Tell me honestly, why did you vote for Trump?

Tell me honestly, why did you vote for Trump?

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he was the better candidate. why would you vote for the lesser of two leaders for your country?

Bitch I been voting for Eugene Debs in every election, local and national, since 1996

Because Hilary. Would do it again.

He wasn't a Clinton or a Bush.

We were dangerously close to a continual duopolistic monarchy.

Because he bought a slovic whore/mail order bride.

I didn't. He's a fucking idiot and so is anyone that voted for him.

Ok retard

Chelsea's ugly ass would be immeasurably better than Donald Trump. Prove me wrong, faggot.

Thanks for not understanding what a "republic" is.

You'll one day discover that the guy at the top could literally be a case of beer and the VP could be a paralyzed goat in a wheelie-harness and the country would go along exactly as if it were two humans.

um ivanka is way hotter than chelsea so eat shit faggot

I literally don't have to; She'll never win. Or run.

Nikki Haley, though...

I let anons talk me into it. In retrospect, I'm not sure what compelled me to take political advice from the people who I spend 90% of my interactions with thinking up some new way to call them faggot or retard.

Beery/Goaty 2020

Here comes the ad hom... Enjoy your tax break, faggot you'll have to trip over desperate homeless and sick children to spend it.

he said he would suck all the chemtrails up his nose in one big drug run

under obamas administration i saw 3 homeless shelters close and insurance premiums skyrocket soo at least we get a tax break

sure you will buddy.

once you get a job i think you'll understand a little better but for now i can tell you that the government has spent a lot in the past 8 years and the smaller cities suffer for it

stop the flow of uneducated immigrants that gobble up my taxes and vote like spoiled children.

>trip over desperate homeless and sick children to spend it.
Fucking Obamacare and it's goddamn individual mandate made me homeless in 2015. I had been scraping by, counting on my tax return to stay in the black and start to dig myself out of the hole I was in, but the fucking tax penalty ate my entire return. I was broke as fuck and could no more afford health insurance than I could afford to freebase sapphires in a pipe made from a Faberge Egg, but per the government's math, I totally had enough to pay for healthcare I wouldn't use and was going to be raped for not doing so. Wound up losing my shitty apartment and spent the next six months living in my car.

Anything that killed the individual mandate had my unrestrained support, so I fucking loved this tax bill.

well, if it makes you feel better some alcoholic fuck probably got cheaper medical care because of your sacrifice

Felt he was the lesser of two evils. I didn't really expect him to win, but I didn't feel that I could look my self in the mirror if I voted for Clinton and she won.

I remember staying up until 4am that night to watch the votes come in. When he won I actually felt relieved. At this point though, I don't really give a shit. I kinda just want everyone to shut up.

this, right here

Tell me honestly, what fucking difference it makes?

This it the most truth that will ever be told here. The retards will not listen. >_>

you're about to find out

You know, I'd rather it went to a liver transplant for some old wino, but I know instead it went to Laqueefa's 8 kids she fills her government house with. And that is so much worse.

Maybe if you hadn’t spent all your income on crack you could have afforded it.

You spent 8 years complaining about Obama and still bitch about Clinton. Hypocrisy

This guy gets it

I really only started to dislike Obama after the "red line" in Syria ordeal. Such a wet-leaf move.

you are a liar and a moron. if you were making so little money that you couldn't afford insurance or the tax penalty then you could have gotten medicaid in your state. also. the mandate in 2015 would have been less than $100 based on your income level. liar. stop creating false horror stories to justify electing this moronic shill

Hillary Killington is a psychopath.
Donald J Trump is an economic genius.

Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite and a sociopath.

He needed that 100 dollars for crack. What, did you expect for him to switch to meth, like a poor person?

Because the left are loud/obnoxious butthurt fascists.

Trump admitted to personally aging molested woman. Grabbing them by the pussy and walking into dressing rooms. He’s practically Harvey Weinstein.

I thought Hillary would embrace SJW ideology and help push it into actual law, which I thought would cause severe social problems far greater in magnitude and more difficult to reverse than some tax amount slider being wrong or some foreign policy being too aggressive. SJW ideology cannot be allowed to further invade legal precedent, it will cost the court it's authority and law much of it's effectiveness.

So you voted for a loud obnoxious fascist? One with a lot of ties to elites on the left, including the Clinton’s.

