Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

Well, the Nazis wanted to kill some Jews and did so
Antifa wanted to kill Nazis and... haven't

Nazis win

Nazis will be better armed and more intelligent.

I choose to be the guy seloing homemade weapons to both sides and let them destroy each other.

nazis are the obvious winners here

Antifa, because the other side is literally Nazis.

Neither they are both window licking fucktards.

2 groups who think they have half the country's/world's support when they only have a very minute amount of support.

It is these groups who help perpetuate hate on this planet, by spreading lies and amended truths to suit their own agenda and giving ammunition to the groups they hate.

>Shit vs Scat. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

not modern day nazis

my grandfather killed nazis and I would be proud to as well. fuck nazis, fuck neo-nazis, fuck them all

Found the international subversive element

>homemade weapons to both sides

Kekd, the nazis have fucking guns. Your rinky dink Lego lightsaber is useless. Might as well be with antifa, nazis will have actual weapons.
Seems to me hatred kept shit in line. Look at western Europe. They welcome the sand shitters in with open arms because they're tolerant and don't hate. That turned out great.

Never bring a gun to a lightsaber fight.

Implying there is a difference...


You’re no way near as clever as you think you are

Remember that part when I said spreading lies and amended truths.

Look what you just said.

You are basing everything you have read from sites like breitbart etc and thinking it is truth.

And it is people like yourself who help perpetuate the hate and spreading of bullshit information.

Essentially you are the scum of the planet in a nutshell helping the world come to another large scale war where millions die on each side because of ignorance.

Way to shit on the graves of people who died to stop Nazi ideology from reaching other shores.


They've existed for like 80 years and I've never even heard about them in 43 years on earth until the right needed a boogeyman recently.

They've never done anything to me or anybody that I know.

My grandfathers hated nazis so much that they stormed the only bridge into an Italian town full of German mg's ON FOOT and then proceeded to go house to house killing them all room by room until they retreated.

I will never accept their bs here and we don't have a secret service, if they ever gain power here, I will fucking shoot them myself and then you little homos can call me antifa while I play ps4 in the pen.

I too want to remove the kebab and the Jewish infestation. So eh NAZI is my choice. Plus I cannot get behind the faggoty bullshit the Anti-Fa cunts are "supporting".

Neither cause this is what the government wants to happen. Keep the people fighting each other and not them.

noice choice side this guy who is sliong weapons to both sides and let them destroy each other.

Sit down and laugh


If I HAD to pick sides, Antifa. There's a few cringelords in there but generally it's just regular people turning up to show nutjobs their marches aren't welcome in normal society.

Fuck the fags who dress up in masks and think they're 'rebels' though.

Same fagging and can't even spell Selling correctly in either post.

Jesus, fucking under-educated yanks.


neither they both suck nigger dick

And your spelling is pathetic. Oh well.
What exactly was wrong with the nazi ideology? Inb4 muh Jews. If you know any history you would know why they were targeted.

Nazi literally means national socialist. So that is someone who believes in a NatSoc government. So let's break that down. In political terms, a nationalistic government would worry about their country and no one else. It's pretty self explanatory. So let's see, what's wrong with putting your country and people first. Hmm, can't think of any reasons! Now socialism boils down to people in the community or country even, provides the needs for the people. Instead of corporations or banks controlling imports and exports and food production, the people of the state are used to meet the needs of the people.

So a nazi is someone who puts their country and people first and wants a government that lacks companies monopolizing everything, and banks having more control than the people.

Yeah those crazy nazis. Up to no good.

"Nazis" don't exist, but i don't want to side with Antifa.

>that turned out great
Please elaborate

Where’s the ‘pathetic’ spelling?
3/10 b8 made me reply

I really hate both, but I'm sure the antifa guys are more fun and chill

antifa if i would have to chose.

>Nazi literally means national socialist
Except it doesn't.

