I am under the impression that this is not against the rules, as it is technically just loli. If I am mistaken...

I am under the impression that this is not against the rules, as it is technically just loli. If I am mistaken, please just let me know, and don't ban me.

Commencing dump.

Other urls found in this thread:







I got like 300 of them.






Holy shit. more?

If you're not interested, just keep scrolling. We're not hurting anyone.



MAZING!! artist? i must have more!!!


I hate the way he draws teeth

natis, did you get out early?!

Artist is currently serving a jail sentence. His sister posts his drawings on some other imageboard (Says It's spam when I write which) but the threads have been 404'd for a while and as far as I know his collection isn't up anywhere at the moment.
So I decided to share his work.
He goes by Natis_01




he's got a pixiv, you know. and i really hope he's not under some draconian no tech ruling when he gets out. i have a couple of commissions i want him to draw.

well thank you very much, these are some awsome fappables!


well i know it is protected by freedom of expression i Denmark so he is from the us ?

Know the link?

Link to his Pixiv? I've searched around but all of his blogs and profiles only have like a few images on them.

He really does draw the best loli artwork out there by miles.


Was the sentence for his art? why would they keep uploading it if it got him in trouble

I believe he is.

Yes. I believe him and his sister are fighting for freedom of expression to draw and share what they call victimless artwork. I for one am with them on that one. I think I have one of his letters he sent to his fans from jail. Let me see if I can find it.

long story, involving a suicide attempt, a moralfag exgf, extortion, stubborn hopelessness, and beer.

Couldn't find it. I'll probably come across it as I'm posting.


Here is a video the artist made.








Oh, and happy new years Sup Forumsros


>His sister posts his drawings on some other imageboard
Are you referring the the 8ch loli thread. Whoever's in charge over there got rid of almost all the western loli stuff. The discussions within the loli threads involving natis_01 were quite interesting tbh.


Well, every site admin/owner has the right to decide what goes and what doesn't on their site. But my train of thought is that all the artwork is drawn. When you start to say some drawings are okay and others arent based on how they're drawn, I think you're nit picking.



I find this guy's work mostly creepy. What's wrong with their faces?


Just his particular style I guess.
I love it. To each their own.




Well, its not too bad because someone created another board called: '/delicious/ - (Cake)' which is all western loli but its missing a lot of the stuff that was in the previous board.
>What's wrong with their faces?
That's the most common complaint he gets. I like it tbh.


I gotta check that board out.
Any N_01 threads up on there yet?


I'm gonna have a quick toke, I'll be back in about five minutes.
Keep the thread alive if you want more.

>Any N_01 threads up on there yet?
Yeah, one of the first things you'll see:


I removed the full url because they think it's spam, ffs.

Thanks bro.

Anyone else here or am I just posting for people who already have these pics?






no way

peds on Sup Forums? you must be new


Of course it's against the rules. It's illegal and therefore violates global rule 1


I'd imagine there's plenty of new lurkers that appreciate what your doing.
Same person. Every thread. No point.


>Same person. Every thread. No point.
I've explained my point. You've not once proven me wrong. Lolicon is against U.S. law.

Stop right there, criminal scum!


wrong thread get out

>Bla bla bla bla i'm a fag that needs attention.
I've seen you make the same retarded points in a previous thread. I don't care what you think. And neither does anyone else in this thread. Save yourself some time and go fuck yourself.

Naw we're here now, some faggot who doesn't understand the law is trying to tear down Sup Forums in the other thread. Plus it reached image limit.


>She hasn't changed yet

What is she wearing then user?

Make your own thread. Your slant eyed art doesn't hold up here.

>I don't care what you think

>I can't refute you, so I'm going to ignore you


Yes Legalbro, you said the same thing here

Nice bait fag. Now go away.


I wouldn't have to repeat myself if didn't consistently make an ass out of yourself by failing to refute a single thing I've said and blatantly ignore the laws I've supplied that support my argument.

This, for instance, is passable under law because it doesn't explicitly show sex with a minor and can be passed off as something more innocuous. You can't pass off as art, because it's clearly smut with no point other than to make paedophiles feel good.

No bait.


global rule number 1
don't talk about Sup Forums
fuck off sjw this board doesn't want you here

It's too bad you're not loli, otherwise you wouldn't be making any arguments as your mouth would be stuffed with our cocks.

Actually his sentence ended and he was in a halfway house. He started a patreon but at the same time patreon did a purge the judge removed his permissions to the internet. There is a pixiv and you can find his stuff around but it'll be a long time if ever til we see more stuff.


Nice post.


She has a towel on.

This thread is out of control.... I like it