This movie is 9/11

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Literally not what the movie is about. "White men" don't deny the holocaust. "White" trash does.

Back to Sup Forums

Dude its so real that we need to constantly remind people with propaganda and arrest you if you disagree.

>le back to Sup Forums meme

go back

what show is this? looks breddy gud.

fuck off. Jews promote the shit out of the holocaust. They rarely say anything about the Armenian or Native American Genocide.

its a flashback of one of the vampires from the strain. He was really in love with the girl and felt shitty when she died but could not show it because others were watching his reaction. The show is shit.
no one denies it, they just say the accounts seem exaggerated and its possible some people died from being worked to death and poor conditions, instead of being deliberately exterminated in rooms with spinning blades


or the none jews that died in the same camps. natalie portman is right

oh. yeah that show fucking sucks.

Than again, seeing the resurgences of "kill the jews" Muslims, it maybe wise to keep the films rolling for a while longer, least the cucked men delivers the jews back to camps

I haven't seen it but why is holocaust denial such a big deal? I mean, can't you just call deniers out on their bullshit and be done with it? Like who cares if he has an opinion that's wrong and you disagree with? Or was there some special circumstances that he had to be proven wrong?

It seems like a dangerous precedent to set. That if someone disagrees with the collective narrative then they're deemed as others and need to be destroyed. I mean, in the case of holocaust denial they're wrong, but the same tactics would be used in other situations where the denier is right and it's society that's wrong. Do we really want to suppress intellectual minorities? Isn't that a form of persecution?


>All those JIDF comments who are genuinely mad she said some words they didn't like
Is this like the nigger thing, where they act like it's more than just a word that they're voluntarily choosing to take offence to? And if you tell them that then they just accuse you of being incapable of understanding, a cute little sleight of hand that makes it impossible for you to disagree with them and also be right?

>words can't hurt you
>unless it's racism against whites, then it's literally white genocide

Who are you quoting?

That's not denial retard or did you jump the gun at "white trash"?

Is this show is supposed to be a comedy, because the timing is almost perfect for a joke.

>why is holocaust denial such a big deal?

its a splice

>no one denies it
Fuck off. You're either a liar or a stupid piece of shit. The Nazis, being German, were meticulous record keepers. Fucking Himmler wrote about organizing his fucking sock drawer in his diary for fucks sake. We know what they did from their own fucking records and our service men over there. Perhaps you think they were lying?

Oh. kek, well, whoever did it had a good taste for comedy.

Someone claiming the murder of your entire family didn't happen is a perfectly valid reason to get extremely angry, even violent if the situation called for it. It's also amplified by the fact that all holocaust deniers are shills pushing a malicious agenda who deserve to die, they aren't "truth-seekers." Notice how Sup Forums is the most dishonest place on the internet, constantly lying for different narratives.

I could not find the whole sequence but here is bit of it youtube.com/watch?v=8wMSxgHQSDI

Is it the same guy doing this constantly?

This. If Sup Forums is for something you can bet money that the opposite is true. Factually as well as morally. The funny thing is a lot of them think of themselves as "Christian".

Spoken like a true sheep.

>They rarely say anything about the Armenian Genocide.

It was even outlawed in some countries to deny it.

no, like I said no one denies it but few people faking marks and outlandish stories and ever growing number of victims have put a dent in how much people are willing to believe. people did die but maybe how it happened is not 100% accurate

>If you come to a different conclusion than my echo chamber of brain dead overeating neckbeards then you're a sheep

Go chimp out on Sup Forums where your fragile emotions can't be harmed by facts.

I can honestly say that if my family was murdered, and someone said that it didn't happen, I would tell them they were wrong and maybe get mad, but I could not justify being violent towards them. I don't know how you made the jump from "you'd be justifiable angry" to "you'd be justifiably violent"

As for the idea that they're pushing some sort of nefarious agenda. What? They throw out a bunch of red meat to the people who already believe and they get together and have little jerk off sessions in eachother's garages?

>People with bad opinions deserve to die
t. edgelord

If anything it will piss off more people with their incessant whinging.

You can criticize the jews though. Too bad retards on the internet think "lmao no jews died in ww2 gas the jews now" is criticism.

name 1 movie about Armenian genocide

Saying they are compulsive liars is a criticism.

I've never believed muh 6.66 gorillion.

I'm not really advocating for holocaust denial as being a backed up opinion, just for the right to say it.
If Sup Forums is denying the holocaust then they're allowed to. I'm not saying they're right, but suppressing ideas makes them dangerous, sexy and appealing. The martyr effect is at its strongest with political ideologies.

seriously. go the fuck back.

Ok, I got it now. To believe your insanity I have to believe that the Jews are controlling everything. They are so great that perhaps we should consider them the master race, no?

>moving the goal posts

Do acceptance and promotion only occur through movies though?

It's shilling and lying with no basis in any form of fact or logic. Evolutionarily, culturally, neurologically, it's impossible for bits of Nazi propaganda like this to be true. You have to be mentally retarded to be tricked into believing that Jews lie more than other groups of people, even more retarded to not see that someone told you that as propaganda.

You don't have to play Devil's advocate for them to have the right to say it. They already have that right you righteous try-hard. Stop being a fucking moron.


