Why do Asian women like White men so much?

Why do Asian women like White men so much?

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They just do

id argue that it was the other way around

Motherfuckin sauce??




Jesus, that's a tiny little dick. You must have an outstanding personality.


Oh god they hit 'em with the nikes



tf does that have to do with anything



On average, our white cocks are just big enough to stretch their tiny pussies to their maximum pleasure.

Nigger sticks are too big

They don't. The vast majority marry other Asians, and honestly there's probably more Blacks with Whites, if you look at the numbers.

But hey, enjoy pushing your agenda everyday. I'm not sure how posting this will get more Asians with whites though.

because of our big superior peepees

This is actually 100% false

Because they have jobs and good credit.

So I have a question, though I doubt you'll answer honestly. I personally have bought into the Asian meme and have gone to Japan and fucked a bunch of chicks.

That aside, what do you gain by posting this bullshit? Like it's obviously some sort of plan to post the same thread with the same pictures over and over. It's obviously run by the same people, and if you check the b archive, where you search by image. Hundreds of threads.

Are you just a lonely guy who wants to live a dream about Asians? Is this what you just do with your spare time?

I'm thinking it's some sort of actual paid program, but the question is why? I don't get how this affects social change at all. Divide and conquer, maybe?

I guess I should build a future predicting AI. Or maybe just use a lot of RNN and LSTM.

It's still bigger than most Asian benii.

I won't even be surprised if OP was an Asian or Black goyim.

The asians have tiny dicks meme has been going on for fucking decades
however the soy boy meme just emerged recently
but, if you think about it, asians eat tofu (composed of soy) and eat soy sauce with their sushi
coincidence...i'll let you decide

In the US, 1/10 of White women fuck niggers while 1/2 of Asian women fuck Whites.

not that guy, but you didn't answer his question
but what he's saying kind of makes sense if you see all the trap threads

Green cards

Because Asian men are too interested in getting A++ in math and can't be bothered with trivial matters of pussy.

Oh yeah. Also, can I be inducted into your secret program? I think I've fucked enough Japanese girls to qualify.


The biggest interracial/enthnicty marriages are
White Man/Asain Woman and
Hispanic Man/White Woman
Every other combination is small compared to these two

Maybe in the US.

80% of marriages to foreigners by native Japanese end in failure by their own stats, but I suppose that doesn't really fit your narrative.

Also, I'm a pretty good programmer. I don't really care one way or another about globalism as long as everyone's having a good time, right?

feelsbad when you have yellow fever but never had any asian gf... T_T

Hispanic man marrying white woman reporting in.

White male/ Hispanic Female is pretty common too


Asian guys have really small dicks




Come on. Invite me into your globalist program. It'll be fun. I also speak Japanese fluently.

Another quality thread spammed alongside cuck porn courtesy of Tenda Spencer and r/hapas.

asian girls go for white guys because she wants his money or she is just a hoe

White hookers trick Asian dicklets out of their parents money. No other reason to date a short, beta Asian with a nano dick




you must be pretty lonely to care about who other people are dating

Asians dont love whites. Butthurt neck beards make these threads to try to put themselves on the same level as black guys with white women. Their so insecure that they have to have a tier lower than them. Its sad to see all these fellow white bying into this crap


White male Asian female is true love



Thats true Hispanic bitches are hot too

That's interesting.

This response doesn't make sense, and the number of posters don't make sense either. So, I'm guessing some sort of rudimentary neural network to create these responses. Generating the model wouldn't be that difficult hardware-wise.


it's not just a hetero thing. gay asian males will go for gay white males like flies go onto a pile of ....

asians have small dicks and crave large dicks. problem solved. whitefags, travel to singapore, go on a gay dating site and enjoy.

if all asians have small dicks then all whites are fat ugly and smell like wet dogs... stereotypes

you know if this is really a raid by r/happas you'd think they'd actually be able to speak japanese


Super lolz


This response doesn't make sense, either.

and yet, everyone fantasizes about fucking STPeach while she's getting it from her yellow bf


She's fucking hot

As a guy that has dated Asian women and asked them the question of "why white guys?", the major points are usually...

>Better at sex, both in dick size and knowledge/appreciation for their partners pleasure
>They can be seen as "exotic", especially by someone new to the country. Different skin texture, hair, body odour and usually much taller than they are.
>Perception of higher social status, money and desire to integrate. This can be something pushed by their parents as well.
>Asian men tend to treat their gfs like their mothers, cooking and cleaning but with sex on demand. White boyfriends treat their girlfriends more as equals
>Better treatment by In-laws. 1st generation Asian in-laws treat the gf/wife according to tradition (ie, a subservient maid at the bottom of the family totem pole). White parents have no such culture and will treat them as part of the family, not counting any personality flaws in the parents.
>Supportive of their girlfriends goals to pursue a career/education etc.

Many Asian girls that come to majority white countries (especially ones that do it by themselves) do it to escape the restrictive social customs they have to suffer through in their home countries or even communities. Asian parents are notorious for trying to "matchmake" their daughters almost as a sort of transaction for overall family prosperity. I've heard it numerous times times from the girls ive dated of their parents trying to set them up with a guy whos major attraction is money, even if they are already dating someone. The parents continue to do this no matter how much the daughter protests against it. Its not every one of them of course, but its frequent.

White guys, to them, represent a way to date someone free of all the cultural issues they seek to avoid and a whole lot of positive ones, hence the increasingly common saying "I'll never date an Asian guy" being spotted on online dating profiles of immigrant Asian girls.

So can I join your globalism bullshit yet?

Blue collar work is a magnet for SE asians


Do you have this copied and for pasting everytime this thread comes up?

Worst shop ive seen in a while

>Mfw I know where that is

who is this chick!?

"Do you want to enter a secret society?

These threads are chiefly affixed to Chinese, are not they?
Japanese people are?
I think that GLOBALS is already considerably advanced to Japan
From China's point of view, is it like a long-term measure?
Please tell me even a bit."

Lolwut bro

Maybe they mean somethign to do with China's population vs Japan's dwindling population. Japan needs to start making more children to support their elderly population which will soon become a big draw on their economy if they don't have a new workforce producing to support them.

This is why there should be a limit on age

Naw, that's not what I was saying. But the globalists running this thread can probably find someone that actually speaks Japanese, I imagine.

That's what she said.

Oh, fuck. Hi globalist. Can I join now?

Globalist? fuck that, I despise globalisation

What, do you mean like Logan's run or something?

Meh I knew I was reaching, it was a shot in the dark.

hong kong right? i've been to that club its shit

So you're not actually affiliated?
What do you think the plan is by having these threads all the time? Literally multiple times a day with the same images, and weird computer-generated responses. The amount of organization and effort is indicative of some sort of large-scale plan.


Yup, walk pass that place every so often back when I was living in the area. Now it's filled with Korean tourists

I wonder how long it'll be before it's trendy for celebrity girls to date white guys. I'd bet it's less than a decade.

Why do you care? Why make a thread when this type of thing gets posted millions of times a week? Are you that desperate for attention?


*celebrity girls in Asia

He ain't blue collar, and she ain't SE Asian

white is synonymous to rich in asian countries

I don't understand the point of having an asian wife