1st YLYL of 2k18 lets go u fags
1st YLYL of 2k18 lets go u fags
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I hope this isn't real.
But these days....you never know.
made me smile
Last one for me
Lied found this one too
i know this is like unrelated OC but it made me laugh when I saw it again
Took me a while to get it
That's defusion idiots
Why ?
Ugly scumbags don't deserve fun?
a personal favorite
Why do I feel like this was written by an alpaca?
>my life for yours
Llamas really will fuck you up though.
I just unleashed the biggest shit sht of my life and first shit of the new year at the same time i saw this the first bit of it was solid and seemed like the rest would be then i felt it nearing the end of the log when what i can only discribe as feeling like softy cheese exploded out of my ass at super sonic speeds almost filling the toilet i consumed 2 whole little caesars pizzas a few hours ago and had a little over 3 olde english 40s both were extreamly enjoyable i never would have thought they would become this god awful anus burning pile of cheese wiz
Pretty good costume though the girl obviously the boy looks like a litte faggot id love to swiftly kick in his not yet dropped nuts
Correct actually
Damn it...lost
I feel as if the description of the llama could be applied to a Finnish man
typical niggers
nah. should be killed on sight
>Norwegian Death Metal
>Death Metal
you had one fucking job
Happy 200018
this didn't make me laugh, please delete it from the webpage
This was the first image of 2018 to make me LOL.
Did an alpaca write this?
kek. Lost when I read the ending.
Who is this guy and what did he do to get everywhere?
He is a politician who committed suicide at an assembly ... something like this
that's polymerization indeed, and you`re idiot. defusion looks different
I'm a correction officer in nyc can confirm this is how they act
>>Slippery wiener
You might be retarded
>Didn't see the ending a mile off.
Autism ladies and gentlemen
I still have no idea what the original image for this comes from
I heard someone say Star Wars but that may have been a meme itself.
Reverse image search lazy bones
I failed. Good night
Bosnien war criminal Slobodan Praljak. He poisoned himself after UN tribunal sentenced him to 20 years.
>war criminal
>war criminal
That's a funny way to spell scapegoat.
>doesn't know about Norwegian Death Metal
tru dat
>Fast and Furious; African Drift