Kissless virgin here

>kissless virgin here

I invited a qt3.14 japanese girl over for new years dinner. Have no idea how to act. Been jerking off literally all day.

Help me, what do? She'll be here in an hour.

it is a nice cat :)

Also i havent even started cooking anything. Don't know how to cook. Fuck this. Is it bad if i just order food.

You should wipe the semen off of your stache first

I cleaned my place up a bit. That should be fine.

chill man it's going to be ok. (I'm the guy whit the cat reply) order something but don't make a big deal of the fact you didn't cook anything and just talk with her, ask how she's been, what are her plans for the new year etc etc.. don't rush anything, and just try to have fun :D also sry for bad English I'm bit drunk rn

Would it be a bad idea for him to kind of bring it up as a joke? Like, "Tonight was probably a bad time to figure out i couldn't cook haha"

Yea just play it off :D also can you post another pic of the catto? (I love cats) might give you some extra advice in the meantime

Perfect, just make sure your dick isn't rank

So the main thing here is not to make advancements (unless she's given the signal before this dinner) and just meet as friends.. if she's interested in you things will work out on their own anyway, and is shes not, then you can't really change that either, so focus on her as a person, and not as a potential gf or anything. Tldr chill :D

Cool cat, nice dubs :D

If you had only half the dubs he had..

Yeah i wont bring it up really. Try to just play it like it wasnt cause of the cooking. I dont think ill make the joke though.. itll probably be mad spaghetti.

Yeah i have no idea what signals to look for.

Nice dubs

1) yourself,and the rest will follow with the hook up (if thats what you want)
2) Make up an excuse about being busy with errands,and that you had no time to cook. Order some REALLY dope take out......nothing low tier.
3) If you REALLY have to cook,and she doesnt want take a really quick recipe,and do what you can with the ingredients you have.

Youll do fine user. Love the kitty by the way :)

Has nobody enquired OP about his age yet? No? How old are you, OP?

Who the fuck cares about his age

Um. The girl's 14?

Have fucked over 30 Japanese girls.

Literally just start touching her and if she doesn't resist, just fuck her immediately.

Problem solved.

Yeah im plannig some ribs and fried chicken place. Apparently japanese people eat fried chicken for christmas, she wasnt able to this year. Should be good.


Excellent choice!

Im routing for you OP...........if possible,come back after the dinner and let us know how everything went.

First who cares about that, except for you age cucks, secondly where did you get the idea to assume that the girl is 14 you fuck, cause I dont see anywhere that he mentions age

Why don't you have a seat over there, please.

Just let your wild animal out and you should keep it going until tommorow

Like the first post? What does '14' mean in the first post?

Sounds like rape.will probanly end badly

"qt 3.14" (pi) or (cutie pie)

You mean Qt3.14 you stupid fuck?
>Qt (3.14)
Get the fuck off you if you couldn't figure that out and automatically assume it has to do with under age shit you stupid normalfag

Fuck! Got the first part but thought there was a space after the point.

I'll show myself out, thanks.

Japanese girls typically don't put out signals and act like they don't want sex as part of the game, at least natives anyway.

The general rule is that if they didn't want sex they wouldn't agree to be alone with a guy in their house in the first place. The consent is her showing up.

What constitutes as rape and general attitudes is far different in the West compared to Japan.

I assume this girl is native Japanese due to the KFC comment.

As soon as you answer the door, scream "CHING CHONG CHING CHONG CHING CHONG" in her face. Next, ask her how she drove there without crashing. The third thing you should is insert chop sticks as deep as you can into your nostrils and run fave first into a wall.

retard welcome to the internet figure it out
die alone
please do

Do you write for Family Guy? This shit's Family Guy domain.

No I do not, however I do feel I'd be a valuable asset to many satirical shows.

Suck my toe. I told you I thought I saw a space which confused me. Then add the fact that I'm not familiar with your l33t h4cA3r talk. Disasters are always a chain of events.


Fuck off back to re ddit then, this aint any sort o l33t speak, this is autism speak

Suck my toe, n00b.


Hell no. Just be goofy, be yourself. All they care is that you're entertaining and that you can successfully insert your penis inside them.