Lying bitch. Typical libtard.

I didn't. I care about my country and I'm not a a fucking retard or a loser. Trump voters are lesser Americans and pretty much pond scum.


>trump is an economic genius
please do some research. find out how many companies have gone under with him at the wheel. how many of his business ventures have failed. how many people does he owe money to. how many people has he screwed over like a jew. he is not an economic genius. he can barely form a sentence. he is just good at not paying people. should I even mention his fake college? or that he sexually assaults women and nobody does anything about it? he is a perverted idiotic xenophobic old man going through dementia and paying his poor wife to put up with him.

You can listen to him say those things. He admitted them on tape. Now you’re just denying reality

He said they would let him because of his fame. Different from rape you fag.

"Like a Jew". To be fair most Jews are no more dishonest than their Christian peers. He’s just a typical New Yorker. He’s his dads son.

what was the lie? he said it. it was recorded. like.. are you in denial that deep? admit you fucked up

I really think America is too young to man up and admit a woman is right.

"I mean, she's a woman - why isn't she in the kitchen? She should be in the kitchen, next time she'll think she can vote." - John Doe

He said he grabbed them and they didn’t stop him. Probably out of shock.

I wanted an amusing president who was also not Hillary fucking Clinton.

Harvey also thinks him being important is reason enough to let him shower with you.

Found the nigger faggot

Trump 2020 nig

> Cathy Heller met Trump at a Mother’s Day brunch in 1997. She tells us he forcibly tried to kiss her. “He took my hand, and grabbed me, and went for the lips.”

Well I've seen the first two parts multiple times, he just doesn't "go for the lips" when it happens to be Trudeau.

1) I hated Hilary.
2) Trump was anti-PC
3) Exposed the media for the bullshitters they were
4) I made the mistake of voting for Obama once and got shit on as a result. I learned from my mistake.
5) I realized that Trump was just making media sensations because he is good at it and it gives him free press (no such thing as bad press), and media benefits because free clickbait.
6) Got the GOP to stop being stupid sticks in the mud with regards to the social issues, which was killing them in votes.

"Ant pc". You mean he is a loud mouthed bigot.

Because the DNC's choices for candidates were that fucking retarded. Also, my state always voted for the Democrat presidential candidate and the system for it here is state-take-all with how the Electors' votes are counted, so my protest vote never hurts a thing for the Democrats with that.

I voted for him because it would create a discussion, and maybe we could reduce the "us vs them" attitude. Aside from the mobs of idiots from both parties that shouldn't be taken seriously, people around me are actually talking civilly with those they once considered enemies. People are beginning to understand that the party they supported is equally corrupt to the one they fought against, though often corrupt in entirely different ways. I don't think this is a final solution; I actually think the scale will tip far to the left very soon just as it has rested for many decades now, but the seeds this event has sown will be play a part in due time.

> Exposed the media for the bullshitters they were

Please don't tell me you watch Fox News and InfoWars now... that's the only media Trump supports. Oh and also Breitbart.

I mean, media sure is shitty sometimes, but Trump promotes the worst shit in a huge pile of shit and being the worst is some accomplishment, beceause there are some other extremely shitty shit news sites in that pile but ooh no, he goes for the rancidest, worm-filledest, ripest shit in the whole shit community. Shit.

Not sure who's more of a cretin -- Trump or his brain dead followers.

so that hillary would not become president. she is unfit to be president and would only deepen the problems we already have.

and as an added bonus, trump reveals the corruption of the mainstream media and epic failure and insanity of alt-leftists who hijacked everything left of center in the political spectrum

>gold digging doesn't exist, melania isn't a tasteful gold digger
>women on Weinstein's casting couch knew what they had to do to get famous and went along with it but it's still rape
>if both parties are drunk the male is de-facto a rapist
>harrush is not rape


I voted my conscience.


Foreign policy, domestic policy, fiscal policy.

Projecting much?

Cool when does he start gassing liberals?

You're the kind of guy who's never even had a W-2?

The women "on Weinstein's couch" didn't all give consent. He straight up forced them to fuck or give him a bj. Different from feeling up a star struck woman.

No we didn't.

>Probably out of shock.
No, star struck. That was the point.


>my state always voted for the Democrat presidential candidate and the system for it here is state-take-all with how the Electors' votes are counted, so my protest vote never hurts a thing
This. My vote makes no difference ever. All this debate is pointless.

