20 votes and I post the lucky winners Snapchat. Left or right?

20 votes and I post the lucky winners Snapchat. Left or right?

Left all day

Left 100%



Neither. Go to bed.

Left bae


right right


I'll play along. Same game for these two


leopard print because tits

oh god kinda gross um right?


If it makes it easier they are both really slutty and all you really have to do is just ask

Well if we are going with slutty id like to see the left, they do anything together?

I'm sure they would if you asked

nice, are you only going to post at 20?

Most likely. I have other pics of the girl on the right tho after she turned slutty. No nudes tho haven't moved them to my new phone

damn. This post isnt getting attention anymore

For what it's worth righty has a nice rack

not bad at all