Continued from the last thread I suppose

Continued from the last thread I suppose.

Things are just not the same as they once were.
Stella is absent, mentally. Not her usual, bratty self anymore. She's friendly, docile, kind. But I miss the spark of life she always had. I still love her, loads. She's my everything. I'm never going to leave her. But the feeling I have this night. After putting my little one to bed and seeing Stella sleep. I can't say that she's still herself anymore. It's like something changed that day. Some part of her died. And I miss it.S o much. Does that make me selfish? I'm not unhappy with her. I'm not mad at her. I just feel like something messed me up inside after that week. That recovery process. I'm not as happy as I was before it happened. I stell see Stella cry sometimes, and I know it's because of her depression, and I know it's not my fault, she's told me that a million times but I somehow feel responsible for this. I feel like I could have have avoided it if I just spent a little more time with her. If I just didn't work as much back then. Maybe things could be different.

I'm sorry this wasn't the story you were hoping for maybe. I'm sorry if you wanted a happy or satisfying end. But this is the middle of the road for me. I still have my life ahead of me. I still have to think about Lisette's future. And Stella's. But it's hard. I just wanted to vent this.

Thank you for listening anons. Happy new year...

Shit! I was at the part where you got a call from work.

Someone has a screenshot?

I almost offed myself

I got em

I don't know if someone screenshot the thread. I don't suppose people have to. It wasn't that great of a story in the end. Just my fondest memories of Stella and the events leading up to my current situation.

Happy new year, OP

Anybody screen shot whatever story this ia?

OP i hope everything works out for you man. im so sorry this is happening. Happy New Year.


My man

She overdosed and was hospitalized that was the call

dude i hope things get better for you and your family

Thank god everyone's okay I was about to flip shit.

OP these things will take time. That's really the only advice I can give you. Life doesn't come with a manual. Just be sure to talk to her about everything that's going on so you two can live your lives to the fullest.


honestly OP im not dissatisfied, im somewhere in between, thanks for sharing man. here's one to your family

what did i miss?

user dont blame yourself for working too much, you did the right thing. people get sad you know, just give her time and love, maybe make a nice travel


I have all of it up to the call from work, but that's the extent of it.

Bit dot do slash googledriveisafaggot

Bless you OP. Happy New Year.

Happy new year

You tried your best OP. You did everything for your family - this isn't your fault. I really hope that your situation will change back again.


It's not your fault. Things in life happen we have no control over, and you were trying to do your best to provide for your beloved family.

Depression can be very tough, I know, I have bi-polar 2, but I believe and I think you should have faith that things will change for the better.

Your beloved Stella is still there, and as your daughter grows older you will begin to see more and more of Stella in her.

God speed user, I think you're a wonderful husband and father.

Never forget your love for her, user.

thank you op.

happy new year.

Happy new year, OP.


thanks for the story OP, and happy new year

She's still here with you, you can do this.
Goodluck OP

I see, that’s pretty rough. I hadn’t a similar experience with my mother.

Happy new year


oh yeah and a happy new year everybody what a wild ride

There are screenshots posted, read themz first feels greentext of the year. A good one


I'm sorry to hear that OP, hope 2018 can be better for you and your family.

Happy new year

Damn. There is no advice to give. No words of condolences or wisdom. I can't even tell you it's going to be alright. Do we exist just so the universe can play every shitty scenario It can think of? Goddamn I hate everything for no reason.

Hope everything gets better user, I believe you guys can do this. Not even religious but I prayer for you both.


I hope you have all of it wanting to save to reread later

First emotional greentext of the year
Happy new year OP

It's been a ride. I never imagined I would open up like this and share something this personal witha bunch of anons. But I am incredibly thankful for you guys supporting me. It's humbling. Thank you for your kind words. I was honestly expecting everyone to hate the story in the end, especially since it doesn't have a satisfying conclusion. In the end I was just reflecting on my life. It seemed appropriate on new year's eve.

Happy new year
best of luck

Add the ending user

Don't fuck up like my parents OP, I put my trust in you

OP, your a good man for sharing. Things will come about one day. Just look forward to the future and everything you can do in it, don't look at the problems of the past theres nothing you can do for them. Thank you for sharing the story. Hope things turn out better. Happy new year OP, taking a shot for you.



