Can we start a feels thread?

Can we start a feels thread?

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No man, its a new year tri to cheer up


we're alive in 2018


anyone else think about an heroing?


Would but I don't see a reason to




New year same sad feels.

My gf does that all the time its hot as hell.

why the fuck do you even care about the parking lot?


>be me
>parents are divorced
>Dad lives in an apartment with another divorced obese man
>I used to live with him in apartment but moved out with gf
>he now spends most of his days on fb
>very gullible
>he always sends me clickbait articles
>one day get pissed at him and mute our convos for a month
>he puts me in a group chat
>mute it immediately
>about 2 more weeks pass and I decided to go through convos
>check group chat
>everyone in the group chat is calling my dad a fucking retard for believing in this stupid clickbait shit
>Dad try’s to reason with them
>they still call him retarded
>by this time he stopped replying
>group chat goes on with everyone going on about how stupid someone has to be to believe arrowhead is poisoning their water or some shit
>this goes on for half an hour
>I call him immediately and apologize for leaving
>he missed me

I want to commit genocide

Here's to another shitty depressing year


That's not a very effective way of killing yourself. You could miss and not do enough damage to die all the way. You'd be better off doing it from the front for maximum damage.


Yyyep. It's just gonna be the same old shit again, isn't it. Lookin' forward to the holidays, just to get an extra day off, just to watch them drift by again to no effect.

Gettin real tired of this shit.

Dangit, Anita, I know you're stuck in the same loop I am. Together we could at least see something different.

>be me 8 months ago
>make new work friends
>we best pals
>we wanna try LSD
>friend A has done LSD before but did not have a good time
>says he will this time bc he trusts us
>friend A has depression and anxiety
>do LSD
>fun shit man
>call friend A my 'special friend'
>just acid talk
>he says i am his special friend
>friend A goes quite after a while
>asks if he ok
>he says he ok and just wants to play video games alone
>time passes
>he starts distancing himself
>doesn't wanna be my friend anymore
>get depressed
>best friend wont be my friend for unknown reasons
>starts texting me again
>says he sorry
>but he says we cant be friends but we are closer than anymore
>starts saying he has visions
>says he is the teacher and i am the student
>goes literally insane
>wants me to comeover
>legit is not fucking with me and thinks he and I hold the universe
>cant handle this shit
>tell him this is too fucking crazy
>says his powers will disappear after he gets his wisdom teeth removed
>friend A gets them removed
>says i emotionally raped him with the 'special friend' thing
>his 2 year relationship ends because he went insane
>he loses all his friends
>cant stop thinking about the time we dropped
>doesnt show up to work anymore
>find out later he kills himself
>"i'm no ones special friend"
>perpetually living with the idea that i killed my best friend because of some dumb fucking thing i said on acid
>dont do acid if you take MSRI's







Right in the feels..

Wayne's World

Party Time



fuck u user, i totally get that it's annoying to have those retards that believe in that clickbait shit cause i have those kinds of people too. But hes ur retard and u gotta respect whats yours he seems harmless.

Or back

may be this the year God blesses me out of this suffering of a life
i wish everything i could not have and accomplish to you Anons
you deserve it better
Great new year and love


hope you have a great new years m8, cheers!

I love you guys. Happy new years to the few that care, because trust me, I love you.




I feel this hardcore. The closest I’ve had to a relationship in years is a bunch of one night stands. All my friends are dating or getting married, but I can’t find any girls that like me beyond a physical standpoint.

I don’t think I’m autistic or anything. What’s wrong with me?


we ask the same to ourselves
we dont have an answer

It fucking pains me to hear stories like this. All you have to do is take a small amount of time in your day to make the other persons that much better. Come on, user. You're better than this.

She a hoe. Slap her in the face

I'm physically ill, mentally ill, a fuck up and in love with a girl who I know has feelings for me but shes a hoe. When that new year clock dropped I felt like shit. I don't think it will ever get better.

I'm sorry man. I don't know what to say

I’m going deaf due to genetic bullshit and repeated damage. I’m expected to be almost completely deaf by the middle of the year. This really sucks because music was the one thing that kept me from killing myself this year.... music was the one thing I’d look forward to in my day, it’s how I made all of my friends. And it’s what I was going to get a degree in. Guess that’s all gone. I’ve given myself half a year left to live, experience all the stuff I wanted to. Because when I wake up that fateful morning and I can’t hear. Hmmm gonna end it.

