Russian Hitlerjugend

Russian militarized citizens for further degradation.
At the end of 2015 the Russian government adopted a state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020 years." As stated in the document, the purpose of the program is "to create conditions for improving the civil responsibility for the fate of the country, increasing consolidation of the society level to meet the challenges of national security and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, strengthening the sense of belonging of citizens to the great history and culture of Russia, to ensure continuity of Russians generations , education of the citizen who loves his country and family, having a proactive stance. " In other words, the government has finally set his sights on a consistent and systematic work on patriotic education of youth.

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>physical fitness
Spotted the fat-pride agent.

He's trying to recreate the pioneers like the Lenin ones, nothing tinfoil hat here.

Your economy is smaller than Italy but this is the shit you're worried about

i thought nashis dismissed their movement
apparently they reborn in a more official form


Look at our reserves
Look at our national debt
Look at our energy prices.

they need more german enrichment

> Muh reserves
> Muh debt

Yes we know you're a third world shithole without a central banking system.

And gas is cheaper in the United States than in Russia,

Are you against this? Did you mean to say that the program will protect Russians from further degradation, or it will cause further degradation?

I kind of like it desu, when I'm in power we will have this kind of thing in America.

Why is this wrong? I'd like the same for Spain if I knew there would be no anticatalanism.

> Hitlerjugend
Baba Lera, plz.
This is just usual scouts. And pretty medicore ones if you look at their achievement systems.

Has Russia ever been a good country to live in if you're not an oligarch? It seems like the common Ivan throughout history has resigned himself to the service of autocrats, and usually breathtakingly stupid autocrats at that. If Turks are like roaches, Russians are like ants; mindless drones serving a single leader

Also your not even Italy is on this level tier Corruption that cripples everything you could do to save you from the economic collapse

How do you like your palm oil cheese Ivan?


Post more cute patriots in uniform.

Thats the problem Leaf, last time Russia had a good gouvernment is more than 100 Years ago.

Russians can not comprehend the concept of good gouvernment, it`s in the DNA by now.

Can somebody who knows better about the Russian Zars point out the last good one so we can see exactly how long ago it was?

Alexander II was not bad but he got assassinated.

The Chinese are the ants. Ants are extremely organized Russian's aren't.


Literally every country has some kind of youth program like this.

>the monarchy was good
How fucking imbecilic do you have to be? All of the Russian serfs, AKA two-thirds of the population, were slaves in all but name.

Why don't we do this in the US??

Kike, what are you still doing in Russia, kike? When will based Putin start killing your kind?

Yes we know you fucking autsitic waffle that's why I said Alexander II who freed serfs literally

Fuck off liberal shill

We need to start a program like this in America.

>tfw no qt putinjugend slav GF
why live?

>Patriotic Education

You are based Ruskie. We need something similar.

Russians are not white

I see no problem with increasing the patriotic feeling amongst the youth. Wish we had something similar in germany.

Go back, Pedro.

>the monarchy was good
I never said that. The Russian Monarchy was bad by Monarchy standarts ...its just that they had nothing good since and I don`t know enough about the individual Rulers to say every single one was bad.

whiter than usa

>I don`t know enough about the individual Rulers to say every single one was bad.
Some of them were great in the sense that they destroyed Russia's enemies and brought glory to it. Literally all of them are bad in the sense that they did not give a damn about the life of Russians.

Defending your great grandfather's homeland?

Product of rape. Germans are not even Germanic. All Germans are products of rape.
America is the whitest country in the world. We have the most white people. Deal with it.

Elites steal money away from Russia, but hey, let's be patriotic

This can't work

Even Vsevolod Chaplin predicts a crisis in Russia. Let's pray he's correct about this

Enjoy being executed by an inner city youth into a fema plastic bin

Poo are doing it too.

I am from India and in the RSS (Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh) we train exactly like this in our military camps for Hindu Youth.

There are 25 million Indian youth who are currently enrolled in the RSS and we wake up early in the morning at 5:00 AM to German Marches blaring from loudspeakers.

They mostly play the Fredricus Rex Marsch, Preußens Gloria and the Badenweiler Marsch to wake us up in the morning. We jump out of our beds have to complete all our ablutions and bathing in 15 minutes flat and assemble as the morning sun rises over the hills surrounding our camp.

After a quick meal, of pulses and cereal, it is off to strenuous exercises like wall climbing using ropes. Firing practice at firing ranges, crawling under barbed wire, pole vaulting across slush filled moats, marching with heavy gear strapped to ones back for 20 miles at a stretch. Swimming across rivers 25 feet wide and inflating rubber dinghys in record time and paddling across rivers. Bicycling uphill, We are also taught how to camouflage ourselves and crawl forward on our bellies.

We have a brief lunch in the afternoon. After which is it a lot of physical exercises.

By the evening we need to erect our tents (ZELTBAHN) in record time and light campfires and settle down to a hearty dinner around the campfire.

We retire at 11:00 PM to our hay filled sacks.

All the while we are ideologically motivated to believe that we are the MASTERS OF THE ENTIRE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT which will eventually come under our rule in a few years from now

Many of us in the RSS have memorized Mein Kampf. (ie English translated Phrases from it.)

We leave out completely the anti-Semitic phrases of Mein Kampf because they just do not apply to the Indian context.

We grasp the essential Nationalistic and Anti-Marxists concepts espoused in Mein Kampf completely and wholly.

You do realize you just posted the Moscow equivalent of the time square?

Yes let's put the nicest, central area of the capital city sure that's entirely representative of the country s a whole.

