What are other shows that are actually about strong male friendships?

what are other shows that are actually about strong male friendships?

and i dont mean ones that are about dudes who know each other but spend all their time chasing girls. ones where the friends interactions actually matter in a meaningful way. The final arc on this show blew my mind. it hit me a little hard cuz a close friend of mine is stage 4.

pic related is also pretty good though i have trouble getting through it. the character's individual development are all contingent upon one another in a great way.

Who are you?

Give me a clue at least

I don't know that you'll find one similar to that.

Name of the show?


House M.D.

A normal clue not some cryptic shit you coward

what? why?

Dont be a liar either

Just do it don't be a cunt

Boston Legal. Denny Crane, Alan Shore.

Ok fine what are you doing and why?

you mean the show? its called house

dude im so confused by what you want or why you want it. do you think you know me?

if so I live in LA, and I give out a lot of different names. if you know me well enough you know thats true.

whats it about? how does the friendship factor in?

Does Scrubs count?


Boston Legal, serious answer. I wish I had a friendship like Denny and Alan.

Who will you torment if im gone?
Can you stop it right now?


Fuckin love House. My favorite show

M.A.S.H is a good one.

ehhh just barely. the 'bromance' never felt real, there was no REAL struggle, and their growth and development never really felt contingent on each other. for the most part they were defined by their romantic relationships. JD developed a lot more through his interactions with doctor cox than with Turk to be honest.

They're both partners at a Boston law firm. Shatner plays a senior partner and James Spader a partner and close friend to Shatner. No matter what, every show ends with them on a balcony, smoking a cigar and drinking scotch and discussing life. Hilarious show, good drama, and the rest of the cast is great.

>Denny, there's a federal agent on his way in. Why is your desk covered in guns?
"I want him to see I'm a real American"

>The man with the gun is right outside!
(assembling rifle) "Don't worry. I was a sniper in the Marines. Or was it a pilot? Either way, LOCK AND LOAD!"

any non sitcom suggestions tho?

Those two were so gay.

The final episode was just an elaborate way for them to get gay married.

Comedy, genuinely funny, about a law firm in Boston. Denny is a partner, Alan works there. They are both skirt chasers, but the women come and go, and the friend is always there when needed. They suffer losses together and they fight sometimes. But their moments together at night on the roof drinking scotch inspire me. Also the reason I took up scotch.

The final episode was disappointing for such a great show. Then again, what good show actually has a satisfying ending?

The ending wasn't that bad but I would've liked it if house continued to practice medicine because he was saving lives and then he became a gay biker

Just don't EVER try to get between Denny and Shirley Schmidt-Ho.

It's not the main focus of the show, but I like Bashir's and Garak's friendship on DS9. Bashir and O'Brian was okay, but not nearly as interesting.

>The final episode was disappointing for such a great show.

I actually liked it. I mean its not as great as it could have been but for me i focused more on the final arc than the final episode its self. the finale was more like a 'final act' to a movie that started with 'the C word'. watching it live probably sucked cuz the suspense built badly if you arent binge watching I think.

>Then again, what good show actually has a satisfying ending?

the only time I've been 100% satisfied with my first viewing of a finale was buffy the vampire slayer. some people disagree but Joss Whedon knows how to write a fucking ending. considering he already wrote 3 contingency endings (worrying about cancellations in seasons 1, 3, and 5) and one of those was his ideal endgame i was surprised he managed to pull out yet another amazing ending.

beyond that i havent had anything super impress me finale wise. however there are a few that do just enough for me. Namely House, and Orphan Black.

if you count contingency endings or early end points I'd also say WEEDS had a great finale (season 3), as did bates motel (season 4).

its so hard to find a good finale. buffy is the only one that really blew my mind.

see this is why i think we need MORE friendships like house. These two were straight, had multiple romance and found solace in just being happy with a close male friendship.

apparently that makes you a homosexual now. it must suck not to have friends.

