Should I kill myself ?

should I kill myself ?

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there's no reason, objectively, to do so or not.


party of 5

Yes, yes you should, B O I

if you wanna kill yourself, you need a legacy.
do a school shooting, terrorist attack or something like that. you'll be remembered for centuries

when things seems dark just endure.

Considering in 3 years you might buy a winning lottery ticket and find a whole new life, sure! Go ahead and die tonight because that makes perfect sense! A moment defining your lifetime.

sure y not

no but thanks for the porn gif

I mean 72 virgins could be waiting for you, you never know

>A moment defining your lifetime.

Not OP. But thanks for this Sup Forumsrother.

The answer is always yes unless you are a faggot plebbiter

Yea, but you should do something. Spend a year focused intently on succeeding at something.

Can't speak for OP, but I ain't killing myself until they make sex androids. Ghost in the shell style. I will sex an android or i will become immortal

What is the epitomy a life=


I would be lying if I said everything would get better


Do something worthwhile before checking out

Why wouldn't you?


No. You're gonna miss out user.


Why go to the toruble? Entropy will do it for you if you just ignore it, and in the meantime you can shitpost on Sup Forums for grins.

to be a counter to all the faggots in this thread, there's a possibility shit gets a lot better in the future that makes your life worth living. you should live for that possibility OP

the rest of you faggots can kys

Are you enjoying your life, and contributing in a positive way? Then no
Is your life miserable? Then get professional help. It actually does work.
If you have done that, and still miserable... then yes

That's up to you but let me make a suggestion if you do decide you want to die make yourself useful and take some nigger with you. Rent a uhaul fill the box with explosives drive to the inner city and kaboom


I love you Sup Forums
Atleast I'll be able to tell someone who might believe me tonight.
But I can't go on. But this is the way I want to go. Like dust in the wind when this thread is deleted. Godspeed you guys.


considering the 80 something years he's likely gonna live w/o winning the lottery it does indeed make sense

It's time we stop thinking that life is worth living if you're not amongst the 1%