A lil eye opener before the weekend. Hope you enjoy. Keep ya eyes peeled n ya minds open

A lil eye opener before the weekend. Hope you enjoy. Keep ya eyes peeled n ya minds open. youtu.be/WypXTS07U5Q

what the fuck

Is this a cry for help, or some sort of warning?

100% real. wish i could go deeper into detail and explain all of this, but people don't care.

I don't get it. Are you saying some popular rappers secretly gave you some power that made you realize somebody is watching every one of us through our devices all the time?

I care, I’m listening right now (half way through)
Are you from /x/? Cause you have the classic symptoms.
I don’t want to be mean, but are you certain you were visited by these famous rappers? I dont even know who you think we would gues. Kanye?

In my experience people who think the TV is subtly talking about them are also prone to imagine people visiting them.
You should see a therapist (don’t go on /x/)

Honestly, long story short, this started with me thinking that i was being watched from the front camera of my iphone all the time then as time went by, it felt like they were mocking my body language when i didn't even have my phone on me. So i've only thought that could be the only other explanation.

Nah i'm not even sure what /x is lol n i don't think im smart enough to make all of this up. I'm just informing the people just in case haha

yeah no shit we are getting watch. who cares

This is paranoid schizophrenic delusions 101.
You need to go see a doctor.

This. Life's too short to worry about stuff like this.

i'm cool. im chillin. Im happy n don't feel sick. I don't need to see anyone.

i agree with you.

This happened to my friend when his schizophrenia began to manifest.
He thought everything was about him. TV shows, movies and songs. They were all speaking directly to him. Sending him coded messages and shit. He thought everyone was talking about him.
After he had a psychotic break, he finally got some help.
Now he's doing OK, and recognizes these delusions.

Bro are you off your Seroquel, Lithium, or Risperidone?

yea, just lettin ya'll know they probably got some real ass shit hiding from us.

in case this isn't some elaborate shitposting or pasta, get yourself checked for schizophrenia before you end up killing someone

i have no intentions in hurtin myself or others haha i love people that's why i made this.

Yo OP, I've got paranoid schizophrenia too and started thinking about how I was being watched and having auditory hallucinations.
I still get them quite often but I ignore them because, at the end of the day the people who might be watching us are real people, and nobody is actually going to spend 12 hours a day watching some guy doing nothing.
Hope you're doing well, focus on doing good in the world, and stay safe.

haha epic just epic
i have a schizophrenic neighbor who tried to burn his house and kill his father haha :)
seems like you're already losing it, hopefully you get locked up asap

me n my senpai are tight haha

why do these nutjobs always wind up on Sup Forums?

but there's witnesses haha

Do you talk like a retard in real life, too?

^dis nicca. I bet you're broke.