hey Sup Forums so i have this friend we've been friends for about 2 years he has this daughter, who is fairly young and not legal what so ever but since i've known him she seems to have this thing for me, shes always hitting me but in a flirty way and always trying to get me to play with her (not in that way) example, i was talking to my boy he asked what was i doing later that day and i told him i was going to this girls house, she heard me say this and got pretty upset....now does this girl like me or is it just me and my fucked up head
i just find it weird cause this is how most normal girls would go about showing interest in a boy!!
Hey Sup Forums so i have this friend we've been friends for about 2 years he has this daughter...
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>girls would go about showing interest in a boy
2+2=4 user
stop faggot
all in head
English. Do you speak it motherfucker
well if you end up fucking her post it, niggas will fap to it
Begins convo sounding like he is the older man but then refers to himself as a boy. Bet he is the same age as the girl.
ooga booga bix nood mufukkah
Dude, just STFU and be her cool uncle/godfather that she can always come to with her problems. Eventually you'll get that pussy in it's prime, just don't wait too long.
oh look
it's the same nigger who got kicked out of 8/b/ for being too obnoxious, trying to push his bullshit here again.
so much for "muh pedo community". lol
But jail is, plus the 20 lockup black guys who will be fucking you up your cute little asshole,
Suck on her toes, see how she responds.
Minus 1 das 3...quick maths!
there's like 3 people on cripplechan no one cares about that place
half her age plus 7 that's how many times you can fuck her before the police gets you
Everyday mans on the block
Smoke trees
>got kicked out of 8/b/
give the guy a medal
Find a chance to babysit at your place.
Profit lol
So, 7 times?
As someone that worked as a middle school teaching assistant, young girls often do stuff like this
They see you as far superior to their year mates, but they aren't ready at all
Nothing good can come of this, only jail time, social death, etc
When I worked retail I also saw it with lots of 16 y/o cashiers trying to cozy up with older men
It's basically a board for pedophiles, now dysnigger got sick of their bullshit and decided to ban them for good, so they became refugees here because nobody likes them on 8/b/ because of how obnoxious, annoying, and obsessive they are.
It's funny, actually. Nobody liked these pedophiles fucks there, but they still keep hopping from chan to chan regardless of the fact that they're met with disdain and disgust, by civilized people, wherever they go. So they just start sperging out and shitting themselves in anger calling everyone else a "sheep" posting the same pictures over and over again.
It's funny to see them struggle trying to convince their disease is "normal".
you sick fuck
Checked for truth
>posting the same pictures over and over again
yeah what's up with that. 80% of their board was Zhenya last time I checked.
>It's basically a board for pedophiles
You mean Sup Forums Sup Forums
>When I worked retail I also saw it with lots of 16 y/o cashiers trying to cozy up with older men
Absolutely Disgusting TBH
I Worked in school. A little girl try to touch me (always). Is a disgusting moment. I don't like minors. I think is because the infant sexuality (Freud theories, etc.).
fuck her if you get a chance. some of the hottest stories i've read are from guys in situations like yours. you'll regret it the rest of your life of you don't find out how much she wants to fuck of at all
Go for it, then if you get out of rison after your 20 year stretch let us know how it went.
It's just one desperate guy trying to "convert" normal people.
That guy most likely has some mental issue, considering he was up there basically 24/7 posting the exact same pictures of the same girl for years.
People got sick and tired of him there and now he's seeking asylum here. lol
Neck yourself, pedo scum.
Autism detected.
Strictly speaking it isn't a mental illness according to the APA. They even tried to classify it as a sexual orientation but people got butthurt so now it's "only a disorder if it causes distress or results in kids getting raped".
Plenty of kids get childhood crushes on adults. Don't do anything about it. You guys are fucked up for even considering doing anything.
Same thing.
>Neck yourself
What a rational reaction. Btw you don't have to be a pedo to know its not a 'disease'.
I dont think her pussy works yet
don't listen to this guy. you should go for it if you think there's a good chance she's down to mess around a bit. your dick will thank me later
Mouth and ass does though. LoL
I know, I know. I can call it a birth defect too, if you don't like the word 'disease'.
Not an argument. It's only an illness if a pedophile acts on his or her desires, and they only included that under pressure from anti-pedo kikes.
Are you only gay if you act on your gay desires?
Nice try, pedo scum.
No, don't do it.
>birth defect
Implying that its something people can't choose.
I agree. But its as much of a birth defect as being gay.
>pedo sum.
What a cringey guy you are, a true keyboard warrior.
It is perfectly normal for a young female to find interest in an older male, however it is not the same interest that the older male would have for the younger female. Females are attracted by emotional thinking, not visual or sexual thinking. Their arousal comes from forming bonds and finding emotional comforts. A male can fuck based off physical attraction.
This is important because as an older male you have an authority over the younger female and can easily persuade her to go beyond her comforts to attain her emotional desires. When you don't provide those emotional desires she will get upset and your world will become hell.