>Do acceptance and promotion only occur through movies though?
yes, when people are too lazy to read and some faggots even try to name films as historic evidence.

>just jumping way ahead to what he perceives will allow him to dismiss any criticism without a single argument

wew fucking lad show yourself out

Evidence of their ridiculous lies are right here Holocaust or any genocide denial should not be illegal. That is against free speech. If someone is wrong, prove it with evidence and that person will look the fool. Making it illegal only makes it even more suspicious.

As usual liberals prove they are the new nazis.

>You don't have to play Devil's advocate for them to have the right to say it. They already have that right you righteous try-hard.
Not these guys.

>I can't debate anything you said so I'll project and use the "not an argument" meme

Nice debating skills, faggot. Let me know when you want to join the big boy table.


>holocaust didn't happen
>it should happen again

I don't subscribe to the master race theory but yes. you would not that Germans lost both world wars and seem more fit to working than leading.
>To believe your insanity
that some people may have exaggerated things and no one was made to run into acid?
>I have to believe that the Jews are controlling everything.
not everything. Not denying that jews are prominent in some industries would help, you know because its fucking reality and you can look up the CEOs last name and origin.

>please debate my non-argument

Banned in Israel lmao.

user please. No arguments allowed that might hurt his precious feelings.

That's exactly what this movie is.

This is true., and I apologize if your in one of those countries. I had assumed you to be American. For the record I fully support any American's 1st amendment right to reveal themselves as a moron.

classic "statistical it must have happened to someone" its what collage students say when they are caught lying

>I got memes

Literally not an argument. Let the few adults in this thread speak, kid.


It's illegal to deny every genocide that ever occurred including communist crimes in some countries according to that article. I'd love to hear how Sup Forums tards doublethink their way out of that one.

>If it's illegal to deny it, it didn't happen!


>look at me and my impotent rage abloobloobloo

oy vey

got I have been feeling Sup Forums storm the whole day. learn to bait faggot

>all the evidence is false, yes, gas the kikes though

holocaust happened and jews were targeted

there are tons of quotes from ww2 nazis that pol-fags post talking about how the jews are subverting germany and this and that


wtf is that image

Yes. It's a fucking retard. Hide and report.

Six gorillion Jews were killed that day!

>muh jews are bringing the niggers

1/3 of british doctors are foreign born, who knows how many of them second or third gen. immigrants

>subverting germany and this and that

and nothing, they did absolutely nothing after that

freeze peach = free speech

>Approves of your work, and $100 rials have been added to your account.


fake voltaire quote btw but I'm sure you already know.

its from a neonazi pedo originally

shut up kike

Only people that are already antisemites get pissed off by a movie about the holocaust

It looks like a mediocre movie tbqh.
And since the time for final solutions in Europe is near, the message it promotes is useless.

>Yes, thank you pig dog Westerner!

Link to records please


>holocaust happened and jews were targeted
It wasn't 6 GAGILLION
There were no gore porn devices
The ovens that exist could not possible roast as many as they claim

Not even Sup Forums says it never happened, they say it was greatly exaggerated and there is evidence that supports that.
>highly educated skilled worker immigration is the same as mass immigration of subhuman violent peasants who can't read or write and also happen to be 90%+ men
You disgust me. Europe is destroyed unless mass deportation is forced.


totally makes the quote nonsense then amirite chaim?
I can't even begin to care about a movie I won't watch.

>all the people I don't like are JIDF
fuck off

Kikes consolidate and control every media company in America. Media companies pump out anti white pro refugee propaganda. Jewish academics via cultural Marxism and Fabian Society push for globalism and multiculturalism. Just a coincidence goy, enjoy your cuck porn.

not really. The same way most blacks are sick of slavery movies, a lot of people are sick of holocaust films

>USA does what Israel tells them to

everybody knows this

yet you probably support trump and not the only politician that actually spoke against israel


face it, core of your beliefs is just false

>All the things I read I take literally
fuck off

>I don't believe my own countries service men.
>I claim to be an armed service supporting patriot
>I'm impotent

The problem with Sup Forums tards is that they are totally uncritical. Everything is passed through a filter. There's no impartial assessment of reality on any level, which leads to hilarious results like a person who believes they know for a fact that Jesus existed, but then denies the holocaust on the basis that there isn't enough evidence.

No you can't. It's literally illegal in my country to say anything mean about the Jews.

You're right stormfags don't usually bother with accuracy of what is said.

nice try though shlomo

>I was only pretending to be retarded, don't take me seriously!

What's the core of my beliefs? Is it that strawman you're currently erecting?

>there are immigrants and then there are immigrants
>but let's mass deport

ok, ok

let's say a highly educated skilled worker has a bum family member, and it's a muslim family

what do

Are you saying I am literally pretending to be mentally handicapped?

Sup Forums is an echo chamber just like tumblr for SJWs. The sad part is that they don't realize they areone of the same. But brainwashing is done properly amongst the le redpill me on this xD

>inb4 Sup Forums is one person
>inb4 not an argument

>accuse the opposition of what you're guilty of yourself
Classic Alinsky move right there kike.

projection, assumptions and still no link to records. you are getting better at baiting, maybe one day you will be a real boy

>What's the core of my beliefs?
you're just a pol-fag

they are incredibly indoctrinated, all use the same lingo, same opinions, same beliefs