Lotus Leaves

Lotus Leaves

Has anyone ever smoked this and does it work to get you high?

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Shameless self bump

try it and report back op

I smoked 3 hits after i posted. I think I feel something. It's very faint. Going to try more to see.

Need a new job and looking for a substitute for the mary jane

If its just the leaves it will take a lot for you to feel anything.

I smoked extract and it was a very mild sensation

how you smoking it?

keep chargin op

Dark Lotus?

>Need a new job and looking for a substitute for the mary jane
How about you just smoking you worthless human scum? Or just save us all the trouble and kill yourself

Literally packing and smoking

Just regular lotus leaves. Didn't specify whether dark or not

grav bong it. surely thatll get you somewhere


Just took a bong rip. The amount inhaled def more. Will report back very soon.

Good shit. Hopefully you feel somethin

Hey Sup Forumsro, I think this might be working.

I am noticing that I have to smoke more of this vs weed but this lotus stuff is smooth and kinda tasty.

"Blue Lotus. The dried flowers of the blue lotus plant are smoked or steeped in a tea in order to give the user a sense of peaceful relaxation. Blue Lotus is noted for its calming euphoria, aphrodisiac qualities, and sedation."

Hey I actually read that on some site earlier. It's what made me get this shit. I am definitely feeling something, despite it just being the leaves. Other Google searches have said that the leaves alone work. Other sources have said nah. I am feeling kinda euphoric but weed is better by far

what ya feeling? Kinda like a head high? or is it similar to meditating kinda euphoria?

So like, right now, I am kind of feeling like a head high. Like I can focus on things and think clear, it's not "fuzzy" like when you smoke weed, but it isn't like a couch lock meditating high but it does feel like maybe with enough, one could get pretty close to the meditative high you were referring to

Just looked around the room and can confirm that the head movements felt a bit slow motion and floaty. I am feeling pretty relaxed and this is what I smoke weed for, that and chronic back pain but yea, I think this could be an option for substitute if one needs to pass a pee test

lace it with the real deal

Shit sounds decent, shame you have to smoke so much to get there though. I wonder if you can decarb it in the oven and make a concentrate and edibles

A puzzling reply
>How about you just smoking...
F for effort

I totally would bro, but I just got terminated from my job and need a new one asap and shit like doordash, grub hub, uber, and lyft just won't cut it. So I have to flush the THC out and pass a pee test to get new work. Then after, I will go back to it.

Tried the straight edge life. Just wasn't happy with it. I don't drink, i don't smoke cigarettes or cigars, and I don't partake in the dangers of prescription drugs. I do have severe history of back injuries and the weed is medicinal for me and helps aid in pain relief.

It's not that bad. It will help me through this shitty time of thc flush though, and beggars can't be choosers.

I will gladly take this.



Spend 60 bucks once and purchase synthetic powder urine if you need to use it more than once. Comes with a fake dick and everything and no one is going to watch you at a job.

>no one is going to watch you

Unless you're in the military. I had to do penis watch for a week one time, worst additional duty ever.

Smoked blue lotus and its a bit rough to smoke but when you go to bed it literally first time after smoking alot i had the most cool lucid dreams ever and i was able to play the dream like a video game and restart and redo same thing a different way, Blue lotus fixed my sleep problems and night terrors, very much worth a try, TLDR: Blue Lotus Lets you Lucid Dream fantastically

It's the one legal herb I cant get my hands on. I smoke a mix of mugwort and yarrow with some white sage or strawberry leaves for flavor.
The herbs on smokeableherbs or erowid websites wont ever be as strong as weed but if you cant get dank then it's better than nothing, also they're dirt cheap too.

is this a common side affect? been wanting to try things to enhance my dreaming. Meditating does to an extant but was nothing major

Not at a job but definitely in the military and definitely during probation. But it does look like a real dick to be honest so unless they wanna feel it too as long as they can see it at least looks like a dick.

