User, I don't like almost everything. Some examples can be party, beach and social life...

user, I don't like almost everything. Some examples can be party, beach and social life. I used to like reading books and playing games, but even those things sometimes I hate. I don't know what to do, I don't wanna kill myself. My life sucks even I having a good life (I have food to eat, clothes to wear and internet connection, you know?).

Andrew Cutler Protocol


its not you its depression

Fine, I'll reply this time. Look, life can turn around in an instant. Maybe you just need to meet someone new. Maybe you're a little depressed. It's a new year, something big will happen to you this year, I promise. Just hang in there a little longer okay?

Come back with evidence that depression is not just your brain reacting to stimuli or sad events in your life. Because it is. You cant stick a name on being sad and call it a disease for money... Life fucking sucks for everyone unless you have drugs and friends either one of those out the picture your likely to be a bit sad due to reality

Find a good drug(could be TV) and sleep all day it seems to work for me

No, it's not. I guess i'm like that since I was a little kid. When friends of my mom came visit her i always got angry/sad. She also had to force me to get off home to do something. I always angry hating everything. I always calm down in my room playing games, but not even that works anymore.

I hope friend. I'm waiting for this my whole life.

You will. Until next time, we will meet again.

whats going through your mind when your not playing videogames?

I would like have friends, a normal life. I would like things like normal people do. Even when i get off home i think "i'm here because i need human contact not because i'm liking".

Look it up, commence and commit.

do you have any close friends?

i guess yes, but not sure. i have three or four friends but with that autistic distance, you know? but i guess two of them can be closer if i approach.

by the way, thanks for attention. most anons here don't give a fuck.

whats a autistic distance?

well, we're together but not saying about ourselves just making jokes and laughing,

oh my god I feel the same way

so you haven't opened up about your feelings to anyone you know?

how much long?

Maybe a little attention is what you need.

No, not even my mother. Thinking well I talked about it with one of my friends but she don't understood very well or don't care.

do you constantly worry about something, like a chain of thoughts which goes non stop?

>Andrew Cutler Protocol
cure for autism

I know exactly how you feel man. I’ve become so cynical, I’ve become accustomed to this routine, and I feel miserable even though I can live comfortably without having to worry about what I’m gonna eat or wear.. what the fuck is wrong with me?

you are a turd

Why take your life so seriously? We're all just specs in the vastness of the universe. Nothing we could do or not do in life could ever change the stars in the galaxy. I feel the same way but I've found more peace knowing this. Happy new years faggot.

yes, absolutely. i'm always thinking on what will make me happy but i can't find, with exception of one person, but its she and you know the story.

this just makes me feeling more shit

The human condition is shit. The fact we were born into this world is shitty. But you know what isn't? Petting your dog. Spending quality time with your parents. Having fucking sex. Actually loving someone even if they don't love you back. If they do then it's one of the best things you can experience in this life. I guess what I'm trying to say is the only thing that makes life worth living is love.

do you use drugs, alcohol?

this is my problem i can't appreciate that little things

no, never used.


welcome to the train OP.
i get interest in something but lose it almost immediately after a day or two
>insanely motivated to do X for about an hour
>do it for an hour then drop it for months
>feel like shit for the duration that im not doing it
im trying my absolute hardest to find some sort of solution but its just hopeless

Sometimes I can't either user. I hope that you do find some enjoyment in something but if you don't then it's okay and there's probably more people who also struggle than you think.

I think you are so intellectual that everything seems like bullshit to you.

i don't think so. it happens since i was a kid. is that not possible, right?

anyway, man, thanks for trying help me. we're talking about an hour or more. talk about it made me better someway. thank you very much

why can't it be possible. some kids have higher IQ than many adults.