Feet thread

feet thread

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2018 will be the fucking year of foot fetish



post candids or classroom candids








>feet thread
What's the appeal? Not judging, just curious.


if you really wanted to know you'd google it

deal with it though. it's the most common fetish and there's nothing u can do about it.

now you may go back to your furry/trap/anime/loli thread, faggot



Here's some foot porn. Happy new year.





you don't know shit kid. that is fucking cuck porn

came to this so many times her feet are amazing

i agree. i wish she had more footjob clips though.

Like boobs and pussy, no pair of feet are the same. It's the variety and the shape of the foot, it's all different. If people take good care of their feet, they are really soft, and feel good to touch. Take a boob for example. The nipple is the tor and the whole boob is the foot. Nipples have a certain size and shape. And toes have a certain size and shape as well. Some toes are long and some toes are short. Some nipples are small and other nipples big. It's all about how you see it.





dat ass



Uh sauce?


I love it when thier smaller toes are bunched up close and they look like little onions




do you have the full video???