Careful how you handle her. It is best to keep distance unless her father for some fucked up reason says it's ok to give her attention.
Its common for young girls to have crushes on older guys. My now wife has a much younger cousin who has always had a crush on me. When she was around 13 or so I woke up one morning to find her in my bed. She had crawled in there at some point, her family thought it was cute, I thought too close for comfort. Just ignore it.
Are you willing to keep her interest until she's 18?
Must have been strange when she got out of bed and your dick came out of her
you are pedo scum
t. not who you were replying to
No forget it, get away from there as fast as you can. She can fuck up your life in an instant OP.
And being a hate filled asshole is righteous?
Funny, nothing happened, she was just sleeping. Little kids is not my thing. I prefer big assed women. Plus, not big on jail
Voice of experience speaking?
children are not illegal, user.
According to the APA's official definition. Nigger learn to read.
>you are pedo scum
And you are just plain scum.
Do you really think saying that hurts my feelings? "I'm scum!?!? Oh no what should I do user?"
How does it feel to be hated by every rational individual in existence, while still clinging onto this delusion that you're the one who is right and everybody else is wrong?
>anti-pedo kikes
Is pedophilia the final redpill?
>How does it feel to be hated by every rational individual in existence
Tbh you make it sound really cool.
bandwagon fallacy and not even a very good one since pedos have only been society's scapegoat for the last 50 years and only in western countries and only among white people.
Only civilized upper class people condemn scumbag sub-humans who want to defend barbaric practices in modern times.
It's no wonder a fucking third-world-nigger would say something like that.
>kike funded media campaign since the 80's to portray all white males as potential child rapists
>pedo hysteria used as an excuse to increasingly take away civil rights such as freedom of speech or privacy
>focus exclusively on arresting white males for victimless crimes, aka cp
Wake up, people. Anti pedo is codeword for anti white.
As interesting as this may be, it's normal for preteen and teen girls to develop a crush on non-parental adults around them. A close family with ours had a 13 year old daughter that would txt me continuously for four years (till she was 17). She would flirt with me relentlessly, even right in front of her parents. Once she truned 17 she figured out that she needed to like boys her own age and went on with life. I could have rekt that shit a million times, but it would haver done little more than fuck her up and put me in jail. She's now in her twenties and i'm like a second father to her. Did I want to hit it? Fuck yeah I did. She was a good 9/10 for her age and immaturity. But I knew better, and so should you.
>Only civilized upper class people
No middle class. Btw lots of politicians and celebs are pedos.
>a fucking third-world-nigger
You sound like a nice person. Totally more civilised than a pedo.
bend her over and put just the tip in. if she doesn't scream and cry, he's golden
>equating pedophila with being white in a desperate attempt to gain sympathy
Nice try, sack of shit.
stick it deep in her
>exposing kike d&c tactics is an attempt to gain sympathy
kill yourself you fucking jew
>victimless crimes
>aka CP
uh the victims are the children in the CP you fucking dipshit faggot
>nobody likes them on 8/b/
this is excellent quality b8. they were the only thing keeping 8/b/ alive. i mean, i came back to fucking cuckchan because 8 sucked ass so hard
>Being against child rape means you're a jew.
whew lad
>being against consensual sex between adults and minors is the same as being against child rape
>being this retarded
Minors can't give consent, you obnoxious cunt.
c-c-c-combo breaker
guys talk about how much cop dick you suck now
So then why isn't revenge porn illegal to possess?
tbh for all of human history the dividing line between adult and minor was puberty. it's insane to think that evolution has adapted in the last 100 years just becuase we passed some stupid law saying you can't fuck a 17 year old
They always pull this shit, they use the word "antis" to refer to non-pedos (when what they actually mean is almost all of civilization) and try to tie intolerance for pedophilia to feminism and whatever else they think is unpopular to their audience.
I miss burning down their home. That was so fun.
take that to this thread you stupid faggot
look up the evolution of statutory rape laws, you obnixious cunt. a girl who tried to give her sexuality away consented to sex, as long as she had hit puberty. it's only recently that guys can't fuck willing girls
show us how your attracted
to who your married to
Legally, they can't. That's in place as a protective measure but it goes too far in its implementation.
Sex is a very simple biological instinct. If you think children cannot consent to it because their cognitive thinking abilities are not developed to the level of an adult then you are also against all animals having sex which is plainly absurd.
you pretentious fucking prick
Thats not true. I would have fucked plenty of adults as a child.
little girls develop crushes on older guys/men all the time. literally all the time.
Taking pictures of an adult in a public space during a protest, isn't the same as forcing a child to take their clothes in private so you can take pictures of them, you fucking nigger.
I ain't married nor do i plan to
not sure what the correlation is there but youre obviously fucking retarded
>being this heavily in denial of reality
>rejection is not and option
not an
you've made my mah day
If you arent an adult, you are therefore a child