How do I learn to just not give a fuck about death and that I will inevitably cease to exist one day?

How do I learn to just not give a fuck about death and that I will inevitably cease to exist one day?

you can't learn that user, you either give a shit or not.

Can't. Human nature to fear it.

You can.
Realize that you didn't exist for billions of years and that this fact doesn't really bother you.

I heard killing yourself helps it.

Become immortal. There's a way

had a very profound out-of-body spiritual experience with ayuhausca that I often consider and refer to as a near death experience.

i still wouldn't push my views on others particularly,
but my experience eradicated my fear of death.
not necesarily my fear of like, getting stabbed or shot to death, but the death itself doesn't bother me anymore.
in any case i'm convinced that there is life beyond our physical forms and, well, getting out of this universe is not as simple as just dying.

so my advice?
go find an ayahuasca experience.
or DMT.

take LSD

Death is nothing to be concerned about. Death doesn't matter until it comes, and when it comes it doesn't matter.

my brother died unexpectedly last year when he was only 26.. you can either approach death two ways, you can be paralyzed in fear and be like "oh shit is god coming for me next?" or you can say fuck it and live every day with no regrets, not sweat the big things, and fuck cute korean girls with fat boobies

How did he die?

Your ego is the only thing afraid of dying. Your name, image, place in the world etc. Is all programmed to survive no matter what. Your energy that isn't really you can't die, and that's what you must fall back on for true spiritual clarity. Religion is a warped shell of it's original intent, but yeah that was the whole point of all those religions before getting fucked up. Now we can look to science for this validation. Energy can not be created or destroyed, time and space have all been proven relative and the existence of an energy signature leaving and entering our body has been proven. So yeah just chill out man you're essentially immortal, just try to not lower yourself while you're here

bad drugs

You're an idiot. There is every difference between conservation of energy and life. Life is structured biochemical and bioelectrical reactions. When you die these activities cease. You treat energy in physics like it's some sort of mystical force but it's not. It is thoughtless energy.

not him, but cmon dude.. who gives a fuck, they guy was just explaining his outlook, you don't need to go full physics 101 on him

I was not going that deep into that, or in that direction in any way. You're explaining the science of the hermit crab shell. Call me crazy all you want, but i personally have left my body and came back many times. I've also been fucked with by ghosts and entities before, so obviously there's more out there than just this layer of reality.


Also this
Remember that you are immortal

just try to make the best time you can while you are still here
life is too short to be depressed

I don't stand for bullshit science.

I'm religious too but don't go pretending science backs this shit.

I feel like this is the right answer.

You dont. Now go do more important things before it happens.

got cancer at 14
almost died from staff infection in coma for 2 weeks
port blew up in chest into heard almost into cardiac arrest
almost hit by truck on motorcycle while i was going 115
been super close to death 23+ times

you either give a shit or accept it.

The Greeks had this shit figured out.

Where we exist, death is not. Where death exists, we are not. Basically, once you're dead, you'll be too dead to care.

Just stay in shape and hope that when death comes for you, it's a quick process.

Stop lying

death was always present in my live. Iam 38. I've lost parents and grandparents before i was 16. i went hunting with my dad alot. i saw alot of dead animals. in addition iam an enlightened man, not religious.

I'm depressed because the world sucks, not because I'm going to die. I'm basically a fucking coward but I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of life.

the world doesn't suck, it's just how you perceive it to be (or the people that are around you). take an extended trip to asia and live in solitude for a month or two among the jp or kr, you'll learn a lot about yourself

Why Japan or Korea?

49 yo some point you just accept that thats how it is and just carry on not thinking about it

It is estimated that in around 50 years science will be far enough to enable you to preserve your consciousness. Like uploading it somewhere or so.

You just gotta make sure you survive till then.

Death is just a thing man. The shit that makes us has been around forever and will be around for alot longer than the tiny blip on the universal radar that constitutes your existence. It's less an end to you and more a continuation of something far more complex than yourself.

try dmt. it will change your opinion on death.

Die in your mind first

It's not something you learn overnight, it's something you gradually come to terms with
Recognizing the insignificance of yourself and everything you know about relative to the entire universe is a good start

think of everything you work hard for, you've been working hard for, think of your family your friends and all the effort you put out to make them and yourself happy, then come to the realization that not only does nothing matter, nothing you do will be remembnered... nothing you say will be written down... you wont make a diference in the world, you wont even change a single thing... YOUR ENTIRE EXISTANCE does not have to be here... if you were not here, things would be the same as they are now... same street, same city, same country, same planet and position... nothing you do really matters... and if it does catch attention its only short lived..... are you angry yet at how easily you will be forgotten? do you realize the uselessness of moving onward in your current state of mind? does it seem like a waste to waste away like that? welcome to NOT GIVING A FUCK. since it wont matter anyway... the only thing that changes is peoples idea about you... thats all...

You are but a miniscule speck on the canvas that is the universe user remember that, we all are in the same situation as you

if you can't speak the language you get a much different experience, and those two countries are generally very quiet/welcoming of travelers. east asia is just really fun in general. also just speaking anecdotally because i enjoyed my time over there

> be guardsman
> know my sole purpose is to die
> take comfort in knowing it is for the god emperor and the imperium

I thought the nips disliked gaijin. But at the risk of being called a weeb I've always liked Japanese shit and would love to visit sometime. I live in Seattle and I think we have reasonably priced flights to east Asia.

lol, i mean don't be a fucking retard and they won't dislike you. people don't deal in absolutes, even if you're hot as fuck or ugly as fuck (unless you're a male indian). just tour the japanese countryside using airbnb and be respectful/courteous to everyone, literally no one will frown and reject you. kindness and respect are a universal language, despite what everyone wants you to think in 2018

I don't know, I've never cared.

Death is nothing so there is nothing to fear.

to me life is like a lotto so you either got a winning ticket or didn't

not sure how winners deal with it but as a loser life seems overrated

That's cool man, I can dig it. What's their deal with Indian men though? I'm not one, I'm just curious.

You honestly can't, unless you live near death the best thing you do is just not think about it. Everyone knows about death but only those that are close to dying, or live among death are aware of it. Only a certain few aren't afraid of dying but most of us are, and we just put it in the back of our minds, since for the most part none of us are in control of when we die.

I lost mine in 2016, he was 31.

Read more.

Hagakure is sometimes said to assert that bushido is really the "Way of Dying" or living as though one was already dead, and that a samurai must be willing to die at any moment in order to be true to his lord. His saying "the way of the warrior is death" was a summation of the willingness to sacrifice that bushido codified.

My friend, you may dear death now as a young one... But trust me, when you get older you will start to accept it.

You are still young, we are all afraid of dying... But once you get older and older the fear goes away and you accept it until the very last moment on your death bed giving your last breath in front of your aged wife and grand children.

Once you are burried and maggots eat you whole, you will not have any emotion to fear anything anymore.

It will come naturally.

Pajeet its you...just forget about nippon then

You are 4 dimensional being. And you have your beginning and end in every dimension. Head and feet, left and right arm, belly and back. And birth and death. Are you afraid that your body ends with your feet?



i hope you're feeling alright user.
it's not "their deal," literally every race on earth hates indian dudes. when i was korea i saw a group of indian guys almost get arrested by military police because they looked at these korean girls wrong

I would recommend you to attend an autopsy. Quite a few places have visitor spots for students and civilians and you can learn a lot about the human anatomy.

"Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not." -- Epicurus

I agree with this. Before my son died I feared dying. Once he was gone to me death didn't matter. If there was an afterlife then I'd see him again. If there wasn't, it wouldn't matter.