Six Feet Under ended well

the biking had nothing to do with it. the practicing medicine ending would have been a greater play to his ego and sense of self, whereas the show its self was more of a discussion on whether or not our personal relationships can over power that need. they had to take away the possibility of him ever being able to play with his puzzles again in order to give the ending, and his relationship with wilson, any meaning.

WEEDS is more the show you are looking for. a mother, who while loving her children, will constantly fuck them over in order to pursue her selfish desire for money and adventure.

Ok tell me in what ways did you affect my life other than stalking because I know you reminded me once of your stalking and it was an interesting few days to say the least but what else I want to know also what you're planning for the future

>apparently that makes you a homosexual now.

I know you're being sarcastic but yes. It does.

i wouldnt say wilson and house was the main focus of the show either, house was more a character piece and his relationship with wilson was the one thing that could compete with his sense of self / his ego. im okay with shows that focus on something else, but I would like to feel some really strong bonding that actually matters.

ironically the show 'friends' doesn't seem to have any REAL bonding, though most sitcoms don't imo.

do the characters grow off of each other in any meaningful and serious way in DS9

>enjoying your friendships after your divorce makes you gay now

kill yourself.

You mean like "The Intouchables", cause I was forced to watch it twice and I still remember how it went.

Yes. DS9 has some of the best character/relationship development out of all the Star Trek shows.

never heard of it user

But he figuratively dies in thst ending and I don't think he deserves it the puzzles and wilson was his life and he lost his puzzles and is losing wilson. He was a cunt but I don't think being a cunt to people deserves such a terrible ending he had a good heart and he was saving people

How miserable your life must be since you don't have any real friends.

i never really got into star trek. I love metaphor like in buffy so it seemed like my kinda thing but i just never get into the episodes. I think its because the 'professional' setting makes it hard for me to bond with the characters, also the whole space thing seems cool but makes it hard for me to relate to. i sat through an episode of one of them (i think TNG?) where they use dinosaur aliens who think they are the first ever species as a metaphor for the prosecution of those teaching evolution. it was dope. if it has things like that and good character development i cant imagine not liking it, though i do like shows with bigger arcs and less self contained ideas.

>have no friends
>seeing a man take care of his friend who has cancer makes him uncomfortable cuz no one would ever do that for him
>has to convince himself that anyone who has friends is a homosexual cuz otherwise hes in the wrong
>probably doesn't get any pussy either but at least rationalizes that he likes pussy so hes better than people who have friends

i kinda feel bad for this kid

Unfortunately it also has all that shitty Bajoran religious bullshit you have to sit thru as well.

I'm miserable because I can't move forward I feel trapped fake friends are a welcome distraction for the mind and real friends are hard to come by but I believe they exist somewhere I just wish I could go find them

That was Voyager. Good self-contained series. First few seasons were hit and miss, but it got it's legs and was great. Good finale, too.

whats DS9's pattern?

I just wish we could talk more cunt your attempts at intimidation only show that you yourself are very afraid or were very afraid if u catch my drift stop projecting ur mentally ill and are doing nothing but harm

Could thing that's only a subplot, until the end where it's really forced in there. Some people like the religious stuff though. It's creates a great contrast to the atheistic commie Federation who refrain from being religious in any way.


I know it's popular, but so much in DS9 seemed contrived to me to create drama. As mentioned, Bashir and garak were great, so was Odo and Quark. But, it became ponderous often. Some great episodes were the Area 51 episode and the one where they meshed into the TOS Touble with Tribbles episode.

you know that it's a comedy, right?
and of course you will grow more through your mentor than your best friend

I totally didn't cry

Kira sucked.

After Wilson death I imaging House freelancing being a doctor solving people ailments across the world while grieving in his own way. honestly if they made a new season based on that id watch the fuck out of it.

That's a good one

im sorry im just so confused by that post cuz i have no reference point for anything.

does it have over arching plot? or are the episodes mostly self contained save for finales? is it a seasonal arc or is it a series arc? do they have a good ending point before it gets 'ponderous'?

DS9 started out kinda weak, but eventually turned into a very interesting and lore rich series, perhaps more lore than any other Trek show. Shit really starts getting good when the Dominion are introduced.

