Link made me bisexual

Link made me bisexual

yaoi thread?
>yaoi thread.



Link made me gay, I was probably like 11 when I fell in love with him.
Let's get this thread rolling.



IDK about OP, but if anyone has some Peter Pan to share, I'll accept that too.








Can we get some more adult looking Links like OPs first picture? :3




My link folder is a mix of young link and adult link.
I post what I have.
Hopefully another dumper will join us

There's about 20 different links, and most of them are young teenagers, so... yea.


this outfit was the best part of botw





Fake news, the Sheikian outfit was way cuter. The gerudo outfit has been done to death by now..


Cute bride link is best link











whoa im aroused....

but only when i see a butt!
is this gay?

Link is an elf.
Sure, he's an elf-boy, but is it gay to like legolas?
I think not.
Elf-boys are practically angels or something, so it's more like an interspecies fettish.

Just enjoy it.



Pic related, it's not gay to like elf-boys.








implying i wouldnt sit on a zora cock

>Implying dolphin cocks aren't already a well established fetish on Sup Forums



It's how it starts...
Now I want to be in Link's position in this picture.


I want link to fuck me.
I've always hungered for link's cock.

implying i wouldnt sit on one of those either




looks like a spot some homosexuals

MFW link has a shark double dick fettish

looks like i spot some homosexuals

>on Sup Forums
>spot some homosexuals
Well, stop the presses.




same tho






I only have young link shota left now, post?

There needs to be more art of Link getting fucked by a Group of Bokoblins and getting turned into their slut.

U know what? There's actually 2 shota threads going on right now, so I wont post the young link stuff.

Hopefully someone else has new yaoi material


No shit

There needs to be more Link being a slut in general.

Name a single benefit to being straight.

>Name a single benefit to being straight.

Meh, there's shots for that now.
Who even cares.
Link's dick is worth it.