>image macro

>complaining about Obama and still bitch about Clinton
Implying they aren't the same pro-corporate shills that Bush. Idgaf about your faggy political parties.

Okay here's exactly how you got owned by him.

>Mexicans send us terrible people!

Your interpretation: I hate mexicans. I'm a racist, racists, vote for me!

Normal interpretation: Mexico is knowingly exporting criminals to the United States rather than incarcerating them in Mexico because it costs a lot of money to run prisons, especially ones the

He's right, hell, I used to live in Sacramento and Las Vegas had been bussing us their mentally ill homeless for years. Because it was cheap. It's a cheat. So he simultaneously baits you and entices people without a racialized interpretation with what for them is an extremely reasonable policy: stop letting Mexico break it's own laws and our laws to save a buck by making things which are their problem our problem.

Every single "racist" thing he said is crafted in this same way, to elicit overreaction from the enemy and almost surprise at his lack of radical thinking by his base as he goes around closing up tiny holes. He even extends this to physical reality: Why a fence full of holes when you could build one solid wall? It's all built in appealing to the practical person and alienating the oversocialized far-left.

I hated Hilary. Bernie or buster here.

I knew I would weather the storm either way. It's just going to be rough for most people for awhile. So long as I continue to care less about others it shouldn't effect me too much

*especially ones the international community would approve of

whoops, champagne, you understand

I voted my conscience.

Some were not and just suffered shock. When you grab dozens of woman assuming they are all into you you’re going to be wrong some of the time. He was wrong 16.

For example "Summer Zervos, a contestant on The Apprentice, met with Trump in 2007 about getting a job with the Trump Organization. She tells us he greeted her with an “open-mouthed” kiss and groped her breast. As she attempted to push him off, he “thrusted his genitals” against her."
Yeah. He’s basically the Harvey Weinstein of the pageant world.

>how do I into hollywood accounting

bitch Donny made 250 million from the Apprentice alone, literally every wealthy businessperson has a string of "failures" on their docket for tax maximization purposes, the fact that you don't know that just exposes how ignorant you are to the worlds of business and finance

Well I suppose that was politically incorrect

he makes the right people very angry, that was all he needed to do to secure my vote

We love him most for the enemies he has made

the amount of ignorant self-righteous faggots who now suffer from full blown Trump Derangement Syndrome is a constant source of amusement

I didn't. I'm not an idiot.

I'm not a retard or a pedophile. No I did not vote for him.


To see the world that mocked and ridiculed me die under a mountain of nuclear fallout. He's an unstoppable monster that Soros and Hillary and their like created. Retribution incarnate.
>i did it for the LARP

it's funny because they literally cannot even conceive of someone just having a job

I have great health insurance, I work for a living

Lots of people who work for a living can’t afford coverage due to pre existing conditions and a lapse due to not being able to afford health insurance due to not being able to work for a period due to illness. Now under Obamacare they cannot be turned down due to pre existing conditions, such as cancer or risk of pregnancy. Also yfw risk of pregnancy is a pre existing condition.

>Spend 8 years bitching about Bush

>Act like complaints about anything dirty with Obama's elections should instantly be dismissed because no one took really lame conspiracy theories from Left-tards about Bush's election or just crying:"They stole the election!" seriously.

>Suddenly, despite the flawless logic of "Your complaints shouldn't be taken seriously because ours weren't last time", we're supposed to take yours to heart now.

>Mention hypocrisy

you do realize that ACA took away pre-existing conditions. and it required preventative services be free. which means things like your colonoscopy is free. your daughter and wife's birth control is free. Mammograms are free. preventative care like wellness visits each year are free. It also allows your child to stay on your insurance longer. just a few of the things that it did. republicans want to take all of that away without a substitute in place

because he has kept over 60% of his campaign promises

yeah. before the ACA if you were pregnant and saw a doctor then it was listed as a medical condition. then if something happened to make you lose the insurance you had. you couldn't get another insurance company to accept you while you are pregnant. saying it was a pre-existing condition. or say you didn't have insurance. you contract HIV and go to a free clinic where you find this out. now that you saw a doctor and know you have HIV good luck getting an insurance company to accept you. The ACA was amazing and undervalued for all that it did

I didn’t hate Bush. Well sr at least. Junior was a moron, but compared to Trump...