Well Sup Forums here we are again. Here's to another crummy new years. How are you spending it...

Well Sup Forums here we are again. Here's to another crummy new years. How are you spending it? And why haven't you left the basement?

I live in the attic, motherfucker

oh, you piece of shit
the windowsill is like 10x better

Hows the view from up there? See any fireworks?

I need facts son

Laying in bed
Staying cozy
Surfing threads
Watching fireworks out my bedroom window
Waiting 8 min till new years then crashing

Drinking til I black out, like usual.

fighting just downing a bottle of night quil and not waking up. this year has been shity for me and i really don't want to live another one.

Hospital rn then I gotta hit the streets Once I'm out

user that sucks
God speed to a quick recovery
Then you hit dem streets

Just sitting here feeling kind of down. Was playing video games but I suck so that made me feel worse.

i understand how that is

Don't give up user, we all started out shitty.

Don't feel down either. Time is an illusion, a human construct.

I feel all y'all turn up and don't give up.

1 year sober, drank tonight. family is together celebrating. i'm alone getting ready to hit the hay. gave up on life a few years ago. cant believe how fast time flies. Happy New Year Folks. Good luck in 2018. We don't have long on this planet, let's try and make it special.

Thanks OP
Best of luck to every one and may we all have a better year than last

At local park with gf, her mom wanted to go to this ‘festival’ but it’s really like 3 food trucks a speaker and like 5 minutes of fireworks. Kinda bored, still an hour and a half to kill.

Went to a new years party, disagreed with someone over a movie (someone heard me discussing a movie with another person and butted in). Once discussii began, She said I was being too aggressive despite using the same tone and volume as her, then said I was butthurt and literally left her best friend's party. Now I AM butthurt because I got fussed at about it by my wife and friends as if my having an opinion that differed from some random person's opinion (and subsequently attempting to present evidence for why I felt the way I did before being told "I am not talking to you") made me a bad dude. Fuck social gatherings.

Streets as in homeless or streets as in need more heroin? Or both?

Take this opportunity to tell your gf how much you love her.

Her mom*

Last night

Should I quit my shitty job?

Probably,if you have a shit job its because its what you are capable of (or you are just young)

I really should, 2017’s been a stressful year for me and she’s put up with my shit. Thanks user.

This made me laugh incredibly hard out loud for some reason. Thanks user
Sorry you got punished by your wife.
Also agree that social gatherings can fuck off.
Introverted 4 lyfe

Sitting at home, watching Netflix. Friends went out and didn't invite me. Girlfriend went home hours ago "tired". Company announced relocation to another state and loss of all jobs not two weeks ago.

Fuck you 2018.

Not doing shit. Just another night. I don't really care of about holidays.

If you have something else lined up or are addicted to drugs to cope with shitty job go for it. I quit a job because it was the shittiest I've ever had, manager was selling me 200+ a week in oxy. Ended up working 14 days in a row and was contemplating just ending it because of the situation I put myself in then quit.

Glad im not alone. I work at home, I might legit hermit this year. The only friend I actually enjoy the company of moved away like 2 years ago and most of these people are shit :)
Some are fine though so idk

I worked it user, and I know that I'm still alive, more alive than the people who quit for selfish reasons. Reasons like 'I'll never get a gf'
People: you have to go GET a girlfriend, not have one handed to you. That shit does NOT grow on trees, no matter how green it is down there.

I was gonna lay in the snow and stare at the sky and moon. But my brother, whom I dont like very much, just had to ruin it. Im laying on my bed now. Getting out of this dump.

Np, girl's love when you tell them you love them. Especially on holidays like this. Don't make the same mistakes I did.

>Company announced relocation

didnt some big company just do this? or am i just drunk?

Hermit style is harder than it seems bro. I went 10 years without family contact, but when my older sister finally tracked me down, I felt like I wasted 10 years of my life.

It's never too late, user. And if so, there are always other nights.

Hermit away friend.
Majority of people are shit
The good ones are far and few between.
Sorry to hear your buddy moved away. That sucks and would make me sad.

My holiday spirit (on any holiday) comes and goes. I feel.

I've been there, user. It gets better, I promise. And if it doesn't, it's still progress.

>work 9 hours unloading trucks
>only pair of glasses break
>car battery dies cause brights mystically turned on somehow
>had to walk an hour in 15 degree weather with nothing to keep me warm but a worn out hoodie
>have to walk to and from work

I've had a fucking awful day

My trips beats your dubs so its destiny that user must Hermit

Waiting for one of these. Cuz Idk user, my politics puts me off to people? I don't do drugs or any of that shit?

It happens so often, I wouldn't be surprised. But we're not a big company. About 200 peeps.

Life goes on.

Trips chek

And also I don't think I could do it. I agree with the fact that good people are far and few. But I kind of enjoy people. I enjoy the disappointment because I believe the good is worth it. Then again, maybe I'm a masochist. Still haven't really figured myself out on the social front.

Thanks. I just thought that it was cool the same moon Im looking at now is the same moon people thousands of years ago witnessed.

That doesn't negate the fact that its a waste of time :(

user I'm too high please refrain

Think of how all the carbon atoms in your body were formed in supernovae trillions of years ago. Think about all the places they were before they were part of your body.

I wasn't there for that shit so who can say if it actually happened

I like to think of all the struggle all your ancestors went through to get you here. Makes it a fucking face slap when someone cuts their dick off to prove they're not mentally ill.

