Daily reminder: Hitler did nothing wrong. Promise you this is worth your time

Daily reminder: Hitler did nothing wrong. Promise you this is worth your time.

Today's thread involves the German invasion of Poland. Here's all you need to know.

>After WW1, Germany suffered significant loses of territory despite Germany's sovereign status.

>European treaty tradition followed a principle known as "status quo ante bellum" or the state existing before the war. However, contrary to European international precedent, the Treaty of Versailles violated this principle. The Reich did not return to the state prior to the war and their emperor was even forced to abdicate.

>The Danzig/Polish Corridor that unites East Prussia with contiguous the German state was given to Poland. The excuse of granting Poland access to the Baltic Sea fails in the face of criticism as it would be more logical to grant Poland the territory that would become Lithuania instead of the Corridor. But, remember the purpose of Versailles was to cripple Germany. Dividing the military industrial heart of the Reich from contiguous Germany was intentionally.

>Prior to the conclusion of WW1, Poland had not existed as a state since 1795. For the 123 years prior to the end of WW1, that territory had largely been German (Prussia and Austria) and was home to many ethnic German peoples.

>Nearing the end of WW1, Germany had secured a treaty with the fledgling Soviet Union that gave Germany virtually all of historic Poland. The German-Soviet invasion of Poland and its subsequent division was actually rather generous for the Soviets given the prior Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

>After Versailles, the new Polish government began pursuing policies of reversing historic German "germanization" of the Polish Corridor. This came in the form of population displacement. The Polish government contracted settlers to flood into the ethnic German land and displace German peoples. In international relations, this is called ethnic cleansing. 1/4

Other urls found in this thread:


>The population of Germans living within the Polish Corridor fell from 421,029 to 175,771 between 1910 and 1921. In the subsequent decade, the German population fell by another 70,000. From 1910 to the rise of the National Socialists, the German population within the Polish Corridor decreases by a total of 32.9%. The Polish government was practicing a policy of ethnic cleansing. This amounted to the removal of German families who had lived in the area for many consecutive generations.

>Hitler rose to power democratically on a position of strong German nationalism and his feirce opposition to the unprecedented Versailles. The purpose of the German state, in his eyes, was to provide one country for wthnic Germans. One people under one flag. A Germany for Germans. As revealed above, Poland followed a similar policy, a Poland for Poles.

>Nazi Germany sought to unravel Versailles and unite Germans under one flag. Germany finally united with Austria and Germany expelled the French from the Rhineland. Germany acquires the Sedutenland which was home to many German nationals. Czechoslovakia had historically been an Austrian province.

>Finally, there was the matter of the Danzig Corridor. Like in Austria, Hitler pushed for a plebiscite within the province so that the people could democratically decide whether they wanted to be a part of Poland or a part of Germany. Of course, Poland has everything to lose and nothing to gain, opposing the demand all together. Another aspect of Hitler's settlement would be that Germans who were expelled from the Corridor could also participate in the plebiscite, regardless if they even lived there anymore.

>Only to further complicate matters between Poland and Germany, the Poles had intentionally disrupted traffics between Germany and Prussia. 2/4

>On top of that, The German Ministry for Transport established the Seedienst Ostpreußen ("Sea Service East Prussia") in 1922 to provide a ferry connection to East Prussia, now a German exclave, so that it would be less dependent on transit through Polish territory.

>Connections by train were also possible by "sealing" the carriages (Korridorzug), i.e. passengers were not forced to apply for an official Polish visa in their passport; however, the rigorous inspections by the Polish authorities before and after the sealing were strongly feared by the passengers.

>In May 1925 a train, passing through the Corridor on its way to East Prussia, crashed because the spikes had been removed from the tracks for a short distance and the fishplates unbolted. 25 persons, including 12 women and 2 children, were killed, some 30 others were injured.