National Socialists never referred to themselves as Nazis, it's a made up word by the left and was only used as an insult.

The origin of the insult isn't even the words "National Socialist".

Indiscriminately firing on antifa
All this liberal cuck bullshit is why I see a white woman with a nigger on every fucking commercial on TV
Fucking liberal Jew kikes brainwashing our children to breed us out of existence.

I mean, it really does highlight the point that you’re no way near as clever as you think you are.
Maybe use this opportunity to have a quiet little word with yourself dumbfuck?

Neither because the "Nazi's" are controlled opposition run by government agents to lure in susceptible young men. They aren't real National Socialists in the slightest. Any real National Socialist wouldn't be seen within 20 feet of these degenerates.

Antifa are communists founded in the 1920's by the KPD to counter the National Socialists in Germany. They are violent far left terrorists backed by many governments as a proxy attack squad on any ideology that doesn't fit into their naive worldview.

Irony is it was Antifa in the 1920's and 30's that got the NSDAP elected in the first place due to the hundreds of murders,riots,street fights, rapes and arson attacks against NSDAP members and supporters which the average person saw as barbaric. I wonder if history will repeat.

Pic related is Antifa in its earliest years prior to be rounded up and shot en masse by the SA in revenge for the 900+ murders of SA,SS and NSDAP members. The same people the Nat-Soc and even average conservatives had street battles with. Sound familiar?

Better armed yes, as for more intelligent, well....

I've known some white supremacists. They were all pretty much dumb as shit and couldn't really say anything better than "white is right". Most people who claim to be Nazis are hicks and edgy suburbanites. I've also met people who are "in" Antifa. They are all college educated albeit a good half are pursuing useless degrees but they had some intelligence from the college education. However, they were the biggest pussies I've ever known and only act tough when they gamble that fists won't be flying and if they do, they're booking it.

In summation, niggers are in Antifa weighing down the average intelligence but they are really only in it for the chimp outs and looting. The rest are college educated pansies and the Neo-Nazis, and they are Neo, are rednecks with guns. I personally hate them both and hope open warfare breaks outs to spice things up but in reality it'll never escalate from name calling and the occasional riot.


Blah blah moron babble

funfact to that picture:

the guy on the left is acually a lefty

"Nazis" stopped existing 70 years ago. What antifa defines as "nazi" is actually anyone that dares to not side with them or suport them

1 bullet will change that when 2 rival militias face off. The police will then open fire and it will turn into a 3 way battle with unarmed supporters of all sides in the middle.

It'll start the second civil war.

I'm impressed.
nearly everything u posted is false.

You are talking about the "spartakusbund" that tried to start a socialist revolution at the end of world war 1

the street riots were started by the german party der stahlhelm and other right wing extremist parties in germany.
its not like one of both sides started it, it just had gone on and on for some years.
some historicans actualy note it was started by the right wing sided "burschenschaften", a an organisation for young males at this time who killed the leaders of the spartakusbund at that time
(whats actually the point the spd and the kopd didn'T work together against the nsdap because the kpd felt betrayed by their ally)

even if nazis are redneck white trash they will still keep your neighborhoods nigger free which is statistically safer by fucking leagues. antifa are just gender confused baizuo faggots who wanna tax the evil white business man to pay for their birth control and strap ons. degenerate retards.

What a dumb statement.
It concerns me that you might actually believe this to be true.


fascist = destroy anyone who disagrees = Antifa

I will be on the side that sells both of them the weapons they need to destroy each other. PROFIT! 'Murikun capitalism at work.

your grandfather proly did not like the idea of niggers fucking white girls either. And called fags, fags.

he's actually right.
There's no nazis dude.
there's also no santa claus, or tooth fairy.

There were 4 idiots holding garden torches standing on a statue one time.

4 idiots goes not a nazi threat make.

And yet, i'm certain that you see nazis everywhere around you, all day long. Goose stepping their way to he mail box, and driving their panzers to the stop n go.

