Hillary won by 3 million votes

Hillary won by 3 million votes

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lmgtfy.com/?q=Who is the President of the United States?

And how did that work out for her?

well no, she didnt won. orange is in office

Killary won by 3.3 million votes in the communist republic of California, the electoral collage exists to prevent one garbage liberal wasteland from exerting it's will over the rest of the country

Silly snowflake, in real life 2nd place isn't winning.

The electoral college exists to allow but fuck ignorant mid western wastelands to inflict their 18th century cretinous beliefs on the majority in the coastal cities where the money is made.

this af

No, she really, really didn't.

Trump won by counties. We don't select a president that way, but he did. Trump won by precincts. We don't select a president that way, either, but he did. Trump won by not being under federal investigation for multiple felonies committed while a cabinet member of a piece of shit communist cocksucker. We don't select a president that way, b.... actually, apparently, we did select a president that way.

Sorry 'bout your penis.

You seem angry. It actually exists so the overpopulated cities couldn't have an "ignorant mass" advantage over the equally and sometimes more hardworking rural center states.

Those mid states feed you.

wow, this is a hard one! lmgtfy.com/?q=Who is the President of the United States?

Love you, user. Keep fighting the good fight.

No she didn't and the left are the ones blocking the recounts.

Are you high on crack? California has the worst education in the country.

Sounds about right. I guess real democracy is too much for you pansies who pretend to have a “true democracy” while living in a republic

was 9/11 an inside job as well /pol?

The only people who want a "real Democracy" are the fags in California who think everything gives you cancer.
And they only want it so they can take everyone else's money.

What was she listening to?

sad little troll...

she won electoral vote, which doesn't mean shit because trump won electoral college. which is only election that has this backwards 1776 leftover.

not even first to win popular vote and still lose election..

but hey, you're on Sup Forums. it's given you're trolling or an idiot.

also? go to drunk Sup Forums, you're home.

You are retarded in you believe this. There are Midwest schools where they can only afford to have schools open 3-4 days a week.

>teach transgenderism to children
>only open 4 days a week and teach math
don't be retarded

but do they have money for teachers?

5 million illegal votes
>cheated and still lost

this. the number of anti-gmo and anti-vaccine people in california is justification enough to reduce their influence on who leads us.

Not sure how I can be a troll by any internet definition since I gave actual, y'know, facts, but here's more.

Starting in 2 hours from my time zone, there will be 365 more days that Hillary Clinton will not be President of the United States, because she lost the Electoral vote, meaning, she lost the electoral college.

Sorry 'bout your penis.

Say, Sport, I know you're trying to find something on DailyKos to back up your gay ass shit, but since I've got some seriously cool things to do at midnight and need to get ready, I'm gonna leave you hanging. But you keep chasing that rainbow, buddy, I'm sure you won't have to masturbate to child porn in your mom's basement forever, you'll make it!

or you could embrace conservatism, get a job, become a useful productive member of society and be a man.

Hahahah! Just kidding! Once you've had a dick in your mouth, you're always a faggot!!

She lost and she's a pedophile satanist, a genocide psycho

Ok retard


I'm from the Midwest and you are 300% wrong

good, fuck you nigger popculture worshipping retards go to another country if you dont like it crybaby bitch.

midwest education

lmfao get shit on you dumb faggot hows it feel to get dicked by the system. stay in your nigger infested coastal ghettos

I'm just curious on what Sup Forums thinks about Liberals who don't support all liberal thinking and Conservatives that don't support all conservative actions. Has this already be talked about and I should check the Archives or has that not ever been discussed?



Donnie at daycare

>implying Hillary was under investigation despite the FBI multiple statements denying an investigation
>implying Trump is not currently under federal investigation
It's not humanly possible to be this retarded

Salt-Left threads are liquid shit.

That's funny because it was actually put in place to prevent large urban centers from controlling the rest of the country. AKA the exact opposite of what you said. Enjoy having DJT live rent free in your mind for the next 7 years since you're clearly still butthurt as fuck.

Alright cool, was it talked about in their archives?

A true democracy is just about as scary as a dictatorship and wouldn't be a good system of government. Our system is flawed like any other, but it's a good middle ground between tyranny of one person and tyranny of the masses.

lol she didn't win anything but those crutches she's now sporting and whatever STD Bill gave her.

you say that like having a mobility impairment is a bad thing. fdr is widely considered the second best president by everyone, he was in a wheelchair.

