NFL is in decline,Hollywood is in decline,MSM is in decline,that's what happens when you talk shit against DONALD.J...

NFL is in decline,Hollywood is in decline,MSM is in decline,that's what happens when you talk shit against DONALD.J.TRUMP

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FUCK NFL no more money to this traitors

It's ironic they thought their fanbase were virtue signaling soylatte cunts and not Sup Forums grade shitlords and average working Joes/Janes.

Libs are keep doing damage to themselves in desperation to stop Trump

you can tell this guy was cucked by athletes in school.. but as a football player myself his information is accurate , and the comparison to ancient roman gladiator games is a stretch.
>this guy doesnt know shit

So now I see that Republicans can be snowflakes too


Yea,MMA fighters are closer to Gladiators than NFL players


After kneeling scandal it's not going to happen

>that's what happens when you talk shit against DONALD.J.TRUMP

It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with these industries no longer producing quality entertainment and getting BTFO by other, more progressive (no I don't mean in a political sense, fuck off) forms and mediums of entertainment.

I see where your drawing your comparison from but the hits in football (200-300 lb men slamming into you at full speed) are waaaaaay harder than any punch knee or kick that can be thrown by anyone.

If any of you cucks actually enjoyed watching football, just realize what you're concerned over. The team making more money in a year than your whole family's lifetime and we have people starving, everywhere.

I keep hearing that viewership is down but are profits down?

This is all Trumps doing. This is the America we deserve for electing a Cheeto to represent our country.

It's weird how writing out Trump's name in caps with the middle initial has become the Russian comment farm calling card. You see it all over FB and news comment feeds too.

At least try and blend in a bit, Boris...

Go back to pol snowflake.

>Mr Nigger we have to lower your salary per game
>Mr Nigger we've lost many spectators lately, people are not buying tickets and merchandise

When you disrespect anthem like that than you are being snowflake cunts

Republicans only use insult that are against themself, look at the redpill it's a suppository 12'' by 6'' girth and it's actually a bloody nigger dick and they ALL took it steven crowder twice

do you truly believe this? you do know that was kushner's team trademark, right? that he dumped millions per day into unconventional and somewhat goofy promotion that always stylized his name that way?

you should note that russians in general have an extremely, extremely difficult time gaining the fluency needed to blend in online, most absolutely do not have the English proficiency to write as you suspect. virtually everything you've seen online regarding Trump promotion stems from Kushner and his family's media arm (kushner family, mind you, not Trump).

a large percentage of it is also botted, btw

Trump was elected to fix the economy now people praise him for fucking the economy good job! China officially #1 trump gave it all with a smurk

But none of these faggots have their faces pulled down into a rising knee. If I had to pick between 10 minutes of being run into by football players in pads to 10 minutes of some MMA guy teeing off on me, I'm choosing football.

U mean mma guy grindind you for 15 minutes

Football is a white sport you know

yes, not only for teams either. the sad thing about football today is that it's ridiculously intertwined with advertising, every single brand that is trying to sell their shit during games suffered as well. the networks themselves also made less as a result.

they won't make that information well known, of course. but it's true. this will sound really cynical but all of pro sports have devolved into glorification of really poor personalities, the open secret of PED abuse, and companies trying to sell you shit.
>aggressive exercise, funded by money, to make money

Nobody saw the last boyscout football has been in shit for the last 30 years because of drugs and gambling

The ESPN series Playmakers was a pretty decent portrayal of how fucked up the sport is, which is why the NFL pressured them to cancel it, despite the great ratings.

Not anymore it's not

Or when you elect him...

In football you won't be able to avoid damage, in MMA if you're like Anderson Silva in his prime you won't get hit a lot. That's why there's more people with CTE on football than in martial arts. But, i would bet that a punch from someone like Bas Rutten causes way more damage than anything a football player can do to you.

They really should have realized the only people inbred and retarded enough to watch this boring shit, are degenerate trumpists.

no screaming or shouting like children, they simply chose to stop going. how does that make them snowflakes?

>That's why there's more people with CTE on football than in martial arts

No, this is because of the sheer number of head jarring events. Football games are far longer than MMA bouts, and the athletes compete far more times per year. It's not the super hard hits that cause CTE. It's the repeated low impact hits, like the linemen get every play.


>No screaming or shouting like children

Have you been conscious these past few months? They're practically vegans.