>In 1925 the Polish government enacted a land reform program with the aim of expropriating landowners. While only 39% of the agricultural land in the Corridor was owned by Germans, the first annual list of properties to be reformed included 10,800 hectares from 32 German landowners and 950 hectares from seven Poles. The voivode of Pomorze, Wiktor Lamot, stressed that "the part of Pomorze through which the so-called corridor runs must be cleansed of larger German holdings". The coastal region "must be settled with a nationally conscious Polish population.... Estates belonging to Germans must be taxed more heavily to encourage them voluntarily to turn over land for settlement. Border counties... particularly a strip of land ten kilometers wide, must be settled with Poles. German estates that lie here must be reduced without concern for their economic value or the views of their owners'.

>Prominent politicians and members of the German minority were the first to be included on the land reform list and to have their property expropriated. 3/4

okay but like the jews

>The creation of the corridor aroused great resentment in Germany, and all post-war German Weimar governments refused to recognize the eastern borders agreed at Versailles, and refused to follow Germany's acknowledgment of its western borders in the Treaty of Locarno of 1925 with a similar declaration with respect to its eastern borders.

>Institutions in Weimar Germany supported and encouraged German minority organizations in Poland, in part radicalized by the Polish policy towards them, in filing close to 10,000 complaints about violations of minority rights to the League of Nations.

>Poland in 1931 declared her commitment to peace, but pointed out that any attempt to revise its borders would mean war. Additionally, in conversation with U.S. President Herbert Hoover, Polish delegate Filipowicz noted that any continued provocations by Germany could tempt the Polish side to invade, in order to settle the issue once and for all.


>Hitler attempts to settle hostilities between Germany and Poland. He requests a German railway connecting Germany and Prussia, but this would effectively require an annexation of the Corridor. In return, Hitler offered a non-aggression pact with Poland. Poland had previously rejected the anti-commintern pact despite her war with the USSR a decade earlier. Poland insisted on maintaining access to the Baltic... which could've been achieved by united Poland and Lithuania once more instead of dividing and expelling the German peoples. 4/4

People don't understand the historical context of the war at all.
That's why people think Hitler was just a mad man trying to genocide everyone nonwhite in Europe.
Not true at all, he was taking back Germany's rightful land and securing the safety and sovereignty of displaced German peoples.
Lebensraum isn't the German version of Manifest Destiny. Lebensraum was Germany. You can't carve up a continent with arbitrary boundaries and expect everything to be okay.

>Hitler did nothing wrong.

I'm Jewish and this is offensive


Poland, a country that had not existed for 123 years, commits ethnic cleansing of ethnic Germans.

Weimar Germany asks nicely for better treatment of Germans, Poland threatens war.

Hitler attempts to secure a generous deal with the Poles. They still deny him. He kicks their ass.

Not an argument.

Didn't happen.
Go to Auschwitz if you don't believe me.
The ovens physically could not cremate humans at even 1% of the offical statistic. Let alone the original statistic released by the Russians.
All "death camps" liberated that were under western control were investigated and proven to simply be internment camps.
The soviets denied westerners access to the "death camps" that ended under their control after the war.
The Soviets then made many changes to attempt to fit their narrative, but soviets trying to control starving drunken peons, their alternations were essentially giant failures.

Anne Franks diary is also a fictional story written by her uncle to cash in.
According to Jewish folklore no one lived for over a week in Auschwitz, And women and children were murdered upon arrival. Yet Frank stayed there for months.
The majority of deaths in camps were caused by disease and famine.
The World Almanac and the Red Cross both agree.

The 6,000,000 number was how many jews were living in Europe. And you can see the talk of the Shoah of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe as far back as the 1890's, in reference to the Pograms.
>Something that was never taught in schools

Check out the Balfour declaration. If was penned by the Rothchilds and enacted by the British government to establish a state of Israel. WW1 and WW2 were used to their fullest for the Zionist agenda.