I hate you.


This picture sums it up perfectly. Lack of hatred gets you this. When you accept and tolerate everything like what western Europe did, people come in and abuse you and walk all over you. Their countries have turned to shit politically and physically. Before you say "hur u domt kno!!", yes I do. I went to Paris and mid day got fucking mugged by these parasites they let in. Crime has skyrocketed, rapes and murders the same. Meanwhile they out breed whites and create ghettos, taking free government handouts but not working.

"You're no way near"
"No way"

It's "nowhere", not "no way".Can't read or spell, I feel bad for you.
"Nazi is a made up word by the left"

I need a t-shirt of this. Nazi was coined for the Nazi party, meaning national socialist. Are you arguing that the people who created the term didn't create it? Liberal shit heads spew the word "nazi" everywhere, this is true. However, nazi stands for NatSoc, and the term itself has been associated with a specific group of people from a certain age.

There's nothing wrong with the term nazi, its the fact people sling it around like retards and have no idea what it actually means.
Great counter argument, gonna have to sleep on that one.

Side with the Nazis, then shoot them in the back while whistling the MD Geist theme song.

This. .
Fun fact: The USSR called the Berlin Wall the Antifascist protection wall because anyone that wasn't communist, was in fact a fascist.

This is how insane these people are. Their actions are actually bringing back the Nat-Soc as a reactionary force to the insanity of the "modern" world.
They've overused the taboo words of "racist" and "nazi" so much they've now fully lost their impact they once had just 2 years ago and people now just laugh it off as a sign that you're saying something right to be labelled with such an insignificant term.

How many times do you have to post this? Nobody in that image is National Socialist you dumb Amerimutt Nigger.

Jesus fucking christ i was referring to your definition of Antifa

Do you have to consciously remind yourself to blink you massive fucking sperg?

Well, the new modern shitty nazis didn't kill the jews.

The problem with Nazism is simple, when it was created it was to eradicate a group of people on false information.

And it was those lies and bended truths that caused a good chunk of the German nation to go against Jews.

All because Jews bullied hitler as a youth, and that the Jewish community didn't want to help fun the German war machine to take over Europe when Hitler took power.

So the SS and Nazi party spread stuff like Jews kill handicapped kids and use their skin for lampshades etc, and they pushed it hard and people believed it and in the end sparked the start of a long war that killed millions.

Now you may be hating on Jews because you are ignorant, I am not Jewish before your ignorance cries out "you must be a jew if you don't follow my ideology", Christianity was formed from Judaism - there is no ifs and buts about it, just like Islam is formed from Judaism and Christianity mostly. But people who crave power and control will always abuse said religions to attack another.

And that is what happened in Nazi Germany, they wanted their warped sense of Protestantism to circle the globe, where anything not white, blonde and around 6ft tall would be essentially eradicated.

And in the US this is happening today, where the government led by Corporations are spreading misinformation and lies on Mexicans and Muslims, to further their goals and ideology. And like ignorant people the lower classes accept it like gospel. The same lower classes who pay hundreds to thousands a year to some evangelist who scams them out of their money, because they talk about God and Jesus like Jehovah is the one true God but failing to realize he is the same God in Judaism and Islam.

That is why people like you is bad for this planet, and groups like Antifa and Neo-Nazism etc are too.

If we get rid of religion all together then this planet would be in better hands, but also ship off the window lickers and sheep to an island where they can battle it out.

Nazis are more /myguys/, not perfect but still far better than (((((antifa))))

AntiFA are anti-fascist the same way positrons are anti-electrons.
They aren't the absence of fascism, they're the exact same thing just with the opposite spin.


>talks about post ww1 and the Jewish backed communist revolution in Germany.
I'm specifically talking of the degenerate Weimar years and financial depression years and the rise of the NSDAP and the commie attack group founded to fight them physically rather than politically.

Antifa want to kill Jews more than the Nazis though...



