Help me become a trap Sup Forums. Give me routines, diets, and exercises for me to follow in 2018

Help me become a trap Sup Forums. Give me routines, diets, and exercises for me to follow in 2018

Don't lift, but do yoga and pilates, get yourself very flexible, tight, toned and lean.

Stop eating meat BUT eat lots of plant fats- avacados, coconut oil, olive oil. Nuts (lol). You want to be lean but grow some curves.

And yes, baby eat that soy. Let it poison your little nuts and give you those curves.

Do you want to still be able to use your cock or be a limp girl?

Hmmmm my cock doesnt matter one way or another

Okay. Personally I don't like chastity cages. I like to stroke the traps.

Start staying out of the sun. Take care of your skin. cleaner, moisturizer, special and different creams for your face and to rub on your body after the shower.

this interaction sounds sorta concocted
but idc, moar tips



Not at all, I'm just a trap-fancier trying to create a surplus market.

I'd stay away from Hypno shit. I get spooked about mind control stuff. Just do real life girly stuff instead. Redecorate your room to become very clean and distinctly feminine, it will affect your psyche.


>I get spooked about mind control stuff.
What are you afraid of?

Actually learn domestic skills. Men are wanting traps because they are pulling up the slack left behind by genetic women. Practice cooking daily, clean your house, in lingerie if that gets you off.

If a man has empty testicles and a full belly, he is yours.

Learn how to sew. It is cute and endearing, but you can also use it to repair the expensive new female wardrobe you're building up.

I'm 6'8" I'd be the worst trap. I like being the guy that fucks the traps. Traps and trannies go crazy for me because I make them feel more delicate and feminine.

Oh, and of course start growing out your hair. Long natural, maintained hair is the epitome of femininity. gentle brushing, quality organic shampoo and conditioner.

>I'd stay away from Hypno shit.
>I'm 6'8" I'd be the worst trap.
So I'm guessing the answer to my question is because you're afraid of getting hooked, but why are you trying to dissuade OP?

Would love to meet up with one and make her cum like a girl

Yeah, there is the factor that I don't want to get hypnotize, but even for someone that wants to be a trap, it's best avoided because of all the MK Ultra shit I've read about. You can become a girly girl and sex goddess without it just fine.

You go in trying to get more excited about anal penetration, next thing you know you're committing violent crimes for some shadowy agenda.

They have such lovely boipuccies
Just begging for you fill them with your cock

I’d like to think that Bailey was an average boy, with the usual male interests. Sports, male toys, etc. But, his parents wanted a girl, so they began the “treatments”. Hard thinking about it.

I really wanna fug a trap and feel her cum spurting out of her dicc all chained up in chasity

>those dubs
Me too, uncle A, me too.

First thing I see on Sup Forums in 2018? A grown man in women's lingerie pissing on himself.

This is normal.

Tbh the added levity doesn't make that sound any less absurd user. Are you actually implying the US government has anything to do with sissy hypno?


How do I get trap hips and ass without using hormones?

(((globalist interests))) yeah. A nation of feminized people are ready to be replaced by third-worlders.

I feel like I'm torn. I want QT traps around, but goddam we need some men to be men also.

in b4 fuck off back to Sup Forums
I was trying to not elaborate too much.

I'd date a trap
i would buy her pretty dresses amd cute clothes
And lots of headpats and hand holding

1. talk to a therapist
2. tell them you're transgender
3. no seriously, if you honestly want this it means that you are, talk with a therapist.

I could need my first pair of heels. Lulz :')

I would like to meet a trap and fuck her abd suck her D

If you are a QT Trap I'd shower you in heels and whatever your heart desires

>droopy balls
>0/12 trap.

While that sounds like fun
For me i like it when they fully embrace their female role Look like a girl act like a girl then they can only cum like a girl.
I love me a trap in chasity

I wanna be a sexy Sissy slut.
But first I should find a solution for my hairy issues. Testosterone max I guess

Post boipucci

How do traps enjoy anal anyways?

Just one finger for me and it hurts and is uncomfortable for days.

More/ sauce?