You are aware that cheerleading has far more fatalities and women's soccer a higher rate of concussions right? The only reason the NFL gets the bad press is the movie.

>changes their profile picture to something anti NFL


To be fair the NFL is suffering a huge loss in ratings and money. I was never one to boycott the NFL, and won't be burning anything. But it seems to me that when right wingers boycott it produces results. Nobody ever actually tries to call lefties on their bluff. Except Chick fila, and they reaped a reward from it.

It's just pathetic and hypocritical their reason for the boycott.


Their fat asses had been completely horizontal on a couch fisting cheetos and popcorn into their mouths every single time that anthem came on prior.

It's just such a mindblowingly petty reason coming from a party that calls other people snowflakes.

To add, the people that are boycotting the NFL are now wearing it as a source of pride and nationalism.

Football's basically the definition of America. That, guns, and NASCAR.

They're discarding a longstanding American pasttime because some players took a knee.

I suspect a large number of those "boycotting" can still be caught flicking the channel back to the game "just to check the score."

I agree that the reasoning is stupid, doesn't make it ineffective. I love football, but I don't get why they even play the anthem before games.

So an unsourced Breitbart-article claims that Breitbart was right all along about those traiterous NFL players and how real Americans will despise them for protesting, and somehow it all leads back to Trump, even though it really doesn't, also there's literally no outside source that confirms the report? Okay then.

Lies these are lies. The NFL is booming. That's why Papa John's GEO stepped down. He was against the victims of the NFL the black players. I hope they sue him for all his money. How could you not support them and their right to protest the masters running the Plantation

But Trump is in decline too
Do you trust CBS? NFL ticket prices being at rock bottom is a fact. Prices bottoming out after the protests is a fact. It might make you uncomfortable, but that doesn't make it false.

its a song. chill out, nobody is there for the anthem anyway.

Thats not all true. These unamerican fucks are disrespecting our country - millions of Americans are responding negatively and Trump is adding to that including the decline you speak of - which until recently - the NFL Was going against that trend... What changed?

We have a bunch of starving 3rd worlders that shouldn't be breeding in the first fucking place!! They fucking can't feed themselves or execute successful societies!! BTFO!!

Mike Pence was there for the anthem once.

Used taxpayer money to fly himself and his security detail all the way to a game only to be insulted and leave in a huff in what must've been the most transparent and wasteful act of pettiness in American history.

Because Trump told him to.

Nice to know we have a vindictive, self-absorbed President that uses his power to get even with anyone who he doesn't like. If you're an arrested adolescent, you like it. But a thinking adult realizes that the orange rump's stupidity is going to make us all suffer. Maybe you didn't think of that because you're out celebrating the massive tax cut that doesn't help you whatsoever.

Please enlighten me what the fuck msm is op.

>I don't even know what is going on

It would be funny if you weren't a voter. But yeah, believe whatever you want... blame this on Trump.

> NFL is in decline,Hollywood is in decline,MSM is in decline,that's what happens when you talk shit against DONALD.J.TRUMP
Correlation is not causation. In this case, the same cause has two outcomes, one of which is fucking up your finances, and the other is speaking out against Trump. The root cause of both these issues is being an SJW libcuck.

You are sick in the head dude. This shits going down. Papa J got taken down by the PC Police for telling the truth!

Except none of this is true. Ticket sales for movies are trending up, NFL seats have been trending down and the MSM loves Trump. He makes them tons of money.

Hey dumb ass, OP said it was all because of Trump. I get it, you think Trump is God. Just like Christians, whenever anything goes good, "Praise God", but whenever anything goes bad, it's the other guy's fault. You're an ignorant ball of human feces.

these fucking silly niggers are being paid millions a season to make stupid [political] statements on the field. this is supposed to be a game that brings americans together, and nigs nogged it, as usual; they turned it into a political cesspool where "muh racism" thrives.

again, they get paid millions to act this way and the media still eats it up. it's such a fuckfest it's not worth continuing this conversation because "muh racism" and "muh dik."

It's the point they are making publicly that pushes a false stereotype and lie about our country. It's a symbolic gesture. Nobody is watching people at home on the couch. It's not the same thing Dooshbag. Shit matters or nothing matters. You want to be a niihilist fuck, then why do you care if we aren't??

Cry harder, libfag.

They get millions to play football, which brings in billions of advertising dollars. Nobody pays them to make political statements.

>false sterotype

What other country has a police force that routinely has incidents that result in our officers unloading their entire magazine into a car or into a suspect? It's excessive.

