New s/fur/ thread, last one hit limit

new s/fur/ thread, last one hit limit

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you're welcome btw!


6 minutes to new year!


For what?




Not where it matters

And I am completely indifferent.



I can't say I'm upset by anything, but like almost every year there's issues with timing and remotely communicating with their other stations. They had a bit with Celene Dion and their communications were about 5 seconds apart, lots of weird pauses and awkward conversation with crowd goers too

And since she's from Quebec it was pretty awkward just to listen to her speak and then about 20 seconds after she actually started to sing they went back to NYC. I'd call it teething issues but it's the same issues every year.

but Dave Chapelle smoking a joint on live TV and then trying to hide it was pretty good


what's up Kenny Rogers?


I may wait around at work a lot because of procedure, or waiting for inspection, but when I am doing what I do it's extremely uncomfortable.
I come home from work with a sore back, bruises all over my arms, cuts and scrapes, missing hair from getting snagged on stuff.

But, that's my job and I willingly do it in return for getting paid.

How's that office chair and keyboard treat you?


Come on, it's fun Dash.


Good evening kenny

Oh ya, I don't get how that's still an issue. I mean, I know there are technical limitations, but they should at least know how to handle that gap.
God bless Dave though.

Not bad, but I'm not the one pissed that people got off on NYE.


I don't have fun, and couldn't give any less fucks about holidays. I'm not a nice person to be around.

HAPPY NUDE DEAR 2018!!!!!!!

I'm glad Chicago gave up on the stupid ball drop thing they did the past 2 years.

Wow. Literally nothing has changed except for a number.


I'm not pissed either.
Just pointing out the duficulty of finding a good burger tonight.
You need to not turn everything I say into an assault on others.


My folks are boring, they just wanted to sleep through it this year.


Is this the part where I tell you you'll never be happy if you act that way?

A+ backpedalling



Yeah, it's just little things like that. I wasn't paying too much attention except for Dave Chapelle so I can't be mad. I still think they can iron most of those things out, or reduce them.

Where did they do that?

Funny thing with Chappelle is that the weed probably really is medicinal. That man is funny when he's on, but a total loony the rest of the time.

Um, Fox is broadcasting from New York City as if it's still an hour until midnight.
Do they not believe in timezones now either?

I probably would have if I could have slept anymore.

Sure. I don't give a fuck about being happy anyway.

On the Hyatt Chicago hotel. It was a dinky little thing, and you needed tickets to even get close to it. No wonder the turnout was bad.

Wouldn't surprise me. It's been 2018 all day here

I've heard of having a "burning sensation" before, but that's ridiculous. I think it's time to have that shit checked.


Nice bat friend!

Bats are just behind tigers as my favorite species. I love them.

Go back and read the post that started this.


Yes, you said holidays are only good for preventing you from getting a burger. That's like, one of the most salty things I've ever read.

First fluffy blue fox dance of the new year!

My nude deer resolution is to only fap to Krystal all year, and maybe Mihari, Ara, Boha, and Gradie Ann Shawnty. I think I'm slowly starting to find human girls less attractive.



>probably really is medicinal
It's stupid easy to get a med card. I doubt the sincerity of him using it for "medical" reasons but whatever, it's not earth shattering news or anything

The local news is delay broadcasting it here, at least they were earlier when I caught it walking by a restaurant

That sucks. I bet the fireworks in downtown are way better anyway



i love tigers, and bats. they are in my top 5 favs. my absolute fav is avians

Ya, I know. You'd think they'd remove the "Live" banner though.

They are, and when I went to the thing 2 years ago, it sucked because they launched like 2 fireworks and then I could barely see the main ones from where I was.

No, you're just misconstruing his words and trying to look for an argument. As an observer, you've been in the wrong the entire time. Just saying.

Avians are nice I guess. I just really like bats for some reason.


Hmmm, can't get any downloads. But uploads are fine


i also just love ferals on anthro~


Ya.. I think Sup Forums's CDN shits the bed sometimes. But uploads must be handled elsewhere.

I get it, you don't like me.
You take every opportunity to belittle me or my beliefs.
And I'll still be positive, and I'll still try to be your friend.



You'd think but of course they never do.

Man that really does suck, good call on the city, or whoever for not doing it this year

nevermind, those a re slow too.

I may just reboot

Must be. I'm gonna try a reboot and see where it gets me. I jsut cleared my cache earlier so I doubt that's the issue

thank you user~ have more?



You're deflecting. You were the one being negative and I was pointing it out.


looks like i spot some furfags



im a nocturnal masterbator and this thread better fucking stay alive to 12:00


no way....

There we go



I'm actually into felines and canines so I don't really save anything else unless its top quality

you're evil


Well then idk



Yes I was.
I was being negative about holidays.


well, as long as the images are quality, and maybe some cute, i'm fine with anything~

i also have a ton of canine and feline on my phone... if you had discord, or if i wasnt lazy, i could send some

I dunno, I wasn't the only one, my roommates have been having problems with bandwidth today too. So I guess we're just getting hit.

Whatever it was, it's fixed so that's good

So then idk what your problem is.

god help us