The night is darkest before the dawn
>mfw people still believe the upcoming tonal switch wasnt intentional all along
The night is darkest before the dawn
>mfw people still believe the upcoming tonal switch wasnt intentional all along
Snyder pls
I feel you, OP. It's just fucking sad.
Why do so many fags think this mindblowing and deep when it isn't
Do you not the see the shared sun in the background for posters a year apart? With each no revelation of the depth of Snyders film, you and people like yous constant denial of it becomes increasingly more laughable
You do know that Berg and Johns have come out and straight up said that they're making a course correction?
You do know that Terrio said that BvS was darker in tone than what came before and purposefully so, as it gave him somewhere to go with the third in the Snyder trilogy?
Said before, said again
These movies are not the ones that will be praised today or tomorrow, they're the ones that will be looked back on as ambitious and finely crafted when the Marvel paint-by-numbers films tire their audience.
Yes....but then Berg and Johns said they're changing things like tone.
They literally fucking said that they're making changes, how can you say it was planned all along when the two guys in charge say otherwise?
You Snyderfags have hit peak delusion.
the fuck? captain Russia?
People hate what they don't understand.
You think all the classics were received well when they first came out?
That shit looks fucking gay dude.
Capeshit will be forgotten in time, Snyder flicks will never stand amongst the greats, quit memeing and go back to r/ dc cinematic you faggot
Who's the nigga in the back?
GeForce GTX?
>Christopher Reeves Superman
>Raimi Spider-man
>The Dark Knight
Nah, capeshit is definitely staying.
>The night is darkest before the dawn
But BvS WAS the dawn, though. It was the fucking title of the movie.
Overwhelmingly vast majority were at least positively received. BvS will never be a fucking classic since not only is it an objectively horrible movie but it's a totally joyless, boring chore to sit through.
If anything it's only going to become even more hated over time when good DC movies eventually come out to compare it to.
>"Mistakenly in the past I think the studio has said, ‘Oh, DC films are gritty and dark and that's what makes them different.' That couldn't be more wrong," Johns said. "It's a hopeful and optimistic view of life. Even Batman has a glimmer of that in him."
>“Justice League” was already intended to be less depressing than “Batman v Superman,” but Messrs Berg and Johns worked with Mr. Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio to make changes after gauging fan reactions to the superhero fight.
>“We accelerated the story to get to the hope and optimism a little faster,” said Mr. Berg.
Only the theatrical edition is objectively horrible. As time goes on, the ultimate edition will gain more exposure and people will get a better impression. As the WB executives continue to fuck the DC universe in the ass people will look back on the Snyder trilogy with fondness.
I hate this word. It's right up there with "takes itself seriously".
No, but not all movies that aren't well recieved turns around and becomes classics either.
Seriously why the fuck did they pick Cyborg as the final member?
>2/10 movie becomes 3/10
What a classic.
Even with how bad Suicide Squad was people were already saying "well at least it's not as bad as BvS"
>people will look back on the Snyder trilogy with fondness.
You're fucking insane....but I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else from a DCEU defender.
>g-guys it's totally gonna be seen as the masterpiece it is
>a-any day now
>Abs built into the costume.
Fucking stop doing it Hollywood. Not even a DC vs Marvel thing....just fucking stop it.
You hate objectively true things?
I genuinely feel sorry for the guy. You can tell he tries, but keeps falling over himself. Hopefully Justice League will be his redemption.
Where's Green Lantern, though?
It is needed in DC because they are all bearmode husbandos
Diversity. They should've went with Green Lantern. It would've been a great way to ''reboot'' after the shit movie.
Their excuse is already in the movie; Luthor sent out communications into space, and Darkseid is an intergalactic threat.
He's in space and shit.
>Messrs Berg and Johns worked with Mr. Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio to make changes after gauging fan reactions to the superhero fight.
>2/10 movie becomes 3/10
>Even with how bad Suicide Squad was people were already saying "well at least it's not as bad as BvS"
Because they hadn't watched the ultimate edition. Right now the theatrical edition is still fresh in people's minds.
>g-guys it's totally gonna be seen as the masterpiece it is
>a-any day now
Reception to the ultimate edition was already positive.
No, I hate it when "critics" use it as their sole argument when they have nothing else to say.
Sure but now they're exaggerating it.
Busy fucking Carol.
how did he deconstruct them?
The DCEU is still shit.
Green Lantern is gay and too OP.
Flash is OP too.
>Reception to the ultimate edition was already positive
Because the vast majority of people that bought/watched it were fans already. Even most of those that didn't like the TC say that while the UC is better it's still a bad movie....which it is.
>Batman is still a killer
>Superman is still a mopey, unlikable sad-sack
>Lex is still a spazz
>His plan is still needlessly and idiotically over complicated and stupid
>the big conflict still comes about because Batman was tricked and Superman was blackmailed
>the Knightmare scene still comes out of nowhere and is never mentioned again
>the cameo's.avi are still forced as fuck
>it's still about movies crammed into one
>it's still a depressing chore to watch
It's still a fucking stupidly bad movie. You're beyond delusional if you honestly think there's going to be some awakening and people will realize that it's actually a masterpiece.