WW2 was a completely contrived theatrical production of a war. Germany relied on factories and synthetic fuel provided by Allied nations who could have cut off their supply whenever they wanted. Meanwhile, Allied bombers deliberately avoided bombing German factories owned by foreign investors, targeting nearby population centres instead.

While the world was distracted by the European Theatre, the colonial empires carved up East Asia, Africa and what was left of the Ottomans. The fact that the Americans stuck around in Asia blowing shit up for the next few decades--unfinished business--proves why they were really there.
We're lied to about why Japan was even in the war: both their declaration and cessation of war stated that their purpose was to protect Asia from Western imperialism. We're told they were crazy rapists who just wanted to conquer China, but what they actually did there was re-install the Chinese Emperor who had been ousted by European meddling.

But as far as Europe goes, the was was a scheme to squash socialism. That's why the national socialists are so demonised. That's also why in all Hitler's speeches, whenever he attacks the Bolsheviks, the English subtitles say "Jews".

Long story Agory:
> Germans belived they are „master race”
> Atack Poland where they prove that in the matter of fact they were all just a bunch of well trained animals
> Got rape at the end by Soviets

Just one thing.

Status quo ante bellum is not the standard for "European treaty tradition" as you called it. It was actually pretty rare. For example, as a result of the Hundred Years' War, the English were pushed out of mainland Europe. The Treaty of Westphalia decidedly did not end in status quo ante bellum, instead ending with Dutch independence secured, the rise of Sweden as a major power at the expense of Hapsburg dominance, and the end of religious tension between Protestant and Catholic princes. The Spanish-American War ended with the US getting Guam, Cuba, and the Philippines. There are so many other examples.

Cases where things just "went back to the way they used to be" are actually the exception and not the rule. Versailles was no exception.

Other than that, yeah, indisputable fact that Hitler did nothing wrong. Carry on.

not once were the jews mentioned in this entire spiel, he spoke about the land and territory problems that were a result of Versailles, fuck off with that strawman.

>Citing medieval wars
>ignoring relevant context of 19th century to the early 20th century first world war

Anti Semite

baby nigger jew

I picture it as a Mexican soap opera where all the white people at church try to socially mingle make money envy the neighbors and try to have romances and do supervillain Machiavellian shit all while lol jk not really and try to be as analy correct and fair as possible.

The jews show up and kike it on the supervillain part hardcore like you're not welcome what the Fuck you are doing it wrong and when they get slapped shit hits the fan they start crying like something broke.

Fuck. Yes. HDNW.

I am a Jew and I demand you stop this!

hitler didn't do much wrong, but a whole lot of people still aren't his perfect race he claimed he would create either, so maybe he wasn't so great.

>starts a war of aggression and gets btfo, gets spanked in post war treaty for being a little shit

why is this a problem? you walk up to someone bigger than you and suckerpunch them and then get the shit beaten out of you. are you surprised?

I wish Hitler killed 6,000,000 Jews. Maybe we wouldn't have so much Jewish propaganda in Hollywood and so many bad loans. HDNW


Fine. Let's look at some recent conflicts before WW1.

>Crimean War
Russians get their asses kicked, concessions in the Treaty of Paris
>Russo-Japanese War
>Russians get their asses handed to them, Japan gains territory
>Greco-Turkish Wars
Greece secedes, Ottomans lose their standing in Europe despite French and British attempts to keep the status quo.
>Balkan Wars
Balkans become independent. Ottoman Empire further weakened.

While 19th and 20th century European diplomacy adhered to a "balance of powers" more often than not it is more of a "shift from one power to another".

Wouldn't have made a significant difference.
International jewry is like a disease.
The only solution is to kick them out.

Or perhaps to eliminate them from the face of the earth.

Hitler was a idiot. He ignored his generals. He was high on speed. He picked too many fights at once.. case closed.

German lives > Jewish lives.

>cites extra-European wars

A man greater than you called it the final solution.