It's better than pussy.

It's only 15min of actual gameplay

Baseball used to be America's pastime. Things change. Handegg is dumb anyway

Does anybody else notice the shills use double spacing?

México. Sadly.

Lol have you seen trumps twitter lately? The dude hates the nfl

Why doesn't the government just get rid of the rule that they have to do the national anthem?

The only reason they have to do the sieg heil on the pitch is to help with applications to the army, etc.

Say that to the hundreds of school and university who survives just because football

>nobody pays me to do X
Doesn’t mean
>I literally cannot do X

The protesting players are still getting paid.

The Trump supporting owners like R Kraft and faggots like you are the only ones 'feeling pain' lulz



Literally wishing harm on others is not healthy.

I think sports' original intention is far gone and too late to save at this point. Instead of celebrating the human body and capacity of athletic ability (with nothing but glory for the state to gain) it's now used as just another brainwashing institution. It's just a big fucking circus to keep the masses preoccupied instead of asking more important questions about why our water is poison etc. If Trump wants to make America great again the NFL needs to be undone

Football suck just a bunch of meat heads ramming there skulls into each other.they end up rich as fuck but at what price there mind is so fucked up by the time they get to enjoy it. It’s like trading your brain for millions but you get Autism

the problem is simple, is just its a stupid game, thats why real football (soccer to the americunts) rule the world

The NFL has been in decline for a while though since before the whole elections and kneeling and shit. No one wants to watch a game dominated by ads every 5 seconds.

Now? You're just figuring this out? All they do is cry and make some idiot rich that doesn't even help their cause in the end.

Kek what horseshit. None of your fag Post is accurate and crybaby limp dick rightie boycotts all fail hilariously. Like the boycott on the movie It. Bwahaha you useless white niggers are hated by everyone. Go cry some more and boycott

Trump cries like a bitch about the NFL because they boxed his fat bitch ass out in the 80s and his gay fuck buddy, Vince “one in every hole” McMahon is hilariously trying to bring back his pathetically unwatchable xfl and come slut trump wants to help. Never mind it will fail miserably Kek

Awwww look how triggered the whiny butthurt trump trash got. Sorry about your obsolescence in our economy. Perhaps your opiates will comfort you. White nigger garbage is crying!

Fat loser piece of shit confirmed. You can hear the tears hitting his keyboard as he recalls how inferior he’s always been to athletic males. He’s not intellectually superior either, and that’s fucking pathetic. Cry more about how real men put you in your place you pussy piece of shit.

Football? Too many niggers. Jungleball.

My best hope: Diddy forms an all nigger football league. The NFL is forced to continue alone with zero nigger players. Ticket sales and ratings soar.

Dork. The vice president was at the Colts game in his home state of Indiana. You’ll have to fake getting the vapors about something else.

Who's going to watch weaker athletes? Yeah let's all watch the 2nd best players in the world and not the best.
You think at all m8?

liberals watch basketball

If the tip of your dick looks like that you need to go see a doctor.

Kek wut? No one cares about your poison water you crybaby bitch. Life is short and once you become a man you’ll realize pontificating over the worlds ills is a waste of life and does not make you an intellectual. Grown men realize how short life is and we don’t waste it crying about shit or systems you can’t change. We enjoy it. Now go doff your beret and let people at Starbucks see you pretending to read Sartre. Your pseudo intellectual tears are precious.

What does this mean?

Awww the weak white nigger is jealous he possess zero athletic prowess. But it’s those niggers making you a poor limpdikk low wage loser, amirite?

Not sure why anyone would want to go to a football game. Can't see shit, no replays (arguably the best part of football), and cold weather. Football is made for TV. I can have a bunch of friends over and drink good beer and eat good food and watch the game on my 65 inch 4K TV at a comfortable temperature.

the educated cosmopolitan people with money tend to prefer the nba over the nfl

The NFL is literally intolerable at this point. There’s so much time between plays that I can’t remember what is going on.

>retarded retard who wants to stay retarded because retard likes it

Please don't have kids

>Football is made for TV.
Exactly, which is also raped by ads, hence the lower and lower ratings.

It means there are too many white people in football and its racist for them to like football.

The NBA has a lot more black people so its ok for them to like the NBA because less white people is less racist.

>Who's going to watch weaker athletes?

Weaker athletes? I'm talking about human athletes.

Your reply made zero sense.