Was trying to go to the bathroom but my roommate's girlfriend is passed out on the toilet after a new year's party...

Was trying to go to the bathroom but my roommate's girlfriend is passed out on the toilet after a new year's party...what to do

Cum on.
Or piss in sink and leave her be

put it in her butt

insert dick in mouth

It isn't rape if she hasn't said no.
This is a joke. Calm down with the heavy breathing.

Go wake up your roommate and tell him to take care of his girl because you want to go to the bathroom.

i smell rape

Fuck her

Sit her up look at her pussy duh...my girl used to pass out on the toilet and I'd just leave her until one of my roommates told me people have to piss get ur girl

Take a pic, then stand over her on your phone typing a message out on Sup Forums,upliading the pic, then doing the capcha. Shift your weight from one foot to the other while you wait 3 minutes for replies.


after a new year's party? if the sun isn't up yet, the party isn't over

fuck her pussy with the handle of the toilet brush.

I did this to a raver slut that passed out on my toilet years ago.

The worst thing I've seen happen in this situation is a girl I know passed out on the tour like that and the person that found her took her phone and took a pic of her vag and made it her fb profile picture lol

I walked in on her on a different time once when she was drunk but awake. She was topless and I was wearing nothing but my boxers. I was mezmerized by her tits and I just stood there and stared blatantly without moving for a good 10 seconds and she let me before she told me to get out

cuck your roommate

You know what to do.

Just piss on her. She'll think she pissed herself. Better yet shit in your hand and put it in her pants.

piss in the yard, pretend you didn't see her

if you have to shit wake her up and be conciliatory

Get your roommate and tell him to move her.
The delay between her seeing you and kicking you out is probably because she was pissed up.
Any other action may lead you into trying to not drop the soap territory.

Post timestamp

My gf's passed out on the bed

my gf is sitting at her pc beside me playing hearthstone :3


Timestamp or your mother die this year!

Post More pics?


He was a hero


Crumpkin is the one your after