Just tell them we don't want to hear your nigger shit.

While this may be true, it is irrelevant to the thread. Besides, given the performance of the USSR in the Soviet Finnish war, you'd think you'd be able to walk into the Soviet Union and blow them over.

wait but what about Night by Elie Wiesel that all high schoolers are forced to read?


>beady eyed thief gets a tattoo and writes a story

Well your minority opinion is noted. And Hilter did a lot wrong depending on your moral compass. Fucking traps and nazis always gotta speak up on Sup Forums.

Your high school teachers don't have the balls to fuck with Jews bank accounts for that kind of disrespect. The generals were cucks who wanted dialogue and diplomacy for money they could have just said we are losing the war. Dragon ball z. If you don't do it now You're fucked later hit them and come out winning at the end

You're an idiot. And a child and a faggot. Not Hitler.

Speaking of the "ovens," Teeth cannot be burned. If they truly did gas and burn 6 million jews, that would result in relatively 603184.749 lbs of teeth. How exactly are they going to hide all of that?
They don't. (Because they couldn't, even if they tried.)


Why did Germany then bomb and conquer the Netherlands?

It was a defensive strategy

Underrated post.

So what about treblinka?


I bet the fuckers ate French European bread from those ovens now valued 6 times its price they are so fond of shit talking

sounds like a war winning mindset my dude

Lebensraum was I can't breathe with important shit like access to a port.

You can't go shop at Wal-Mart because a faggot oppressor kike pole says its his Baltic sea now. The same people who cry about Palestine israelo

This is Fuck ing disgusting.

You tell me


Status Quo isn't why Germany was mad about the Treaty of Versailles.

WW1 was started under false pretences by a blatant false flag attack, probably orchestrated by either Austria or some Swiss bankers or something, and Germany ended up being blamed for the whole thing. Germany knew a war with Russia was coming and wanted to get the jump on them, it's true, but they were bound into a defensive pact with Austria and didn't actually have a choice. This is literally the same excuse EVERY SINGLE OTHER COUNTRY involved in WW1 had for starting the war: all of Europe was in this bullshit interlaced network of treaties that meant "nobody had any choice" which is obviously bullshit, obviously the war was planned, yet Germany were painted as the bad guys and got saddled with some horrible economic exploitation that led to massive poverty and suffering.

THIS is why Germany fucking hated international bankers.

So you go to work and empty your bank account due to inflation >blah blah blah high school Jewry propaganda pathetic kike sob story

Lo mismo. Same thing. Cucks today cucks back then.

Kids don't learn about WW1 in school.
All they learn is that Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.
That's the entirety of a HS education on WW1 in the US.


No, this wasn't a number that I just pulled out of my ass.
Keep in mind:
• The average tooth weighs from 1.13 - 2.28 grams.
•There are 20 teeth in the adult mouth.
2.28g * 20t * 6,000,000p = 273600000g
g=Grams, t=Teeth, and p=People
453.592g = 1 Lb
273600000/453.592= ->
= 603184.749338 lbs

bunch of Jews get a free vacation to camp and all they do is complain

I met a couple of closet racist teachers and all I got was ignorant propaganda

And archi princess Anne Frank.

You're forgetting the claimed 5 million dead gentiles.

While the 6 million number came from the 1890's, the 5,000,000 number came from the 1970's.
But don't tell anyone that.
You can pick and choose a random number for genocides as long as it suits your needs.
Gotta make the goyim mad at adolf.

So double your tooth count my dude.

the US had Japanese concentration camps the red army had German and Polish concentration camps and the 2 nukes killed over 15 thousand innocent civilians so Hitler in fact did nothing wrong
now tits or gtfo

Holy shit, Thanks user!