None, both are degenerates.
I say both groups should be gassed.

>destroying historical monuments of the most important moment in US history.
>wiping out your own history because it doesn't conform to your naive suicidal world view.
>Attacking European descended people(white) despite probably being one of them all whilst shouting their racist against minorities despite being the actual world minority(10% of world pop) and actually being racist towards European descended people.

Literally Islamic Jihadist tier you subhuman shits. You don't see any of the far right or even moderate centre right behaving like this.

Neither... both are insanely stupid and full of rejects.

Himmler and Heydrich would be proud.
Accurate observation.
The former are degenerate federal agent honeypots and the latter are degenerate commies run by the government and feds as useful attack dogs.

I am an antifa, i side with whats right. I don't want to oppress anyone or get oppressed by anyone.

But i would fight nazis with weapons if that is needed, i want to live in a calm society, i don't want to live in 1984 and i don't want anyone of my friends arrested or killed for not being white enough.

" Jewish backed communist revolution"

think we are done here

"Weimar years and financial depression years"

we could use our brain and think about the fact that all these things existed just before they were founded.
So the antifascist action was simply created to bear up against the brutality of the right wing side (beside the fact you simply said it was foudned at that time, i nev er heard abpout the rfact it was created to beat up people on the streets. thats just something that had to follow due to the political situation at that time), while the nsdap is a whole political party.
Thats a pretty dumb comparison

maybe half of those momuments were built after 1920 youd have a point go watch alex jones

Can't I just hate them both?

>I am an antifa
>I don't want to oppress anyone

Pick one, dude.

It is WRONG to punch a nazi in the face!
You should punch many nazis in the face!

Hahahah, yeah right. That's not how you spell "Will chimp out so badly that half their country winds up sucking Russian cock for the next half century" user.

he's actually right.

never heard about antifa opressing someone, more likely using force to fight racists.

but thats not opressing someone in general but bearing up against it.
bearung up against it


obviously the question doesnt apply to you ya irrelevant nobody.

What the hell are you talking about? antifa wants everyone to freely contribute to the society even their lives if necessary.

Fa wants to oppress you, make you think one way and kill anyone different. Difference is not allowed in a Fa society.

I think the differences makes us learn and bound, the Fa just kills alla different like disabled in the 3rd reich, nobody knows how many got killed for not being perfect.

But perfection could also be imperfection, the right imperfect is perfect. If you are a Fa you live in a very small world.

I wouldn't call it a civil war. These two factions don't represent the government like the first one did. I haven't seen and actual Antifa militias and i know Neo Nazis have compounds and stuff but secluded and in the boonies and they stay that way to build meth empires. Any actual armed groups flashing would be treated as a more chaotic crips vs bloods situation. Any stray bullets between the two sides flashing during a protest would just result in most people getting put of there, i believe.

>There's nothing wrong with the term nazi
it's an insult. Maybe the american right wing is too stupid to realise it.

nazis. They'd get rid of the mudslimes

>The problem with Nazism is simple, when it was created it was to eradicate a group of people on false information.

No it wasn't. The nazi party and nazism began in 1920. It was the chosen government party after the great war as Germany saw it most fitting for the time.

>And it was those lies and bended truths that caused a good chunk of the German nation to go against Jews.

In 1933 jews boycotted German products because they didn't support the government, and they claimed they were being mistreated. Typical kikes going into people's country and then playing victim trying to change the nation for their own gain.

>Jewish community didn't want to help fund the German war machine

If you don't support the government then fucking leave, Germany is not fucking Israel sacred homeland to Jews.

>So the SS and Nazi party spread stuff like Jews kill handicapped kids and use their skin for lampshades muh 6 trillion

Not getting into this.

>Now you may be hating on Jews because you are ignorant, I am not Jewish before your ignorance cries out "you must be a jew if etc Jews dindu nuffin I'm racist evil nazi as usual

I hate Jews for the same reason the people that have exiled them since the birth of the religion did.

