Draw thread - Nyan cat edition

Draw thread - Nyan cat edition

>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)
sketchbook.com/ (Sketchbook, $30/year or free version, often used on mobile)

# # (IC Sticky w/ Drawing Guide for Beginners link)
drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she's gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep.


I hope your family dies.

requesting Rukia being fucked by a pokemon

Why so upset user?

Wheres fat shark women?

Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the spreadsheet below
Pokemon: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y6I0a_8jXF4isxPYXyMeRgWtqThR7fS5-v33GuFIkV8/edit?usp=sharing
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Fuck off Swordbro

please slowly consume my butthole

not sure if user got this yet.

Good try,troll

>for telling you to eat my butthole
you're one of those young kids aren't ya

Is this your form,swordbro?


I had only heard of you and this rukia spam

Wheres the fat shark lady


Hi I don't usually have much to request

But I would love to have request of Pepper Ann characters, Bucktooth-Boy and Trinket St. Blaire from the show doing this pose please.

I don't know what I will do without my boo-boo-bear..... :^(

im not normally around so it's harder to catch me these days

Happy-new year cock sniffers

Where is the image with the fat shark lady?

Why this obsession with rukia?
> Orihime and Yoruichi are better, kek (joke)

dats peep

looking for simple requests, preferably women/pinups, feeling lazy tonight but got nothing to draw for myself

Request this one.

/r/ gerudo from zelda

Here ya go user

I'll do it. Give me ten minutes.

Shark lady! Shark lady! Shark lady! Shark lady!

Diaper girl in a onesie stretching on a couch. Clock showing 10:53 pm

I love this mem

i'll do it. Give me 10 dicks.

>damage controll

U want one more??

I'll do 10 minutes. Give me dick vore.

I want one that's high quality. Something that I can fap to

eh she was my favorite from the manga, just sort of evolved into this thing


then fucking buy it shit head

I understood, what did you think about the end of Bleach?
I did not see yet

Dubs of truth.

The fact it's so true means you don't need the third repeating digit

If I had money to commission it, I wouldn't be here

Wheres the fat shark lady??


Bump? Whats that?

aww shark lady cute spilling

thought it was awful, the entire last arc

Art is a luxury, if you cant afford it then tough shit. Stop being trash.

one wip. next time you see it, it will be completed in full

got it


Not Or,but what's your drawame?

Where is that pic with the fat shark lady??? It was just at the last thread

Well until then it's done well, I'm gonna be an annoying faggot
Like I said, I'm looking for something fappable.


I did not recognize without the OC

sup emery

It will never be done well because its a shit request and no artist worth their salt will look your way, but please continue wasting your time by being an ungrateful shit stain

I will, and I'll make sure you all see it every single thread

>damage control

Call it whatever you want, I'm not leaving until it's done.

Welcome to drawthread

You're a wonderful piece of cancer

Requesting my character getting drunk and horny celebrating the new year

This is almost as gold as a year or two ago
>jenny wakeman drinkign vinegar

be safe friends

I aim to please

Havin' a good time Eva?

i will be in about an hour

Happy New Year!
This is the Year of the Dog if I'm not mistaken, so here's a doggie eating a snek

>i will be in about an hour
Drinkin with anyone tonight?

this is... interesting
my dog ate a snake once

i just have half an hour until they get here
so i'm doodling in the meantime

lost stylus and broken tablets are being common in the last threads

Draw porn of your character?

I will find it. And my Intuos(classic) works perfectly fine, although the stylus is a bit worn down from death clenching it in Osu!.

I post drawings all the time without my OC.

*whispers* Pingy

i refuse to draw porn of boomer
he is too pure
the most u get is his pingy which is occasionally hanging out

don't LLOOK


Inb4 get a better camera

Good luck

get a better camera

>i just have half an hour until they get here
>so i'm doodling in the meantime
Have a nice time then Eva!

I'mma boop you in the snoot

Get a better camera

I want to tickle Boomer's Nether Hole™....

Your character should have furaffinity because he is cute

Sup Forums at its finest.

Kill yourself.

uh oh

get a better camera

get a better camera

Not even in your dreams user
Oh shi....

Any marker recommendations?

mark yourself a better camera
then we'll discuss

I fucking would.

By every camera in this house sucks so much ass.

I'll post the fucking digitals

get a better digital

Happy New year faggots