You can't really complain about anyone being too OP when Superman is a character involved.
>was the plan all along
>decide to amplify the plan even more
It's not though, pic related.
Nope, the Ultimate Cut will ensure the film never gets any respect in years to come. The theatrical cut and the ultimate cut are two different movies with different plots. The ultimate cut got presence through fanboys and critics with critic guilt giving a pity score bump to it.
Btw the theatrical cut is superior to the ultimate in every way
None of the things you listed were real flaws except for the Justice League cameos, which honestly were not that bad. There is nothing wrong with Batman being a killer or Superman being sad. These are just different interpretations. Lex's plan isn't even hard to follow, and his actor was great.
The reintroduction of Lex was bullshit. If you're going to reintroduce Lex then his initial plan should be completely for monetary gain, and allow him to grow to hate the heroes that thwart his plans...
you can have a Lex with a full-on hate boner for Superman or Batman or whomever. It's not a reinterpretation of the character, it's a complete misinterpretation of him and completely fucking retarded.
Fuck you and if you have a cat I hope it dies.
>make changes after gauging fan reactions to the superhero fight
How the fuck was it the plan all along if they straight up said that they're making changes based on reactions to BvS?
You people are certifiable.
Well Batfleck definitely needs it, you can't be that THICC, solid and tight natty while maintaining low enough body fat to have visible abs.
>baawww it's not like muh comics!
It's people like you holding back the superhero genre.
>The theatrical cut and the ultimate cut are two different movies with different plots.
No, not really. They're the same bloated movie with one one version only being slightly more bloated and pretentious than the other.
Snyder's superman is his take on a bizzaro superman.
Your only counter to this is "not muh."
with a wrecking ball
That's exaggerating, but frankly, faithfulness matters less than how good the result turns out to be.
The tonal switch was confirmed even before BvS hade premiere.
and they've been utterly horrible. For snyder lacks the mental capacity to comprehend a superman that isn't doctor Manhattan.
>should have
>not muh
Just because you add a bunch of words to the statement, doesn't mean you aren't an autistic shit butthurt about someone playing with your toys the wrong way.
yeah, like that part where Superman goes and wins the war in iraq for america. Or that part where Manhattan goes around randomly helping people. Or that part where Supes goes and explodes mobsters in bars.
Completely the same character.
Iraqi freedom wasn't relevant when MoS or BvS was in theaters (for the united states zeitgeist considers that conflict resolved) but random African warlords were, for they always will be.
And considering snyder's superman has had a bar fight and manhattan had tried the "random helping" thing, you're just being retarded on purpose.
And the results are a wandering monotonous snore that celebrates violence. Snyder's DC films don't inspire anyone or even bother being faithful to the core material that's turned these characters into icons people love. If you weigh the Superman character and what his role in a story should be against what Snyder has done with Superman and Batman it's obvious he's lost. If Wonder Woman had more than two minutes of screentime he probably would have fucked her up, too. Snyder is a car salesman. He's a shill. BvS was studio mandated color by numbers imitation garbage and Snyder is the perfect unquestioning yes man to deliver a product that will make a brand relevant to the public. BvS is a commercial for clothes, toys, games etc. It was marketing, not art. Objectively you can't even consider it good or bad because it was a soulless vehicle to sell merch. That's the awful truth of how horrible BvS was.
Because Terrio said it months before BvS was even released. If anything, Berg and Johns are engaging in spin control, and rightfully so considering how woefully "professional critics" misunderstood BvS.
This is not a meme. They went in expecting big dumb fun and it never occurred to them to look for anything else. Ego and reputation demand that they stick by their erroneous critiques for years to come.
You're a retarded faggot
Everyone hates you
Everyone, faggot
Want to see the difference? Here it is.
Remember the scene where Superman saved the capsule of that failed rocket launch? That's him acting as the safety net that Manhattan couldn't pull his head out of his own ass long enough to ever be.
No, Manhattan just shows up on the moon as an afterthought, possibly only because his government handlers asked him to, oblivious and uncaring as to how his very existence mocks and diminishes human achievement.
Superman acts as a shepherd and protector to humanity. Manhattan both acts like and very much is an uncaring god. Snyder directed both these scenes and he nailed them perfectly.
If you're going to craft your insults as a haiku, at least get the pattern right. It's 5-7-5.
Being gay for landing on the moon is a dumb thing to be autistic about
Do you give a shit about the first person who built a boat and sailed to an island
No. You're just emotionless rhetoric. Nothing you say matters.
You're just a vapid robot of a human being. Maybe someday you'll actually cultivate some rough approximation of a soul. I have hope for you.
