What do you call 100 black men buried up to their necks?

....Afro turf.

What do you call one black man being chased by 300 white men?

...The PGA Tour.

How do we know that Adam and Eve weren't black?

...You ever try to take a rib away from a black man?

Why don't black people like country music?

...'Cause every time they say "hoe-down," they think someone shot their sister.

What are three things that a black man can't get?

...A black eye, a fat lip, and a job.


i don't get the second one

If we all donated money to buy mosquito nets for Africans..

... we could save millions of mosquitos needlessly dying of aids each year.

How many jews can you fit into a truck?

Offence is taken not given~ Jimmy Carr

Tiger woods

idiot racism for idiot racists.

the adam and eve one isnt offensive at all. just because it's racial doesnt mean it's racist.

two nuts were walking down the street and one of them was assaulted.

why don't you go find a roll of deodorant to rub on your nigger lips for chapstick?

>virtue signaling on an anonymous internet board

What do you call a black priest?

Holy Shit

These are hardly offensive and mostly stupid. Happy new year, chucklefuck

this works better for indians.

When does a black man go to school?

When the school is under construction

Nigger detected

Check this guy out

Ok nigger


Jess, please go

>What do you call 100 black men buried up to their necks?

>....Afro turf.

in what universe is that offensive
i'm black and that's funny

I don't get it.

It's pretty racist to say blacks likes watermelon, when they really like orange

mad AF

Why wasnt jesus born in africa?

God couldnt find 3 wise men and a virgin



Jimmy Carr.

What's the worse thing about eating out a bald pussy?

Taking off the diaper.

How was copper wire invented?

Two Jews fighting over a penny.

What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza?

Pizza doesn't scream in the oven.

What do you say to a floating television set?

Drop it nigger!

Favourite so far

Why does Rihanna sing; To the left, to the left?
>because niggers have no rights

Chris brown did.

What’s the most confusing day in Harlem?
Fathers Day

What do black kids get for Christmas?
Your bike


what was?

It was a joke involving pedo humour. Nothing special.

Why can't Stevie Wonder read?

... Because he's black.

A hearty kek was had.