why do right wing girls seem downright creepy?
Why do right wing girls seem downright creepy?
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In her case, it's because she looks and sounds creepy. Most right wing girls are either desperate attention whores or alpha females.
Because they actually use their minds to think about things, something that most of Sup Forums is vehemently opposed to.
Would marry/10.
She's downright awesome!
Because they are raised to believe they are entitled queens.
Because at the heart of it, actually believing right wing ideology is insanely fucked up.
They don't. Easy answer.
She's not right wing. She's pretending to be a nazi. No wonder you all suck with women
Enjoy kissing her and her yellow teeth
Why do leftist kucks call anything they don't immediately understand "creepy"?
Because shes part-Jewish, sounds creepy, looks creepy, and is a blatant attention whore who knows how to make money from people here
Because sanity isn't the norm anymore, so people get frightened when they encounter it.
Better look at all those un-creepy left-wing girls.
>Enjoy kissing her and her yellow teeth
I am British, I love the teeth.
Believing in general is insanely fucked up
Isn't that a 10 or an 11 in britbongistan?
ohhhhh noooo...
It is because the sorts of personality traits that draw people to the right wing (most people vote emotionally, no based on reason) are masculine. I'm a right wing woman myself and I know it is because I am legit aspie and do not see the world from the same emotional perspective as a typical female.
Women thinking or doing shit that isn't stupid in general is kind of off putting. I wouldn't say creepy, but it definitely takes you by surprise.
She really has gone mainstream. I've seen her in trending a video in France.
Because most right wing women don't actually believe it. They're either parroting their family or doing it for attention. They don't live lives that reflect right wing ideology. They're just puppeting what they think you want to hear.
This girl is a little kid in middle school and she her parents are skinheads in oshawa.
This is an 11.
First of all, your analysis has a sample size of 1
Secondly, it's a known fact that women have a much greater herd mentality then men. Men are more likely to have independent opinions that go against whatever the zeitgeist is, whereas women almost invariable fall in line and will have the same opinions as whatever the general consensus is. In a left-wing society, women are all bog-standard leftists. In a right-wing society, women are all traditional conservatives. That's just how it works. Women's opinions are much more influenced by what people around them tell them to think.
We have a left-wing society and fringe groups like the alt-right are inherently going to be male-dominated, due to the simple fact that they're fringe and women don't take on fringe opinions. And therefore, the only women who are going to be in the alt-right at this time are going to be the outliers, and many of those outliers are going to be oddballs.
I'm not kidding by the way.
Almost 600 000 views, more than 10 000 comments, 42k likes.
Some French "comedian" youtuber who makes vids about what's trending lately has been talking shit about her. He is extreme blue pill and the comments are full of underage leftards. They are all like
>hurr nazis are evil
>i'm so glad there are hate speech laws!
>how can such a cute girl become an evil nazi?
>she is insane! she must be put in an institute!
>i bet Sup Forums did this!
>it's because the education system isn't socialist enough and allowed the creation of this monster!
most "average" people look downright ugly
Take a good, long look at the masses on the streets. And I mean every single individual. Most of them aren't going to be lookers.
i don't know, i find lib girls creepy...
kinda like a barren witch
>actually linking his video
>giving him clicks
They only do it to impress Chad or garner attention. Right wing women are a meme anyway, everyone I've ever met leans left.
true, more and more people in america are starting to look deformed, and not just the underclass, though they are looking the worst probably just from the cigarette smoking and the mcdonalds (and the flu shots)
>Jokes on her, I've been going to Sup Forums since 2006 and remain unfased by this weak attempt at edgy trolling
I thought people wouldn't believe me. The funny thing is that I was one of her first 50 subscribers, baxk when she shilled her videos on cripplechan. I unsubcribed later because it was all stuff I had heard thousands of times before.
Can't believe she blew up like this.
Because there are no right wing girls. You can't never turn a women into redpill. Women think and act with emotion.
why don't you guys just start a fan club for this chick then she could get globally popular and all men in the farthest reaches of the earth shall know the name of KEK
is it me or does she look a lot like Anne Frank?
Cigarette smoking is at an all time low. And Europeans have way higher smoking rates.
she's def ashkenaz admixture
whats your point
she will be my wife and we will make many white babies together
she looks like she could easily produce and breastfeed many children
Yeah it sucks to be one and have nazi view points.
that's a man
>That post
>That ID
This is the face of the enemy.
Why do they hate people being happy and doing as people have always done?
um with childbearing glutes like that ?
i don't know buddy
>her yellow teeth
Her teeth don't look that yellow, am I missing something?
That arm has a lot of excess skin.
And that is why women should not be allowed to vote. Yeah, there are smart rational women just as there are dumb emotional men, but by and large, it's a terrible idea and women's suffrage has always been followed by a nanny state and government-as-charity refugees welcome bullshit.
Would slavisize her bloodline/10
>"right-wing" girl
What is the proof? What is it even pointing to? The picture quality is shit.
How is that image proof in any way shape or form
She's a spook so that's her excuse.
She looks like Trudeau, is that a leaf thing because they are inbred?
Girls that still wear dresses are waifu material desu
Waifus are 2D, dumbass.
She's an ugly kike
Finally somebody makes sense, she is an ugly attention whore.
they are from the inside beautiful
Onision said so. The JIDF are repeating it.
>This is the face of the enemy.
>Why do they hate people being happy and doing as people have always done?
Because they ruined their one chance at a healthy life with a person they love by their side.
Their heart is charcoal and they want to harm those who still have souls.
Just listen to the bitterness and anger in her voice. She is a dead person, sentenced to live out the rest of her life on her own smelling like cat urine and joints.
jew here. She's cute as fuck. Would marry.
>She looks like Trudeau,
Nuhh uhhh. Trudeau is a bitch. Evalion is a god.
>Girls that still wear dresses are waifu material desu
True desu, so feminine and lovely.
They are a reflection of the creepyness Sup Forums doesn't see in themselves. Since it's a girl it throws them back, like watching yourself in an out of body experience and noticing how strange and grotesque you really are
Plaque is tasty. Hope she enjoys my smegma.