Close, but not quite. DC has the worst, and last I saw Mass and Illinois were up there ahead of us too.
But yeah, they're fucking socialist union-driven shit-tier.

Is this your first time at Sup Forums? It's humanly possible to be much more stupid than this.

>Thinks $$$ equals education
Fuck off liar.

you listed two states at the top of the ranks while insulting a third. Only DC scores low, and still better than Mississippi or 'Bama.

Guess that union shit works for the masses. You're just scared that it's encroaching on your white privilege, faggot.

I would steal the pants off of that dumb bitch, and then ejaculate on them.

No, asshole, he's talking about Kansas and Oklahoma, which are so keen on ending all taxation that those two states cannot even meet their constitutional obligations.

>white privilege
not user but found the nigger

FDR is the closest the republic has come to failing, he left us with a lot of shit that is still causing problems 80 years later.

almost 4 million.

nah, he didnt. everyone says he was the second best after lincoln, youre just a contrarian douche.

nope, white guy here. Just one who has read enough history to know it's real. IF nothing but FHA housing policy after WW2 and Korea, plus Redlining, doesn't prove it to you, then you're an idiot. Also, you're a racist, or as you like to call it, a White Nationalist.

FDR is a complete fucking egotistical failure.

Yeah, rural electrification, Social Security, a middle class... what an asshole. IF he'd just let the Germans conquer the world and exterminate 99% of the people, why, things would be just peachy.

Fucking bigots on the internet who don't have the guts or decency to say this shit in public where they can get their asses beat down.

happy new year

>oh, Trump is too old and tripped, IMPEACH!
>uh, Bush stutters, IMPEACH!
>Obama is eloquent, 8 more years!
Keep tonguing that milky two-party butthole, lefty.

keep getting triggered by obvious sarcasm, dumbass.

im just saying - white privilege and racist r often put in the same sentence. i dont think its right to blame white all the time

The funniest thing about this thread is that butthurt OP created a thread that's turned against him. Suck shit bleeding heart Socialist scumbag.

Uh, sorry. Massachusetts is doing "okay", Michigan is 32nd worst. DC is 48th. CA is 28th. That should tell you something about the rest:

>encroaching on your white privilege
Wat? What's encroaching? On what privilege?

He said "midwest schools" and "can't afford", meaning he thinks that money equals a better education. It's simply not true. I have no knowledge of KS and OK

I hate Trump. Hill did win more popular votes. The problem is that is not how you play the game. Trump won the game.

It bugs me when this is brought up. If a football team gains the most yards it doesn't matter. The final score is all that matters. Don't play the game to get the nice stats. Play to win and worry about the rest never.

>my dad

do you live under a rock? or you just dont read or associate with smart people?

Have you even studied him at all? He was like a jock all pumped up before a football game. He wasn't smart, though he was bold and decisive, he mainly got lucky. Shit was in shambles when he left office.

And even with the fraud she managed to lose 8-)

Keep pretending to be retarded with obvious retardation, dumbass.

lincoln, both roosevelts and eisenhower are widely regarded by historians to be the best presidents in the history of the united states.

more than 3 million votes were illegitimate.

You first need to fully define liberal and conservative. That hasn't been done yet.

trust me, Im not pretending to be anything except right.

Keep this sort of shit up leftards and you'll loose the next election too.
The silent majority don't like that you're publicly displaying your brainwashed children...
Oh but hey, keep it up if it prevents your leaders from getting elected.
Thanks for being fucktards.

Hillary is a loser. She lied, cheated and stole and still lost. She's pathetic.

>widely regarded
>my older brothers

>pretending to be right
Yeah, we can tell.

you should learn how to use google sometime. you might be surprised by what you learn.

Are your dad and brothers on there, telling me who was awesome?

its too easy to get a response from you alt right weirdos.

Yeah what a bunch of dummies

alt right? I'm the opposite of an extreme leftist. And you're the one who said you "weren't pretending to be anything but right."

then you won't be needing their fucking water, right?

or minerals
or oil
or food
or natural gas
or wood
or machinery
>they'll be fine.

Hillary lost to literally the weakest and most flawed opponent in a very long time.

Hillary lost to Donald fucking Trump. Let that sink in. Any capable Republican opponent would have beat Clinton by light years, she was just that bad.

>Hillary is literally the weakest and most flawed opponent in a very long time