I’m gonna end it*

Glad to see Sup Forums never changes.

Im scared the same thing will happen to me. All my family losing their hearing or born without it. Its the only thing keeping me going too.


Well, go to a doctor and get it checked out regularly, it’s better to know when you’re going deaf than to have it surprise you.

Well that was anticlimactic. Feels like I held in a sneeze

Aww he is so handsome. I imagine if it was an uy fat guy it would be funny.

*an ugly fat guy

Great way to start 2018... sitting on the edge of the bed, blubbering in my underwear at a Charlie Dog feels GIF on Sup Forums....

"Things will be different this year!" my ass... where's the fucking kleenex...


This has been a good New Years Sup Forums
I’m tired. Let’s hope the doctors are right and tomorrow I still have my hearing. Goodnight Sup Forumsros

Rather drunk and first time greentexting, bear with.

>be me
>Never knew my father, mother was a junkie so I was taken in by my grandparents
>live a decent life with them, they make things as good as they possibly can for me
>about 3 years ago my gran got lung cancer
>shit card, but she deals with it over a year
>loses a lung but pulls through
>a couple of days before Christmas this year she sits me down and tells me honestly that she got cancer again
>a hard hitter, but I accept it as a shit hand to be dealt but want to make memories with her while I can
>spread to far, couple months to live
>think about all the things I can do with her over the couple of months
>wake up on boxing day after a hard night of drinking
>my gran was taken to a hospital, fluid in her lungs.
>grandfather told me she'd be fine, just getting the fluid cleared and she'd be back within the night
>nod, worried but reassured she'll be fine
>don't go to the hospital, convinced she'll be back
>dies in the hospital, at 2pm.
>never got to say goodbye, never got to thank her or say i'm sorry or that I love her and all my family
>for the past 5 days (I think) I've been drinking consistently, going out with people I barely trust and abusing every substance I can get my fucking hands on
>she was everything to me
>losing her has pushed me over the edge and I just don't want to be here anymore
>people say it gets easier but the only think making it easier is booze and ket
>think after the funeral on the 10th I'm gonna OD on something
>just feel too empty to make it worthwhile anymore

Did he died?

Hang in there user, Grammy showed you love and care because she wanted you to be happy in this world. Grieve as long as you need, but then keep moving with all the things she taught you.

>age 8: if you end up being a faggot you can find yourself another family
>age 17: I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but I never want to hear about it
>age 20: quit job because coworkers are ruining my life calling me a faggot
>"for fuck's sake why did you quit your job? what the hell's wrong with you?"
>age 22: move out of my sharehouse because housemate keep banging on my door calling me faggot and one time came in and pissed on my floor
>"why the hell did you move out, you can't afford a studio apartment"
>age 23: "hahaha can you imagine how fucked it's going to be when mom & dad find out you're a faggot?"
>age 25: quit job as a teacher because gay student starts telling people I slept with him
>"why the hell did you quit your job? and now you have to move back in here again?? what the hell is wrong with you??"
>age 26: get apartment and at the last minute housemate tells me I can't move in because he "can't be around it"
>"why the fuck do you have to go to a hotel for a few days I though you had your apartment all lined-up?? you can't afford this"
>age 26: "sorry I said I could get you a job if you moved here, but my coworkers are really picky about who I hire. I'd appreciate if you didn't make a big deal out of this"
>age 27: quit job at bike shop because coworkers keep going after me with homophobic bullshit
>"what the fuck is wrong with you, why did you quit? you don't have any money!"
>age 30: drunk housemate/landlord starts trying to humiliate me in front of 10 people out at the pub. "gay people get everything they want, they just get to play the gay card and wah wah everything comes their way. nobody fucking gives a shit if you're gay. just fucking admit it"
>move out

The people around me are passed out and all I have is to talk to you guys. Neutral Milk Hotel isn't helping me feel less alone. I just wish I had somebody to cling to, even if I can hardly cling to myself. Just some dumb shit to add.

Please don't do it user. Please.