Depression is a bitch. I destroyed i relationship by being like that and there's no thing on earth which could have helped. I wish you luck.

2018 will be OUR fucking year. Lets fucking go.

Good luck my dude

how do i get a stella

Dude, I hope you have a good new year

last part until this thread starts

i guess faggots have feelings too, best wishings

great story user!
happy new year to you too :)

Wish I had more to say, that story was something. Depression is a bitch, granted I can't say I ever experienced anything like this. I wish you and yours all the best Sup Forumsrother and a happy 2018.

Upset it wasn't a happy ending but such is life...

I know it may seem hard, but in time, things will get better, at the end of the day, you said it yourself, you still love her, and that is something she needs right now.

OP can you post some cute side stories of you and Stella when you started dating?

do it to it op
win life babyyy

Damn OP... you are a good man!

I feel for you!

Someone's jealous because they haven't experienced teenage love

Thanks for sharing this user, it is still not the end user, there can still be a happy ending.
Happy new year.

I wish I knew too user I really do. Guess we're both fucked.

I honestly can't tell you. She's been in my life for as long as I can remember. And we were both awkward anti social teenagers when we first got together. I'm probably the last guy you should go for to get relationship advice my dude. But I'm sure everyone has someone they can connect to really strongly. The trick is finding that person. For me, she was with me all along. I just didn't realize it until her friend basically told me she Stella was into me.

Have above you you, your daughter and wife and please can you continue this in a future to know if she's better or not.

Best greentext I've read, great story OP, and Happy New Year!

I guess our OP had some decent luck.

Please keep us in update with your life somehow, i don't know about the other, but i think it's really interesting

One sec, someone posted more, so I don't know how many posts I actually missed before the thread 404'd

Good luck to you then, OP. I hope you continue to find success and that your relationship eventually heals. Best of luck to you, Stella, and Lisette!

OP please tell us more cute stories of you and Stella when you started dating

A least you found love, not like some bunch of anons

You should drag out the old N64 and tell her you want a match on Smash Bros, get her excited, it's easy to get jaded with life. Sometimes it seems like all we're defined by is our collection of responsibilities but really getting into the small bits of happiness that come our way is what makes it all worthwhile. Hug your wife for me and tell her it's never too late to do something she's always wanted to try. I only wish I could have led such a life, it's steadily been circling the drain for decades and I've missed so much. My high school sweetheart is a single mother now because I moved away in my senior year of high school on Christmas Eve of 2004, I don't think either of us ever recovered from it. She barely gets by and men treat her like a rental, the same goes for me with women. I still talk to her sometimes but I can never seem to gather enough money to move back there.

Let me upload a screenshot of the entire thread, one second.


You just need a white van and some rope
To hang yourself

check the archive

You can't change the past user .

All you can do is try to make things better in the future . Please stop blaming yourself for what's already happened so that you can move on.
SHE needs you to . I'm in a rough marriage
dealing with a wife with clinical depression
and a son with a behavioral disorder caused by the same .

It's not an easy road .

If you love her and your child you will continue on that road . As I have .

That he did. Good for him, some people really do deserve to be happy.

OP do dis

Is this the end?

You are absolutely right. I'm actually pretty happy that someone like OP got it. Even when it's hard right now, I'm sure it will get better.


You don't have to do all that, I'm pretty sure I got everything, unfortunately, it's saying that the file is too large to post, what do?

Post it in two images maybe.

Maybe the meds should be dialed back a bit now that you're around more to support her. Doctors tend to go overboard trying to make everyone the same level of normal. That's not healthy for people who aren't supposed to be that way.

Sorry, it's difficult to put into words.


Oh well, better get back to my life

Good luck OP! The shriveled up dying optimist in me hopes your family emerges happy and strong

This whole thread made me depressed again. Missed out on teenage love. Great way to start 2018.

Life is just grey isn't it.

OP is a fag. Hope it gets better man.

I believe I got it all figured out. Thanks for the help guys.


Bless you OP, a truly great greentext.