you'll regret it, this is your chance

What did he mean by this

Imma just looking to nut into OP's sister

bumping for moar pics, in case OP is samefagging this whole thread

still pick her up tho