Then how do you feel about these balls


I like them because they look and act more like a girl than other girls I have meet before and their bodies are more attractive


Also I live in Latin America and all traps and crossdressers are ugly

This will help you, user.

You've just built a conspiracy on top of a conspiracy, user.
And to prop any of this up you would have to imply cause-and-effect citizen LSD testing in the 50's to be related to a globalist agenda.

You are way off the fucking rails here buddy. I'm gonna break the 4th wall for a minute and tell you that sissy hypno is nothing more than subliminals and classical conditioning.
You need to spend less time on infowars



girly girls are a dying breed and traps fill in that hole
"While you fill theirs"


>tfw you're too tall to be an effective trap

Anyone have tips on that issue?

At least you’re not super masc. I’m 6ft 230 but muscular and athletic. I have a prominent brow and broad shoulders .. I would be a trap if I could become passable and attractive, but I’m a relatively attractive masculine male unfortunately. So being a sexy cute lil femboy trap is just a pipe dream.

Shaving, Nair, Laser Hair Removal

Traps are just a dream
One that will never come true
There will never be a trap in my state

What state?

Do those creams really work? Shaving wouldn't last long I guess.

thats totally untrue. latin girls are second only to asian girls when it comes to traps

Texas friendo
Trust me there are no traps here and there never will be

Theres tons of them. Im also in TX. theyre not hard to find

This is very much true
Have you ever seen Brittany colluci or however you spell it

There will be once all these Californians and Okes turn us blue

Im saying I have met/dated a lot of good looking traps in Dallas and Austin.

Yep hair comes off mostly but I'd be careful cuz some people are prone to ingrown hairs from it.

Eh? Austin is super full of young people, with all kinds of .... ideas. Surely

What part the only one remotely close is a known porn star in Dallas

>tfw dont live in dallas anymore
Im in 817

Meant to say austin

Them hips get wider every time I see this photo


There one who works in MAC in the Galleria.. Theres another who works front desk at the Omni.. There are a lot more than you think.

That's what they said you would say

I know what you sly boys are after


>Rudimentary Peni tattoo
Who is this?!?!


Well shit
I dont get out much since im doing com college

Tried going farther, didn't work


yeah you just have to know where to look. And theres more than one trap porn star in Dallas. But, I dont fuck with them. Too many other cuties

user-kun why did you save this 7 times?


How does one search for these beauties Dallas is the closest i can drive to


are you me?

it's sorted by type, actually
a wall of images is easier to navigate when there's 500 of them

much easier to actually be here.. but grindr, tinder, and going to oak lawn/s4.

>the guy posting Hypnos gifs of a dude larding as a woman larping as not a homosexual is adopting a moral high ground

Wew 2018 culture wars I’m ready

I'm talking about traps, shemales and crossdressers, yeah we have very sexy girls(but a lot of her faces suck or their nose), I live in Peru, so here they suck, but in other countries like Argentina they're hot af.

>tfw poorfag
Looks like im stuck in fucking hulen till i die

Possibly. Are you an Okie?

I know what you mean. But, you said Latin America. Plenty of hot traps there. Dont know about Peru specifically, but have great luck in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina..

Kek, at what point was I acting morally superior?
Sup Forums seems very confused tonight.


Kansas. I kinda have the idea of having tits but staying the same otherwise.

yeah, small town = no chance for this. but thats true no matter where you are (in the south)

Yeah, I would like to meet a nice one here

So I mean like
Did your mental gymnastics twist what I said to fit that narrative because you're also a bit paranoid?

Feeling insecure are we? I'd feel more insecure about my intelligence than my paranoia if I were you.

>Sup Forums seems very confused
>t. The guy posting dudes pretending to be wahmen chocking on dicks and encouraging other young men to follow

fucking normiepie fag

Its a terrible feel
And you cant reach out to anybody in town because nobody here feels the same way

>feel insecure about your intelligence
>t. The guy telling a bunch of autistics to do off the deep end

Nah, I'm pretty secure in my current gender set-up. I'd grope your tits once they're smooth and implanted though, lol

He’d turn the gas to 11 on you friendo