Do not trust a vegiatrian


like they might mention that Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian organisation, but leave out the fact that he was the main guy who kept vetoing Austrian plans to invade Serbia

and they might mention that after the first failed attempt on his life, his car decided to TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY stop right outside the cafe where one of the assassins was waiting, giving him his chance to finish the job. But they won't mention that the driver was receiving his orders from an Austrian minister who was also in the car, but wasn't injured, and who ended up leading the Austrian army into Serbia personally

and the fact that this organisation, the Black Hand, had plans for Serbian/Bosnian unification which were somewhat similar to Austrian plans for unification, even though they were ostensibly enemies, why would you mention that in school?

haha and the fact that the assassins were native Bosnians yet they infiltrated over the border right before Ferdinand's visit, why would you even bring that up

You forgot the POW camps the US had for Germans.
And I'm not talking about the half million german POW's that were kept in camps in the US.
I'm talking about the German POW's kept in camps in Europe that were starved to death.
The US simply didn't classify them as POW's so they skirted any international backlash for mistreating POWs.

Funny how the Allies, who controled all the supply lines, couldn't feed their POW's. But the Germans were "gassing" and "ovening" gorillians of Jews.

>cuck cuck cuck jew jew jew cuck jew

it's astonishing you people lost two world wars back to back with that kind of intellectual power


well they say "history is written by the victors"

Sadly for your point, it took the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD to stop them.

Same goes for Canada. We read a paragraph in a textbook about the assassination, which was immediately preceded by paragraphs of war heros.
Social studies teacher was a Jew.

Canadians: if you kill them, they win.

Thank you.

You want me personally to fight the red army.. well i can do 20 sit ups... i'll do it!. Seriously he was deranged.. Germany got fucked over after WW1.. no argument . But the Germans had the best Engineers.. the best equipment.. their leadership let them down. Hitler had charisma, but he should have left the mechanics of the war to the insufferably reliable german bureaucracy.

>the entire world consists of america, the uk, and russia

awfully anglocentric worldview for an ubermensch

Nice thread op, thank you for the nice information !

Get it right twatface.
Hitler was a shitty leader who was a huge contributing factor to the loss of the Nazis.

Actually he did plenty wrong

For one he was a terrible general and made wrong decision after wrong decision about the war plan

He made a huge mistake in siding with Japan their was almost no reason for him to throw his hat in with the japs

He filled the Reich with tons of inexperienced and incompetent people simply because they were loyal to the party

He blamed a scape goat for all his problems rather then actually finding solutions to them

Invaded Russia and decided to not retreat when the winter set in instead having his army slowly die in the snow to an inferior army

He was high constantly

Had a comically bad mustache

Was too proud to surrender forcing his citizens to die in the streets fighting but was too much of a coward to do the same and killed himself with a cyanide pill in his bunker

Bad at art...

Also his speeches make him sound like a mad man to anyone who watches them today guaranteeing that he would be remembered as being pretty much insane

The list goes on and on

But his biggest mistake was starting a war that Germany had no chance of winning in the first place

Sounds like something a studdering idiot would say my dude.

>a studdering idiot
>studdering idiot
>It's not rocket appliances.
>A fuckin toad a so.

You forgot a few:
Most of france
Norway (to an extent)
The Netherlands
Spain (sort of independant competing fascists)
And Poland.

>Stormfags always conveniently forget this.
They lost for a reason, that reason was mostly Hitler.
Got sucked in...

Keep in there


>considers neutral countries germany invaded without resistance who had no standing military and nonparticipant countries to be against them

and this isn't even going in to your allies. hardly the entire world vs germany. even assuming you're 100% correct and each ww was germany against the world, how fucking dumb do you have to be to fight the entire world, get your shit pushed in, and then do it again a few decades later?

>A bunch of countries that got btfo at the start of the war.
>Countries that were against germany?
You suck at history.

Go fuck yourself for being Jewy MF cockroaches. Hitler did nothing wrong period. Jew mf wanted to enter in to Arabia MF used excuse of genocide to do so. If Hitler really did a genocide yout sorry ass would not be sitting here barking. Offense is what Jewy are doing Philistines that's what genocide look like and no you are no special or chosen Jews are cockroach and will be kicked out from every country they will go that is the punishment so shut the fuck up.

