Just wanted to show you all how much fun I had with firecrackers on 30th

Just wanted to show you all how much fun I had with firecrackers on 30th.


what kind of fireracker was it??

Are you retarded

If you were small enough to ride a fox, would you quit your job?

The green one, not my pic.

so whats the injury?

How do you feel rn?

lol selbst schuld

btw, you throw them away after igniting them

Well if this time next year I have a functional index finger I'll be considered lucky. Two fingers were blown off entirely. If gangrene sets in I'm getting the whole hand amputated below elbow.


I'm really confused emotionally. Kinda feel like crying but don't have the energy to do so. I'm taking painkillers and it's still constant pain.

Yeah, I deserve all that

I feel bad for you ;((((((

Post pics without the bandage OP

Post pics without the bandage OP

Obviously I'm not allowed to take it off unless I want blood everywhere and infection.

Dont risk it.

what was the first thought when you saw your hand all messed up after the explosion?

Seriously? Dude, I'm afraid to look at the bandage, let alone unwrap it. Wish I was a fraction of this careful the other day.

Probably won't be bad for the "wound" to breathe a bit. Take it off. Trust me, I'm a paramedic.

Oh shit dem ladies dont like dis stump

Show us all, with timestamp.

Happy new year.

no one took a pic last night? or video? wtf is wrong with millennials these days, they usually record everything?

Oh well, at least come back with some pics after you heal, I want to see how mangled you hand is now.

I don't remember any thoughts, just a huge adrenalin rush, I actually thought I had like a heart attack. I passed out on the way to hospital in the car.

You got more user?


Enjoy be forever alone or your 3/10 at max wife and your retard offspring call daddy just "the thing" or "creature in my dreams"

What would you request?

Topovski udar, bravo konju

Ko se igra s vatrom...

Wait, did you blow up your hand? Are all your fingers still there? (and I don't mean those shitty amputee stub fingers, used to know a guy like that)

What country are u from?

Injury suffocation is the most common cause of gangrene! Don't listen to the others, OP!

any other rekt webms you got, lets make this a rekt thread

I asked everyone if they made anything because I don't remember any moments before explosion, I was on the balcony alone. Apparently there's nothing.

Ok, ill dump.

Znaci ima i nasih ljudi tu opa




Kurwa kurwa kolbosa kolbasa


You were on the balcony alone? Now Im curious how this shit could even happen...

fking deserved. poor animals die because of fear caused by firecrackers

These were answered. I'm not touching this sht, don't worry. And as for injuries, we'll see in a few weeks, but at least two fingers are completely gone.


Jugofag detected


thanks user


You are welcome user.

Precisely, yet I don't remember what happened. I was tipsy but far from drunk. I think my intention was to throw just one firecracker in the garden below. Another thing is this was very old firecracker, maybe 4 years since I bought it.

I see. Anyway, this was the very last firecracker from an old bach, all the others were used long ago and I thought it'd be wise to just fire up this one instead off, I dunno, keeping it at home anymore or throwing in regular garbage.

kakav debil
koliko imas godina dete?

You be typing well, considering.

I do a lot of things one handed as well.

You don't fuck around with old fuses. You'll blow your fingers off.

o, Пшeк eбaнный

Slazem se i imam 23

(23 years old, guys)


kek that new for me
ok this is a rekt thread now
post shit about dumb idiots


Oh god, sorry for your loss.
Other than that, it was pretty stupid for you to do that lol



congrats dumbass

>I have never injured myself with fireworks nor explosives of any kind

anyone who does deserves what they get unless innocent bystander


I still face the risk of contracting gangrene and getting it all amputated just below elbow. So you can know, cross a few fingers for me.

Show nubs

happy new year you fucking retard
maybe work on your dexterity before you try playing with kids toys again next year

sta je bilo, drzo ga u ruci, a on puko prije nego si ocekivao? ili si se zajebavao?

Ah shit that sounds bad. It's actually one of my biggest fears to have a body part amputeed.
But you know what they say, you have to learn from the mistakes of others.


>cross a few fingers for me
do it yourself faggot!...oh wait, nevermind...

Ej, pise gore, nesecam iceg pre eksplozije, ali namera je bila iskoristit staru petardu i bacit u bastu.

ja ih nikad ne drzim u ruci kad ih palim, ako ih vec moram paliti. stavim ih nedje i onda palim. i to ove normalne legalne.
Vidim kod nas djece od 8 ili 9 godina bacaju topovske udare i ostale gluposti, samo jos granate fale da im dadnu.
Kao klinci i nama su davali i kupovali na storine petardi, pa smo ih rastavljali, vadili barut, pravili "superpetarde" od petardi i upaljaca. Svasta se moglo desiti.


