Let’s see the hands of Sup Forums

Let’s see the hands of Sup Forums


i have a shit tattoo and am not a guy :^)


I wank with this one





What do I do if it says file size too big? What's the best way to compress a photo?

no am small and like 5 feet tall

Nah just small.

>has tattoo

Fuck off newfag. That's reserved for attention seeking whores. Girls aren't such a big deal just go out for once.

you can get a tattoo before 18, faggot

I'm not fisting Sup Forums, I know where it's been

here it is

Why is your thumb so much smaller than your other fingers?

thank u

I would go get that thumb cut


did you hit your thumb with a hammer?

that’s fucking hot man

That’s an odd looking thumb



10/10 would suck thumb

Whiteknight faggot


thAts cool.





Cut your fucking nails




Cut your fucking nails too

oh no

thx I guess

Looks like a child’s hand.

Unlucky size user

How old are you guys?

I just have big dick

I actually like it ngl

That's not what your mother said when i was planting you into her my son


No, those are the hands of someone who doesn’t yet know how the world works.

Working man's hands. The only hands that matter.

Work harder.



fuck you mean nigga I know your ip


Congrats I suppose

Fucking skeletor.