can we get a rekt thread for my reddit/Sup Forums/faggtosite neutral friend? he needs the light
Can we get a rekt thread for my reddit/Sup Forums/faggtosite neutral friend? he needs the light
Other urls found in this thread:
bumping for interest
A nice and easy introduction for your friend.
this one was kind of a joke, the cat's fine.
>hanging out with sandniggers
not even once.
He needs an enema!
This is fake as fuck. She didn't react at all to the loud ass cocking of the gun 5" from her head
no iknow its fake. its the only rekt file on my computer
This is literally a fucking lie told to scare people, it is low class bait
This one gave me chills
top keks
this gross piece of shit turned me off eggrolls. can't eat them because i'm constantly reminded of his fat ass chomping down on one. that sickening crunch, him obliviously saying "this is good!" in his gross manchild voice oblivious to the pain he's brought to himself, his wife looking on in broken dejected horror. fuck eggrolls
Im a mobilefag how do i get sound on .webm s
you dont
Nigger extra crispy. Classic
if the leftard apology/spin site snopes can't spin's true, user
Why you are so resistant to truth is troubling
RIP keith, the fattest man in the world and a proud bitbong.
Use clover
just for y'all
op here, this is weak. and the nigger? eh
How about some chinese car action
How do we have beheading videos from the middle east, but no rape videos.
And google Pippa Bacca similar story different chick
What did he think was gonna happen? Dumb shit.
what in the sun's name happened here?!
Natural nerve gas explosion
Even if this factual the fact that so many people get their "truths" from images like this is why we have people retarded enough to support Trump.
tough ass bitch
Dude dropped his mixtape
(when tourrettes guy screams "oh!.......FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!)
> Even if this factual the fact that so many people get their "truths" from images like this is why we have people retarded enough to support Trump.
does not remotely follow
sounds much more like the usual "i dont like the truth so ill attack trump" echochamber leftists have locked themselves in for the last couple of years
at least by mindboxing yourselves en masee you make it easy for us to find you, mock you, and hit you with cars
Yeah I agree! Screw those assholes that judge people based upon the truth! The;re making it hard for our new Muslim overlords to take over the world through subversion illegal immigration and physical and sexual violence. those poor victims.Pfft Faggot.
>this gross piece of shit turned me off eggrolls.
>this gross piece of shit turned me off eggrolls.
>> MFW eating egg rolls...
Why do you soy boy faggots love gay people so much but still support Islam as a religion or peace? Do you know what they do to gay people?
Weak ass nigger
they sekritly wanna see muslim gay porn with snuff endings
Fucking kek. But in all seriousness how can these faggots support feminists and homosexuals and STILL call Islam a religion of peace? Do they have any clue what happens to feminists and homosexuals in Islam controlled government countries? They literally get beaten to death with rocks why the fuck do they get a free pass?
i love me macaroni an cheezey boyzee
This story isn't completely true.
cause libshits have propaganda, a powerful tool to control stupid people
come on people give me more gore and rekt. im too lazee to find some myself
Maybe they should take a trip to Muslim town and say "Women deserve rights" and "Gay people are not abominations" and see what happens
The blood wouldn't splatter on the wall from that angle considering the angle the shotgun was fired.
cgfgdfd... eh you
brb gonna take a nice walk and go on a diet. this opened my eyes. thanks user
except the article links to two other sources that say exactly what the snopes article says.
even Sup Forumss not that dumb, ccome on faggot.
>taking anything at face value
>not following source links openly shared
the absolute state of underage b&s
that little piece of shit
we worship cats here in Egypt
Im not clicking on that.
In like 2 years i went from blue pilled to moderate to conservative. Then came to Sup Forums and started getting into race issues and more extreme red pill shit.
But in the last 2 weeks im kind of getting repulsed by Sup Forums posters claiming to be superior while sitting at home sharing videos of people being tortured or whatever.
So there's all these "nigger hate threads" much as i see that black people cause all their own problems, 95% of black people still have enough humanity in them not to share disgusting videos on the internet.
Sup Forums posters are ironically worse human beings than any of the groups they talk shit about.
but were not niggers, so theres that
Your a nigger
He failed to realize the gravity of the situation.
She seems used to it.
Amazing how much tolerance and empathy women have.
i love you
Fuck, my Aliexpress order was in this truck...
Maybe its alright. is well packed usually but it s gonna be late again
>wasn't out to prove Muslims are peaceful
>murdered in Turkey (officially secular)
>rape and murder not motivated by religion
yeah no it's a straight up fucking lie
Your awkward joke aside, when you order from ali express you order knowing full well that there is no "late".. The package will get there when it gets there
Shoot. Didn't you order that back in 2017?
dude weighed almost 1000lbs
Taser him while hes on fire.
Ya women only get raped and murdered in Muslim countries.. that shit would never hapern in a civilized western society
Wow, thank god for you savvy anons! I was totally convinced that was real - what a relief!
Americans are so disgusting
Damn straight. Thats why we gotta teach em
is this some sort of reddit copy pasta or have you just posted this in every rekt thread you see you fucking faggot. I've seen this too many times
You're welcome Sup Forumsrother.
Faggot copypasta detected
>>easy as^^^
gave me the chills anyone could be so lame not to grab onto the thing that hit his crotch instead of crashing headfirst
just as Sadam's Iraq was officially secular
wow bro u sure showed him, superior memer haha copy pastas amirite guys. ye baited him so easy what a newfag haha, ye get baited kid xd
Wasn't me. Just like his digits is all.
Pretty cool. Wonder how long it took him to get out.
Depends on how rated you are.
If you are a good customer you are rated high and your package is sent for shipment earlier than others.
don't worry, buttplugs are pretty durable
Yeah but i'm ashamed wasting vegetables like cumcumbers while waiting for this delivery...
Some peoples don't have food..
French faggots keep censoring those. Death to all french!