Can you succeed as a musician if you're ugly?

Can you succeed as a musician if you're ugly?

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Grimes is doing fine

You can but it sure is harder.


fpbp even if you're a tripfag

i don't know, why don't you ask thom yorke

Yes but if you are fantasizing about being an indie heartthrob/dreamer while ugly, and posting on Sup Forums you are retarded. Ugly people who make good music are like frank black or whatever. Just make good music and don't get sucked into a narrative. Narratives are usually driven by music blogs and PR firms which exist to depress you and hit you with ads, so you buy dumb things or micro transactions or whatever advertisers do I dunno

I'm kinda high atm so this might be incoherent

2 nu-males and a lesbian walk into a bar

I would drink Caroline Polachek's sweat, tho