Your intelligence is lacking, please consult the OP and the first few replies for more knowledge on such a notable subject.


>For one he was a terrible general and made wrong decision after wrong decision about the war plan
Wrong, for a head of state he was actually very good with his involvement with the military.

>He made a huge mistake in siding with Japan their was almost no reason for him to throw his hat in with the japs
He sided with the Japanese out of principal.

>He filled the Reich with tons of inexperienced and incompetent people simply because they were loyal to the party
A loyalist in a time of desperation is more important than the most experienced of qualified. You get overthrown by dictators by appointing non-loyals into power.

>He blamed a scape goat for all his problems rather then actually finding solutions to them
Except that international Jewry in the banks and media was literally Germany's problem. And he made the Germany economy wonderful.

>Invaded Russia and decided to not retreat when the winter set in instead having his army slowly die in the snow to an inferior army
Russia and Germany were natural enemies. Their ideologies were incompatible and the Soviets were on a land grab. They were itching to stab him in the back. Taking Moscow would have secured the eastern front and created a single front war for Germany, which would have secured their victory. It was a hail mary only because of the timing, The soviets were very weak at the time and it was strategically the time to move in.

>He was high constantly
Slander, just like the claims that Hitler was gay and that he made soap and lampshades out of heebs.

>Had a comically bad mustache
It was hugely popular at the time.

>Was too proud to surrender forcing his citizens to die in the streets fighting but was too much of a coward to do the same and killed himself with a cyanide pill in his bunker
His entire stance was to never surrender. Same with the Japs. Principal was very important to men of the time.

Part 1/2


>Bad at art...
He was actually pretty good at art, people commend GHWB for his art, and he isn't half the artist adolf was.

>Also his speeches make him sound like a mad man to anyone who watches them today guaranteeing that he would be remembered as being pretty much insane
Not true at all, reading his speeches in English is very different from understanding them and listening to the german. He was a very powerful public speaker, and that's even commonly given to him by people who hate him. He spoke objective truths and about brother hood and principal. If you're not moved and motivated by his speeches you're the insane one.

>But his biggest mistake was starting a war that Germany had no chance of winning in the first place
And what war was that?

>their was almost no reason for him to throw his hat in with the japs

ah yes, the socialists who put manji on all their shit had absolutely nothing in common philosophically with buddhist east asians

It seems that you don't understand what rebellions are, dumbass. Now go to bed, you don't want to be late for school tomorrow.

Sounds like Hitler was just butthurt that starting and then losing a war of agression that killed 40 millions people had consequences.

It was an idiotic choice to choke Germany half dead after the war but all this shit your talking about Germany being the rightful owner of lands it gaves when it chose to surrender unconditionally is just forgetting that almost all land ownership is the results of wats.

Don't lie to yourself, you're just defending Hitler because you desperately want to suck some one balled dicks.

And there is nothing wrong about that.

>intelligence is lacking.
Love the fedora & euphoric writing style, and fundamentally incorrect narrative you created.

I'm white and the jewish push to destroy my people is offensive. Go fuck yourself with a menorah.

>couldn't even handle a few uppity untermensch peasants with rusty old weapons

hail the master race

Check this out faggot.

>It seems that you don't understand what rebellions are
>Rebelled against Nazis.
>Clearly doesn't know what rebellion means, yet uses that word.
>Calls someone a dumbass.
Fucking kek.
Pick up a history book and stop relying on infographics and green text. You're ignorant, and probably very stupid.

I am not that faggot who wrote "studdering."
(Why would I contradict my own statement?)
If you honestly believe your reddit style tactics will work on us, you are wrong.

Israelis are the true antisemites.

>caring about arabs
what kind of bargain bin great value nazi are you