>And that is what happened in Nazi Germany

That's not what happened in nazi Germany.

>And in the US this is happening today, where the government led by Corporations are spreading lies etc fuck religion yeah whatever brown people dindu nuffin whitey is evil

Starting to sound like a college liberal atheist who hates his parents.

Tl;Dr You're an idiot who has an obvious anti religion bias that influences everything about this. Along with that, you have only read things from one side instead of both. Being the evil nazi I am, I actually read both sides of the story instead of reading a corporate jew book in highschool and not questioning it.

Antifa sounds like one of those things that sound great on paper but can't be enacted effectively, such as Communism, which Antifa essentially is. I actually haven't even heard about any of Antifa's ideals besides being Communist and punching whatever they deem is fascist. And none that is actually directly beneficial to society.

>Man shaves head
>automatically a nazi

>girl wears venture uniform
>Automatically Antifa

Am I looking at this wrong anons? Is she the nazi here?

Look at all the spics on welfare. Disgusting.

Antifa is on the right. Look at the cops, they're protecting the left side since antifa is know to physically hurt people that disagree with them.

Ideologically opposed to Nazis.
Think Antifa are a bunch of whinging fucktards.

Can I just kill myself instead of siding with either of them?

>history is only important if it was after 1920

Yeah this is the intelligence level of the common person who wants the statues taken down

>it's an insult

Says who. See people say nigger is an insult but niggers call each other niggers all the time in non hurtful or insulting ways.

>historical monuments of the most important moment in US history.
You have statues dedicated to the near annihilation of the indigenous peoples?
You sick fucks.

Provide proof of your claims, that the Nazi party wasn't set up to fight off Judaism on Hitlers orders?

Hitler was it's leader from 1921 and from that date the far right movement began to take even more power, and when Hitler became Chancellor that was the power he needed to force Nazism onto everyone in Germany.

You need to learn to history more.

The purpose behind the party was to spread the Aryan race and eliminate anything they didn't like not only Jews, but the Polish, Romani and Slavs.

As said you are clearly delusional in thinking the Nazi party was anything other than extremely far right and in the process of mass genocide of people.

hmm, nazis with old racist ideas or antifa who are hell bent on gov intervention in their daily lives...I choice to look at porn thank you very much.

I am sure the red indians said the same thing as Europeans got off the boats.


at some point, you don't dignify the Nazis by responding.

you just kill them or beat them into a brain-damaged state.

you guys are wasting your time trying to talk to these racist fucks. punish them.

Nazi is only choice if you are white

>Provide proof of your claims, that the Nazi party wasn't set up to fight off Judaism on Hitlers orders?

The entire purpose of the nazi party was a national socialist government again communism and corporations monopolizing states. What kind of tin foil hat are you fucking wearing? By your logic, the fucking day the party was founded, they all said "yup, we're taking down the Jews guys."

Then for years and years they had nothing on their mind but killing Jews. I bet you are a fucking jew, and you have some kind of stupid personal vendetta. How do you expect me to fucking prove they weren't trying to do something? It's not like they wrote down their plan for 13 years how they're gonna kill Jews. You send me a credible source, real documents from the nazi party that notes the entire creation was to kill Jews.

>You need to learn to history more.

You need to stop reading Jewish forums about how Hitler was evil.

>The purpose behind the party was to spread the Aryan race and eliminate anything they didn't like not only Jews, but the Polish, Romani and Slavs.

Read above.

>As said you are clearly delusional in thinking the Nazi party was anything other than extremely far right and in the process of mass genocide of people.

Once again with the holohoax shit, you legit sound like a jew constantly bringing up Jews and the holohoax. Like you don't focus on anything but that.

For you information, a large percentage of White Nationalist have college degrees and quiet a few of our leaders have PHDs. The difference is our degrees are usually related to our careers so we have no reason to brag.