For us Indians in India, the ENTIRE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT which includes the countries of Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka and the Maldives is our LEBENSRAUM which we will re-conquer in the next major world conflagration - WWIII if you want to call it that.

Our enemies within INDIA are Islamic Fundamentalism, militant Marxism and Leftist Liberalism. We will fight to the death to totally destroy these ideologies and the people who espouse them and we are training for this

What are you trying to say?

Post more white supremacy militia lolis pls

Good initiative. Have you talked to a teenager before? All completely retarded.

Whip them in shape, stop them from being retarded, then allow them to form their own logical thought process. This is how kids turn into responsible adults.


Germans and Poles are the least mixed Europeans accoring to a 2010 study.

We have been fucked over so many times that we dont really trust our government. During the USSR you would say one thing at school and work. At home you would say what you actually think.

The last good one was Alexander II. Alexander III and Nicholas II were incompetent

And yet there's still a huge amount of patriotic fervour surrounding Putin, who literally threw your economy in the shitter to grab a few pieces of useless land

Putin fighting the marxist subversion. Something like this need the West.

They're expanding southward, so as not to remain a frozen wasteland like Canada

Its difficult to explain but we can be poor and happy as long as we are strong militarily. Russians are masochists in this sense. Its why when the Germans came practically any dislike for the soviet leadership vanished. It happens every time. Plus, most russians lives are barely afrected by this crisis. Only corporations and the oligarchs suffer.

>clay of your fathers
That's why Russia will still be around in 2100 while Canada would be a footnote in history books.

Alexandr III incompetent? No.

>That disgusting used up labia

Also. Crimea is very important strategically. We can control rhe entire black sea from it. Hardly useless.

>stop them from being retarded

Because the military totally does that with awesome suicide rates.

> then allow them to form their own logical thought process.

This isn't an RPG. These initiatives never encourage individual thought, in fact, their entire point is to stifle it, and create a generation of citizens who will believe and do anything as long as you can sell it as patriotic.

Not to mention that half of them will just become drunks anyway, especially in Russia and other less prosperous countries.

There is literally no upside to putting young people in the military in the present day. Keep the armies professional and efficient, they are not supposed to be


I am very rich and I hate living here. Country is horrible.

His counter reforms had a negative impact on the country.

Do you practice section formations and maneuvers? What kind of rifles do you guys practice with, INSAS or AK's?

>Plus, most russians lives are barely afrected by this crisis.

That`s Sweden tier denial right here

There are 180 economies smaller than italy out of 188 according to the IMF, stop using this meme.

Then move. The crisis barely affects poorer people. Only the rich suffer.

> we can be poor and happy as long as we are strong militarily

Like orcs

Russia-america alliance when

Nope. We couldnt afford anything expensive BEFORE the crisis. What makes you think that anything has changed?

>Something like this need the West
It's called Boy Scouts.

Didnt the boy scouts ban water guns fights recently?

You had

>we can be poor and happy as long as we are strong militarily

Just imagine how hard Putin's propagandists are rubbing their hands when they see good, obedient comments like this.

>yes, yes, good little citizen, as long as we have expensive toys to freak other countries with you can be happy, never mind that you or your children will never have 1/10th of the life you could have in a less fucked up country

If I ever came into power here I'd do the exact same thing.

You mean Homo Scouts? Or perhaps the Rainbow Scouts? Because that's what they have become.

Relatives in Russia, beeing there on Vacation and seeing how Prices and Wages changed.

Imagine the smell

You had these before. I remember, about ten years ago, there being mentions of Putin/Russian camps being set up to train and educate volunteering Russian citizens.

These must be their kids.

Just look at history. It has been allways like this. Whenever russia went to shit correlates to the largest patriotic feelings in the populace. Plus, most ordinar ly russians dont belive the media. Old habits from the USSR die hard.

I am not a traitor or diaspora cuck. I work with other people to tear down Putin via popular uprising. Cлaвa Бoгy бpycчaтки нa Кpacнoй Плoщaди мнoгo.

Oхpeнeть, и кaк жe вaшa гpyппa нaзывaeтcя?

murrifat SJWJUGEND

you need to enter a couple long-term relationships before you ever comment on such things again if you don't want to broadcast your status as a no-relationship loser. you're welcome for that advice.

Ahaha, get ready to hang soon, along with your bloated mongoloid "leader". 1917!

Nice girl

is russia even that corrupt compared to other nations?

>denial: the post

Люди c дeньгaми и нyжными cвязями, кoтopыe хoтeли бы жить в нaциoнaльнoм гocyдapcтвe.

>predicts a crisis in Russia

Russia is already out of the crisis, it bottomed out, it can only go upwards now.

Kudrin will bring reforms that will push Russia into a new era.

"every european country have colonies except me"

>what is caucasus

Я бы вышeл зa вac пapy paз, тoлькo aвтoмaтик пoдкиньтe


So? What's wrong with that?


> it bottomed out, it can only go upwards now.

If Russian history teaches us one thing it`s that there is no Bottom

crimea is extremely important in controlling the black sea. Thats why russia needed to take it.

Hapeзнoe нeзapeгиcтpиpoвaннoe yжe y 17 тыcяч чeлoвeк лeжит нa Pyccкий Дeнь Bepeвки.

compared to what he did to help russia since 1999 the crisis is nothing. Things were so much worse in the 90s.


>good gouvernment is more than 100 Years ago
>100 Years ago
>Nikolay The Fuss
>>good gouvernment

Why would i lie on a anonymous chinese basket weaving forum? If you are sure that the people are suffering then where are the demonstrations and riots? Where is the peoples anger?