What now?

What now?

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hot Air Balloon Ride

She wants to kill you in an air balloon.
Avoid at all costs.

Who the fuck are you and how did you get my number

Send her a dick pic!!!!

Tell her you're more into helicopter rides.

Can’t it’s on tinder

She gonna pay for that AB ride? Oh, I bet she expects you too. Gold digging freeloading cunt just wants to go on an AB ride and have some dude pay for it. Classic woman.

this. tell her the deal is sealed but only if she sucks your dick beforehand.

OP won't do anything, he's yet another faggot who just posted to show off about some basic thot asking him out.

> tinder
> found gold digger
imagine my shooooooooock


Tell her you want to fuck first

“Air balloon ride” = sex with a condom

God you guys are stupid

Do it pussy

the trick is to not care whether you succeed or not, that indifference alone will make it more likely that you'll succeed at some point.

remember user, never focus on one female. never desire any individual female. see pussy as an abstract convenience that you just take when it's on offer, if the conveyor of that pussy is attractive.

if you have to invest too much, which in my opinion is any investment at all. get out of there. just be brutal, be honest, let these women know their worth.

they're moneygrubbing, cock hungry narcissistic whores, not potential wives or companions, so treat them as such.

But what if she's pretty and I want her to be my wife

fuck off she's mine

then you're evidently a masochist seeing as you'd actually want to have a life of pain and misery, and servitude.

What's wrong with this

Not only you imagined this was a sex act, but you also got it wrong
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hot Air Balloon Ride

seek help

Now what?

Pure faggotry by op.

Ask her if she wants to see your crawlspace.