Goodbye Sup Forums! I've finally understood what this site is and I will not be returning.
Goodbye Sup Forums! I've finally understood what this site is and I will not be returning
Eat shit cunt
See ya dude who doesn't fucking kill themselves and puts the same post up 15 times per year
meh, first time making a topic. You should consider quitting Sup Forums considering how deluded you are lol.
You'll be back soon ™
Like the rest of us
Nope. The difference between me and others just posting this shit on New Year is that I am finally content with my life. I finally took the initiative to resolve my conflicts with my life as of now. I am at ease.
Yet you took the time to write this message.
I figured I'd show my respect to the faggots I never loved. Please resolve any issues and death will not be an option. I was that close ;)
You should consider being an actual contributor. If you've been around here long enough then you know your post has to stand out for ppl to give AF. This is as mundane as the pics you shouldn't share bread.
Are you a dope head. You got those junkie pupils. You girls are the best fuck meats. How I'd love to slide my lubed fist into your pink potato.
You are one ignorant mofo.
Sup Forumsecause of my strong will, I am gone. My true Sup Forumsros would farewell.
it's an user board. How do you think your bros will be able to fucking discern your post frome the rest of the newfag tripe.
Just a question, are you? Because I bet you are. My best fucks are all the slav junkies like you. I find them on the street and tell them I got some junk at home and they get in my car like lightning.
the pic perhaps idk. What do you want from?
Avoiding. Confirmed junkie with daddy issues who likes to be filled out like an application
Well for one, a junkies pupils are pretty much the exact opposite of that and the girl in the pic has been dead for a while now.
LULZ only newfags wouldn't know that.
>a legitimate new years resolution poster
I bet you think you're different because you had a """deep""" trip
newfags confirmed.
Enlighten us as to what you "finally understood"
Sorry ur so discontent w/ ur life :(
> I've finally understood what this site is
good joke, you're here forever
>pic related
Junkies pupils are pinned (tiny) when they're high you stupid fuck. And dialated (large) when withdrawing. How are you gonna tell ME, virgin?
To be fair, Sup Forums IS weird. Idk why I even come here lmao. It's nothing but a bunch of fucking incels who post pictures of others that are unaware.
>tfw ywn jizz on those braces