>n-no you
>this much tism
You want the tism? I'll show you the tism. It's the one of us who's triggered right now.
"It Ain't Me" starts playing.
But his plan was to make money *off* the heroes, unless you think he designed market-friendly logos for the ones he planned on using just for the lulz.
Except that isn't ever stated, or given any credence other than the icons you mentioned. If anything, given context, it's implied that Lex also wants to kill all those other heroes due to his shoe-horned god complex. Even in the extended super-duper directors cut he has no motivation for anything he does.
Here's the perfect storm for Hollywood right now:
Kevin Smith stops directing and just writes
Snyder stops writing and just directs.
Problem fucking solved.
So now the lying, manipulative villain can only have motives he explicitly states? We're shown early on that Lex likes people to know precisely how he's fucked them when it's too late for them to do anything about it. Dropping his motivations to Superman in a truthful monologue is so cliche that the Incredibles were making fun of it a decade ago.
Just ask yourself why those logos exist. Be honest about it. It's what I did. If the only answer you can come up with is "shoehorned, poorly thought out setup for future films," that's fine. It just means you're a bit cynical and unimaginative.
The lying manipulative villain does need to consistently sound like something other than a braindead high school dropout who only read the cliff notes of Epicurus though.
Considering that the DCEU is and has always been a poorly-organized, pie-in-the-sky "plan" to both play catch-up with the MCU and beat Marvel Studios at its own game? Yeah, I'm having a hard time believing that WB planned any of that.
So you bought the god complex, huh? It's there, all right, just not in the way you think. Notice he never tried to sell anyone but Supes himself on the Epicurean dilemma?
Take note of the fact that the only two characters who refer to Superman as a god, the only two people who actually voice what the world is thinking, don't believe it themselves.
It's called irony.
There's a pretty wide gulf between genuine death and the pretention thereof.
You're not even wrong.
So why is Batman trusting those people?
Wonder Woman is almost as powerful as Superman and turned her back on humanity once already, the Flash is fucking fast and literally a kid, Aquaman is a autocratic ruler with a booze problem and he rules an isolationistic kingdom and Cyborg is literally a guy fused to some kind of alien supercomputer.
Plus, none of them even cared when Zod attacked Metropolis and threatened to make the planet inhabitable for humans.
The only reason he was after Superman in the first place had nothing to do with how powerful he is. That was just the way he rationalized it to himself. Alfred saw through it.
It was about chasing his obsession with revenge. That was his beautiful lie - that vengeance could ever bring him peace.
gal gadot's thighs are making me rock hard
I don't hate you user, I agree with you
2001 was panned when it came out
Wizard of Oz was panned when it came out
The Thing was panned when it came out
Citizen Kane was forcefully kept out of theaters
Apocalypse Now was panned when it came out
The theatrical cut of Blade Runner was panned
Same with The Graduate, Fight Club, The Shining, Vertigo and Fear and Loathing.
It even happens to books like The Great Gatsby.
It happens quiet often.
Capeshit ages badly, BvS will never be looked back fondly, it is not an misunderstood classic.
Did you happen to pick up on the allegorical components? In my opinion it artfully pulls off what Lucas clumsily stumbled through in the prequels in regards to the Bush administration and the post-911 world.
>there are only six
where the fuck is Green Lantern
>Implying it's not going to be the only obvious choice.
yes but that still does't make it a good movie.
If they succeed in sanding off Snyder's rough edges I'll be supremely disappointed. His tactile, apocalyptic quirkiness is the most compelling thing in superhero cinema right now.
>Even in the extended super-duper directors cut he has no motivation for anything he does.
>what did LL want to do?
Kill Superman
>what did LL accomplish at movie's end?
He killed Superman
>Even in the extended super-duper directors cut he has no motivation for anything he does.
There's several scenes of him talking about why he wants to kill Superman. He doesn't really talk about anything else the whole movie.
It was the plan all along because the screenwriter literally said so a month before release of BvS
They are different plots. And your entire post is retarded buzzwords "bloated" "pretentious" fucking meaningless words how fucking dare you respond to me with that bullshit. Fuck off.
Not to mention that BvS's screenplay been completed in the end of 2013 (by Terrio) and kino itself was read in 2015 WB just moved release date to 2016 (kino year). Civil War was announced in 2014, collateral damage theme, your mother's name, one hero vs another, Africa - it's all here.
Russos are secret Snyder's fans in Marlel.
New Avengers will be Justice League movie rip-off, just wait.
How do you feel about the message and what it has to say about role Western society plays in Islamic extremism, or more importantly, what it says about what the "East" should be doing about it?
Batman (USA) vs Superman (Russia) confronted by Lex Luthor (globalists).
I read it as Batman(USA), Superman(moderate Islam), Lex(ultra-rich/military-industrial complex). That makes Zod extremist Islam(Al Qaeda) and Doomsday(ISIS).
Hell, among Doomsday's first actions is him destroying a monument to a "false god."