I have reason to believe I just sold a kitten to a man who is going to kill it, torture it or use it as dog bait. I posted an ad on a site similar too craigstlist and found a buyer straight away. The girl who bought him was willing to pick it up straight awayand not any other day. I checked their profile and it said that the only item that they had been buying over the past 7 months was kittens. No need to worry maybe hes just a weird guy who loves cats. When she arrived she told me she was outside and she could see us throught the windows. I opened the door and their was no girl it was a 30 something year old indian man, who was well dressed. I asked him, I thought you were a girl and he told me it was his daughter messaging me and not him. He seemed polite and had intrest in if the kitten had had vacinations and other stuff like that and I answered them. He took the kitten away in a fancy little cat carrier beloning to his mother. Before he walked out the door I asked him why does he have so many cats to which he responded "I dont". I told him what I found on his profile and he stumbled for a moment before responding. He told me he went to collected "it" but no one answered the door. Which was a lie because he had bought multiple kittens not just one and also he had positive reviews saying how he arrived on time and collected it without hastle. I said "okay thanks bye" and he drove away with the kitten. After I tried messaging him but hes not responding to anything.
I have reason to believe I just sold a kitten to a man who is going to kill it, torture it or use it as dog bait...
Other urls found in this thread:
share his contact info
Let the Indian man eat his pussy in peace.
He will die, no worries.
>share his contact info
Do it OP, it'll be vindication.
Contact 911 immediately, and give them his phone number. Did you get the license plate of the car?
this is his account
I'm tryna find his facebook. His account was called Sarah S and he seemed to be from middleastern or indian decent
Nooooo god
Call me a moralfag but don't let the damn kitten die OP
No you wont call 911 or no you just didn't get the plate?
Animal abuse is a serious crime, like FBI level crime (top-tier felony). So if you really believe the guy will abuse the kitten the fucking report it immediately.
What a magnificent way to start off 2018. Towel heads torturing kittens.
God I hate this world
I thought the same :( hopefully it's resolved and they catch the fucker
It's odd that he would actually commit to buying a scratching post/activity tower (even though he didn't pick it up) if he had bad intentions for the cats.
Still waiting on that phone number, OP...
We'll get to work on this bastard right away.
No I didn't get the plate.
I dont know if I have enough real hard info to accuse this dude of something like that. Isn't dog fighting like a serious gang related pass time. I dont wanna get involved in that shit unless I'm certain the police will do something. btw im in the uk not the us
I 100% think something sketchy is going on
He had gotten kittens in the past.
Why would he need more cats if it's not for abuse or neglect?
And why the lies then?
This was my kitten
>hopefully it's resolved and they catch the fucker
Well so far "they" aren't doing anything, because OP has yet to get anyone involved, including us.
He might have got the scratching post to make it seem less fishy
>btw im in the uk not the us
Well that's it then, kiss the kitten goodbye. Your fucking police won't do shit about it or even look into it until long after it's dead...unfortunately.
He's a cute little guy
Op has unwittingly sold his kitten to the croydon cat killer.
Dude I have no info on the guy other than he account and his ethinicity
Relax guy. He's probably got a large, hungry snake, monitor lizard, etc.
That's not even abuse. Recycling other people's excess pets is environmentally friendly and fun for the whole family.
He could be getting them for family members or friends or something. Hints the carry bag that was his mom's. Or selling them at a higher price. He may not be hurting them. No way to know really.
Is their nothing that can be done.
License plates are clearly visible on the Ford Focus they sold this past year. How difficult is it to look up plate registration history in the UK?
>Before he walked out the door I asked him why does he have so many cats to which he responded "I dont".
I’m sad about the kitten. Do something.
Its all possible.
I heard asians in east london do dogfights to celebrate new year.
He probably was getting them for other people as gifts or some shit. May his mom is a crazy cat lady. That loves kitty's
Police might not do shit but I gladly will. UKFag here
I dont know how to do that/didn't know that was a thing. Explain please
I'm going to offer the consideration that, if they're paying $50.00+ for some (based on their purchase history) as well as leaving reviews like this, it's probably nothing bad:
it would seem he didn't even get the cat scratcher based on the review
>I dont know how to do that/didn't know that was a thing. Explain please
Public/city DMV databases where one can look up automobile license plate history, whom it's registered to, when, et cetera.
Sorry, ma'am. Not enough evidence in what I can find to suggest they'll do anything abusive to the kitten. They seem a little weird, but I can't do anything off 'weird'.
Probably resells the kittens for a profit
there is a huge cat trafficking network in the us you would not know it by looking
Well fuck, well north of Hadrians Wall. Plenty of people will batter the boy over a cat though in London tho ye?
Yeah, i didnt get the plate I couldnt see it from the window
Additionally, you CAN contact the police NOW, and by providing them with that license plate number of the Ford Focus he sold, enable them to immediately find out who & where he is.
ohh shit. yeah dude the one on the ford foucus good thinking. I'll search it up now
>Yeah, i didnt get the plate I couldnt see it from the window
You dumb stupid fuck! LOOK:
License plates. Of a car they owned. Which will forever be linked TO them.
Look what you've done. You have woken up the old fags
>Local Man Arrested for Stalking Indian Couple Who Just Like Cats
info about the car. No personal info though
>Sorry, ma'am. Not enough evidence in what I can find to suggest they'll do anything abusive to the kitten. They seem a little weird, but I can't do anything off 'weird'.
I'm inclined to agree, based on what I've seen. However, a welfare check via authorities can never hurt.
Yes, but police will be able to instantly pull past ownership records.
Alright. calling 'em
Why act dodgy? Pretend he's not buying multiple cats? Pretend he's a girl? If it was his daughter messaging, she would have come to pick it up
These threads are a cheap illuminati tactic used to suck the precious time in lives of Sup Forums tards.
My city went through a major Asian invasion years ago and legit, not shitting you, the Vietnamese were picking up random cats in the neighborhood and eating them. So many cats went missing, and more than a few families were caught by the police taking cats and they literally had to tell them, we do not eat cats in this country.
It's not a thing really anymore but true story.
He doesn't have it.
愚蠢的美國人將永遠不會發現我們的秘密地下CAT GENOCIDE組織
>Towel heads
I thought that term was for Arabs/Middle Easterners
Bumping for interest.
笨笨的美国人,你们永远都抓不到我们哈哈。 台湾第一名!
maybe the guy is selling them for a few more bucks, he exaggerates the pedigree and make a small profit. That's like the whole point of doing business on craiglist, don't panic man