I read it all

I have read that as well that it makes for some good dreaming. I actually cannot recall any of the dreams I had. Been like that for years. I can't say that I don't dream. Everyone does. I just never can recall them. Maybe tonight I will actually dream and actually remember it.

Glad your shit got cured though. Good for you brother


Its one of the few dreams i can remember it was a war black ops scenario going into a base and going all guerilla warfare on them and jumping out the rafters and stuff and when i almost died it paused and i restarted and did a different tactic and beat it this time, it was a fantastic dream, to get the effects to work smoke it 3 times a week 2-3 bowls a day or 2 bowls right before bed every night

that sounds so good haha. keen to try it out

My buddy can do this but without any help from lotus or anything. Like controlling the dream and such. He said it takes a while to master. One of the things he mentioned was looking at clocks a lot, because that is one thing that can be spotted in a dream and start with that and just work your way up. Ever hear of such a thing or is he pulling my leg?

Hey OP. I've smoked and ingested Blue Lotus (nymphaea caerulea) and would like to give you my opinion.

First it's important to point out that there are two Blue Lotuses. There is nymphaea caerulea (Blue Lily/Egyptian Blue Lotus) and nelumbo nucifera (Blue lotus).

I've smoked, vaped, and ingested (tea) nymphaea caerulea. I can say confidently there was not much of an effect. The strongest psychoactive feeling I had was from the tea, and even then it wasn't very strong.

While I'll say it wasn't strong, it still had an effect. I felt slightly more comfortable and relaxed. The tea made my whole body warm up, and it was a pleasant feeling.

I read online that infusing blue lotus with wine yields a better effect. I am debating doing this.

OP here,

So it seems like the "high" lasts 45 to an hour.

So I think 4 bong hits for a euphoric head high is a good recipe to follow

Yeah its the fact of realizing you are in a dream and not startling yourself to much to cause you to wake up, as you try to notice the same thing its less startling realizing you are in a dream and over time you notice the colors in the world dont match to there items and you just start to pick up on small differences that let you end up freely thinking in them to carve the path, its just practice makes perfect but Blue Lotus really helps you skip alot of the meditating steps and such and it will stop you from being startled so easily so you can notice several things to realize you are in a dream. So no he is not pulling your leg.

Interesting. I may try this. I honestly don't know what kind of lotus this is but it does have an effect. It's all I can ask for during this time of body detox

I think I just found my new years resolution. I want to master this. I was so jealous of that when he was telling me this. And there I was the guy who can't even remember a split second of any dream.

I'm not an expert due to my knowledge coming from blogposts and forumposts, so don't take my knowledge as complete fact.

I heard that nymphaea caerulea is supposed to relax the muscles and give you an opiate like high. I also head (and experienced to a minor degree) it enhancing your dreams. However nelumbo nucifera is supposed to give you an even greater dream enhancing effect. I definitely want to try it sometime.

you remember lucid dreams cause mostt people afterwards try to elaborate on what just happened as they connect back to the world waking up, but the dreams sit with you for a while

OP here

So obsessed with this song right now. (pic related)

You know your shit.

Have you studied the human mind or dreams at some point in your life?

You should pick some up at some point and then make your own lotus leaf thread lol

Im going off my friends and familys experiences aswell as my own, and forumns and ofcourse errowid is how i studied it to start, and i just really liked it for a while but my dreams started becoming haunting and controlling it made everything worse so stopped it and barely dream anymore but im liking it that way

how'd you make your the spotify notification bar look like that?

I am running Android Pure 8.0

It just might be a feature of the OS.

I use a Google phone so the OS is from the source that is Android

I literally did nothing. Just how my phone displays it

I have heard horrible things about night terrors and shit. Have you ever had a really bad possibility life threatening incident with any bad dreams? If I may ask

more like dank lotus lol

I've got around 20 grams of fresh lotus. Thankfully cheap wine is well.... cheap. Will probably try it out. I'm expecting effects similar to the tea but stronger.

I hope it's everything you are expecting it to be.

Trips checked