>you know that it's a comedy right?

yes. you do know what i asked in the OP right?

>i dont mean ones that are about dudes who know each other but spend all their time chasing girls. ones where the friends interactions actually matter in a meaningful way.

dont get mad at me for pointing out how its not what I was asked for in the OP just cuz its a 'comedy'. That being said, being a comedy doesn't make what i said irrelevant. Scrubs was a comedy but it was overflowing with sentimentality. I have my issues with its characters and such, but it was true to its emotional side. JD and Turk are virtually the only characters that DIDN'T grow and develop off of each other. JD was constantly developing with Cox, Cox with JD and Kelso, Elliot even had more real development with turk than JD did.

>over-arching plots
Plenty. Although, like any show, there is filler here and there.
>before it gets ponderous
That user was talking out of his ass.

i was thinking something similar. like just taking crazy cases in poor places just for the fun of it. it'd have to be a mini series though, not that new will and grace revival crap

I think he just starts shooting heroin and OD's not a very glamurous ending let's be realistic

Not the guy yer replying to, but I'll throw in my two cents.

It wanders lost for the first few seasons. Has no idea what it wants to be, but you hafta watch it to meet the characters and learn their motivations. Once the Dominion War kicks off, then they develop a far more coherent sense of who they are and what they are trying to be. Solid seasonal arcs, with goals.

It gets good, but I can't fault anyone who can't stick it out through the rough start.

HIMYM is also a comedy but its on the sentimental side as well. it takes its characters and development seriously, but like most shows the supposed friendships are mostly inconsequential.

It wouldn't feel right being a new season of House. That sounds more like a spin-off. Still would be fun to watch.

i dont mind filler, i mean in my ideal world a show is like buffy: each episode has a self contained story but they build into the bigger journey of the season, and the season builds into the bigger character ideals over all.

is the DS9 finale good?

Do you want a hug?

>is the DS9 finale good?
ehh.. let's just say the the journey is better than the destination. None of the Star Trek shows do a particularly great job at "ending"

That song.

There's an arc, but nowhere near as cohesive as Voyagers. Voyager was straight forward. They're sent to the other side of the galaxy and try to make their way home. The creators said right at the beginning they'd make it home so we knew it would have a conclusion. 7 seasons, very satisfying.

DS9 just meandered along with a new nemesis every couple years. some wars created. And it ended. Meh.

Because Star Trek needed another type of space orc, right?


>each episode has a self contained story but they build into the bigger journey of the season, and the season builds into the bigger character ideals over all.
That's actually a pretty good description of DS9

Are you the watchful protector or the watchful villain?

that actually sounds nice and kinda like HOUSE though, which started almost entirely self contained with not even a seasonal goal but towards the end everythign factored into his inevitable self destruction. i might be able to dig it as long as the finale is good.

Agreed. Keiko O'Brian was a cunt too. Dax was great.

I think that's oversimplifying it a bit.

Dax was a fucking badass.

id love one actually

Me too, I wish I could hug you

The FIRST Dax was great. Let's be clear.

see this bugs me. i have a hard time comitting to something if the ending doesn't really bring it home. im not even talking epic, cuz i had to lower my standards considerably. televisions not really good at ending it seems. but i want the plot wrapped and some defining character moment.

buffy really spoiled me in that regard.

ive seen posters for this. how do the two grow off of one another?

Your not a Trek fan huh? Because if you actually watched the show and absorbed the lore, you would understand that it's more than just "space orcs"

Counter argument.

a little from column A a little from column B

im torn now cuz half the people say its not really worth getting into and others say it is.

is voyager better?

Jadzia is best Dax, no doubt. But I didn't hate Ezri.

Yeah, but Dax two didn't really have time to prosper. Still hot tho


>is Voyager better
People are kinda split on that. I'm pretty sure most people prefer DS9. There's also the assholes that only watch the OS or Next Generation.

The Jem Hadar were actually less interesting than space orcs.

Of course

There is no character growth in that show. Don't waste your time.

Ezri was an adorable little worm