Can anyone identify this?

Can anyone identify this?

Small pieces of sandpaper in a plastic bag.

It could be anything you fucking idiot

Peel & stick heatsink thermal pad?

eat it, post results.

again, pretty much this:

That looks like a square used to do acid. Try feeling it and give us a texture description. It could also be sandpaper and numerous other items.

Yes, it is part of a left hand holding an object.

>considering eating random drugs you found.

op eat the fuckin thing already

I ate it. It doesn't feel like sandpaper. Doesn't have much of a taste. Dissolves after awhile.

>posts image showing off his amazingly manicured fingernails
For once OP isn't a disgusting basement dwelling slobtroll and actually trims & files his fingernails.


Imitation blotter LSD that is actually 25i-NBOME that will give you a stroke.

2ce. It’s going around.

i tried 2ce 25i 2cb no probs here

Its fentanyl, see you on the news OP

Emery paper/wet dry sandpaper that came with a headlight restoration kit for old headlights with yellowed plastic.

A faggot holding something in a plastic bag.

its cannabis concentrate. like hard candy, brittle?

no, it can‘t be „anything“!

e.g. it isn't a space shuttle...

if you're trying to be witty
then our current understanding of quantum physics dictates that it could actually be a space shuttle in the sense that at any point in time a space shuttle could quantum tunnel itself into that position
or that random background fluctuations could cause that to actually be a space shuttle
the chances of which are incredibly small (as in many multitudes of the current age of the universe would have to pass before something like that would become remotely likely to happen)
but hey, we're being witty, right?

This would actually be easier if you just used philosophy to explain that, im not sure thats how physics work.

>im not sure thats how physics work
protip: it is

it looks like wax on some cookie sheet to me.

quantum physics, quantum tunneling, background fluctuation... big words pal!

please go to /sci/! perhabs there is someone you can impress with your „current understanding of quantum physics“

why are your quotes all messed up?

It's spicy gas

O.P. Is kill. He took five doses of 25i.

i died

if it's lsd the person who packaged it is a retard. cant keep it in plastic, plastic has pores and will absorb the lsd.