Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of this?

Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of this?

A masterpiece

unironically a masterpiece, one of the few albums that blew my mind at first listen.

it was amazing when it first leaked and it still is. few hip hop albums are on its level. i can maybe think of 3

whic are those

Makes me want to runaway fast as i can from wherever it is playing

ever since I first listened to it in full, I've classified it as glam rap

Kanye west sucks

I didn't like it at first. I played Dark Fantasy and Gorgeous in the background while playing video games and it just didn't do anything for me because I was not paying attention. When I listen to MBDTF, I just can't ignore it. I always end up just listening to it while doing nothing else. Once I gave it all my attention it was just beautiful.

The Life of Pablo
Late Registration

This was my first introduction to Kanye. Is there anywhere to go after this?

exactly the same here user

The College Dropout, of course. see him piece together his sound, album by album.

if you wanna go back to the beginning listen to 36 Chambers and Donuts. RZA and Dilla were big influences on kanye's early sound

thanks bruv

incredibly overrated, aged like milk too

Sounds incredibly dated

what's wrong with being dated?

There's really no album quite like MBDTF, even in Kanye's discography (Kanye is popular for switching styles each album). If you're just curious about his other work, I would say start chronologically with The College Dropout even if I personally think it's one of the weaker Kanye albums, and just go from there. If you only want the highlights, then listen to Late Registration and Yeezus.

a great album weighed down by its conflicting tones. just short of excellence



POWER is nothing short of genius, the ideal all artists strive towards but rarely ever achieve

>Yeezus hasn't clicked for him

i agree, but it could be better. that ending is lame

You want an example of dated? Listen to Get Em High. It's still a pretty good fucking song though.

Unconventional opinion. I think Yeezus is going to age the best. MBDTF second best. TLOP the worst.

I always liked it from the very first listen, but it took me a while to realize how amazing it is and to fall in love with it. I like Monster the most, with Lost in the World and Hell of a Life following behind.

The only reason MBDTF might age behind Yeezus is because Power and Monster were really popular and are kinda saturated. I've been listening to Late Registration a lot recently and it's aged like wine.


>Late Registration
o i am laffin

>Babby's first industrial hip-hop album
>Clicking ever


Take out I Love Kanye and Silver Surfer and it's a masterpiece

>Take out I Love Kanye


>haha I only listen to real experimental hip-hop lmao. Death Grips, Dalek, the list goes on...

Kanye is a fucking hack
Go fuck yourselves

Most memorized album. It's definitely a masterpiece.

This is based. Yet no CD? Shame on you.

Masterpiece. Rapping is like 7/10 but no one else could have made a seemingly overrated album into an instant classic.

Same feeling here. The entire song feels like it's escalting to something, then it just kinda drops off.

Mah nigga
Hell of a Life is so underrated

One of my favourite albums, wouldn't say it's a masterpiece though
In my opinion, Runaway's outro is probably the most powerful moment on a mainstream hip-hop album

kendricks "u" is more powerful