Dude, I've put myself out there to so many different people that have called me a "friend"
I've learned that most people are full of shit.
Given people rides
Lended people money
Kept secrets
Shared my personal secrets with
Let people stay in my home
Take them for a day of fun when they had a bad day or week
Opened up to them to only have them shit on my chest
I literally just avoid all people or keep them at bay cause i could care less what their real intentions are
People who care about you will show you they care about you and will make time for you
I haven't experienced people doing
this too much for me ever.
So my wall is up and it stays there.

Refer to this post i just wrote
And you'll see where im coming from.
I've invested to much time into others that it was a waste of my own time.
We got nothing but time to kill.

I dunno man. I understand how you feel, but I couldn't at the same time bring myself to go full hermit. I keep a close knit circle. It took a while to get there, lots of shitty people have been in and out of it, but I think what I have noe is worth it.

user, I'll level with you. I'm a 38 year old man that has seen a lot of shit. Experienced many up and downs. I never ever said in this chain "Trust anybody". Far from it, friend. The only person you can trust is yourself, and only if you're honest. Otherwise, lying to yourself can be the worst thing you can do. Fuck the computer, its garbage shit that retards will try to convince you is relevant. All I'll say is, waste as much time/life as me, and then tell me life aint still worth living if you can still laugh at a fuckin idiot.

I might open up to people one day and treat them as friends like you did. then get nothing in return. same thing happened today. went out with "friends" then they just drop me off for some reason while they hang out some more. my walls are only getting higher.

Top fucking kek this post

Well im happy your happy man or at least I hope your happy.
Anyways, maybe this year I'll put myself out there and see where the friend road can take me. I have like three close friends I stay in contact with and hang out with. Adding a few more hopefuls couldn't hurt.

In a warm jaccuzi high as hell.

I'll agree with you that laughing at fucking idiots out loud or internally makes life
worth living.

Good vibes

>fuck the computers, it’s garbage shit that retards will try to convince you is relevant
-user, circa 2018, on a computer

just another year of suffering to bad im to much a pussy to end it all

Every new years I read a bunch of bullshit about people who changed their lives.

Sup Forums, I've worked out at least 4 days a week for the last year, my dick is no bigger. I asked out two women per week, my dick is no wetter. I took online classes (the free ones you fucks), and my dick is no better. Fucking. New Year Resolutions are a goddamn crock of shit. Tell me I'm wrong and I'll tell you that you're an asshole.

Fuck you asshole.

Sorry to hear about that dude.
People are keen to being selfish assholes 99.9% of the time.
Did they give you a reason why they dropped you off or just a vague bullshit one?



You made me laugh pretty hard user
Good one.
Dubs Check'd

resolutions. meh. theyre hit and miss. im not setting up any bexause i knoe im stuck to my bed like velcro

What's this one from? I like

I think it's funnier because it is like actually circa 2018, literally still 2017 in some parts of the world

I retired for 2017, went the entire year without working, just living off savings, not paying income tax & not buying the house I was going to, just travelled and camped and rode my mountain bike. I was going to wait another three years, but I'm just going to move to a better country. This isn't the 1700s anymore, there are better options, as anyone who travels becomes aware.

Sionara suckers, and enjoy the total collapse of your old, zombified british colony.

just finished a movie and they just asked me to point out where i live. then they went to one of their houses and stayed over for the night.

>wah wah
>im butthurt

im not sure. i just feel nostalgic. meh. im leaving for bootcamp anyways. ill be living their fantasy as a Call of Duty rifleman killing brown people and whatnot

bob marley...

Straight facts son

Your post scares me

i wanna travel when i have the money. best i can do is go to chicago and eat all the variety of food i find delisioush

Resolutions are long term goals people try to achieve in an unrealistic amount of time or time frame. People need small term goals so they can work up to their long term goals or "life resolutions"
Seems like you have been busting your ass user and have been putting yourself out there. Sorry to hear about your dick. Maybe this will be the year things finally come full circle?

>retire early

Might as well, since the age of retirement is getting bumped up to 68, and then 72 and then social security is spent and you faggots get to work the rest of your lives to pay for the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers healthcare and retirement and big screen tvs while you eat cardboard and live in your rusted out pontiacs as senile geriatric old farts waiting for the cancer to get you, which should finish off most of you by 60

lol it's a joke, and you're the punchline

What part of Illinois are you from, user?

This is exactly the kind of candy ass shit I'm talking about.

user, people never change. Maybe you were meant to be a beautiful fucking butterfly and you needed a minute to get there, but I was born ugly and dumb and I will stay that way. Fuck you. I fucking hate you.

In the grand scheme of things, we all are.

Such anger. Anger at nothing, even. Just the world.

About to message a girl who I haven't talked to in a couple years who told me to fuck off last time we talked
talk me out of it Sup Forumsros

Oak Park

The Italian food in Chicago kicks the shag out of the Italian food in NYC. Better, richer, fresher ingredients grown in the fertile valleys of the Mississippi & Great Lakes region.

You have nothing to lose Sup Forumsrother.

Are you drunk, my guy? Think about it. But not too hard.

do it faggot

I don't think about her anymore but am still sad over it. She was my crush for a long time. Does that make any sense?
Fuck it I'm doing it

Yeh, true.
People are an expendable resource.

Ah okay. Got a few friends from a town a little northwest of chicago. Freeport or something. Can't remember.

Why aren't you on welfare. why bother working for 9 hours a day if you can't even afford a coat and a new pair of glasses

i dont know any french food. any recommendations? i think crepes and italian beef are italian. im not very culturally enriched

FLW territory right there.

Godspeed, user.

>inb4 user regrets his life choices

In a few years you might not even car3

>find 28 qt christian gf
>finally get first kiss

It's not like you'll make it worse

Do you think there's any hope for the rest of us?