Have you ever drank/drugged too much at a concert?

Have you ever drank/drugged too much at a concert?

i went to see silverstein in my teen years (shut up) and we took too much mdma and ended up sitting on a drum outside the toilet for their entire set just talking shit

Never (in fact, I've never even gotten truly drunk at a concert, and while at a club or whatever I only drink and don't do drugs).
However, I did do ketamine once and everyone I was doing it with went bad while I had a great time that felt like it lasted 20 years.

ketamine not even once

You don't do drugs but you did ketamine? That's pretty cray bruh

I'm a pretty cray guy.
I meant that I don't do drugs at clubs, but honestly I don't do drugs in general. Weed's nasty.

I took krokodil at an hardvapour concert in Vladivostok, became a zombie, fucked an Italian grill, got my pants full of cum and finally collapsed on a taco truck

Got too high at The Oh Sees at a festival and felt as if the band was just a support group for John Dwyer to live out his sick, devilworshipping fantasies, whick fucked with my head a bit. Sorry bad grammar

overdosed on jenkem at the death grips show AMA

i've overdosed on adderall twice in the same month.
should have called 911 twice. but i was too worried about the fucking hospital bill fucking me in the ass.

havn't been the same since. even after doing a bunch of health test with my doctor.

had some laced up weed once. shit had my body shaken for hours

ketamine only had my chest burning for 2 hours.

i miss being a kid and never caring about my health. thats when drugs are fun

I don't enjoy drugs

have done many drugs

take shitloads at bush doofs

Took a bunch of benzos and proceeded to drink Redbull Vodkas while in NYC. As I went outside to smoke a cigarette I stumbled around the sidewalk and almost got ran over. Then I decided to walk myself to the train and pissed myself on the way there.

I cant even remember who I went to see. Probably some DJ.

i havent done drugs

i havent even drank coffee

>i miss being a kid and never caring about my health. thats when drugs are fun

this, I think my times of just doing whatever I wanted are over for good. Only stuff I still can handle is booze and weed

>twice in one month
but why

took some lsd and some mdma at a hip hop festival earlier this year. I then went to see some hip hop/techno crossover act that my friends wanted to see. Turns out the acts gimmick was that they were straight edge and they started playing songs about how doing drugs is bad mkay. It was shit but at no point dangerous to my health in any way. Just didnt have a good time.

Got really drunk seeing Thou this year. It was dope.

coffee's the true gateway drug

Dropped acid before seeing Primus and Clutch a couple months ago, seeing Clutch right as I hit my peak was pretty uncomfortable because of the kind of music they play, but Primus was dope.

>the picture on the left is mirrored
>the text is still normal

Most weekends take a combination of booze, mdma, ketamine, and marijuana to the nth degree.

Most do, as nights out are fucking dull without it. As for live bands/live producer sets, strictly booze and jazz fags to get into the right mood.

Pretty common for Brits aged 18-30.

of course. i saw nazoranai once and dont remember a single thing, but according to my friends I was lucid

I was passed a joint by some old guy at a Helmet concert and then i realized how loud they were, and i just had to just wait with my friends until the end of the set and enjoy ear rape

Never gotten too crazy or anything.
I did drink half a litre of 60% vodka on a hot summer festival day and was pretty dried out in the end.

>Most weekends
>mdma, ketamine

Do you want to have irreversible brain damage? because that's how you do it.
I'm no expert on dissociatives, so I don't know safety protocol for Ket. But you shouldn't take MDMA more than once every two months, t b h.
I bet your crushes are devastating

I smoked half a cigarette once at a Mac Demarco concert and had to sit down for a little bit lol

went to at least a 100 punk/noise/avant/etc. shows back when i was a more fun and interesting person and before the agoraphobia kicked in, gotten fucked up usually 60% of the time with maybe 20% of those times going poorly to rather poorly. usually booze caused me the most problems.
it wasn't actually a bad time at all but the weirdest would probably have had to have been getting super baked and walking in driving rain to an EAI show (rowe/lescalleet duo) where half the crowd was dressed semi-formally and i was reeking of weed and looking soaked and deranged

Just how dangerous is Ketamine? Even drug users talk about it like it's Satan.

About doing MDMA every weekend the user above me is right.
As for Ket, continued usage damages your bladder, yes right. If done too long those damages can become irreversibel - meaning you will either have to wear adult diapers at the age of 40 or you might even have to carry around a catheter at your leg because you can't control your urine at all anymore.

Both substances have incredible potential, MDMA in the therapy of traumatized patients and Ketamine in the treatment of depression. Nevertheless they can be dangerous when not handled with a sufficient amount of knowledge and experience.
Educate yourselves about the drugs you take and minimize the risks! Safer-Use ftw!

horse tranquillizer tier dangerous

Someone put something in my drink once. I fell over in the middle of the pit lol. Everyone was actually really nice and helped me up, security took me over and out to the side to see if I was ok. I went outside to my car to sit down for a bit, and as soon as I closed the door I passed out. Maybe I was diddled who knows.

Why does everyone in leeds do ketamine?

Bet that was the only thing she ate that day

>tfw live in midwestern united states and can never ever find ketamine

feels bad man

when i was aphex at dfn 2016 i did mushrooms for the first time

before the first mushroom kicked in, i ate a second one. huge mistake

i ended up "blacking out" for part of the show i.e. i don't remember it (i didn't pass out)

i was fine until midnight when the show ended, but then i started tripping too hard and having intense audio visual hallucinations; couldn't sleep and pissed off my air b&b host by being noisy/fucked up.

still by far the best concert experience of my life

Took edibles that were stronger than I expected before going to see King Gizzard. It took me like an hour to walk half a mile from the bus station to the concert but I wasn't late. The show was great but I hardly remember any details


>do ketamine
>go to a pizza place
>me and my friend are stuck in there for 20 years
>check phone after getting out of there
>it's been 15 minutes
FUCKING ketamine

>not noticing that gigantic bag of candy
She needs that low calorie vitamin snack so she can go on a crazy candy binge.

I drank way too much Pepsi and vodka before an Iron Maiden concert...ended up stumbling back to my car after the first song....spent the showing slumped in the drivers seat opening the door to puke periodically...mates showed up after the show and drove me home...good times.

>Even drug users talk about it like it's Satan.
that's not because it's the most dangerous drug, it's just a really scummy drug

You can do better psychs than that.

You need to go on that diet fatty

Retard tier opinions on ketamine. Ketamine has this horrible reputation despite being easier on your body than almost any other party drug because "lmao horse tranquilizer". Ketamine is a fun and extremely versatile psychedelic, and I like to use it in a lot of the same circumstances where I would otherwise drink for a good time. It comes with very little hangover and basically no addictive potential. The major risk is getting habituated to it, using large amounts every week for several years, and ultimately wrecking your bladder. As long as you treat it like cocaine or MDMA and only use it once every few months, there's literally nothing wrong with ketamine (unlike cocaine and MDMA).
People fearmongering or shitting on ketamine are either completely uninformed or frail idiots who had a bad time after doing way too much once and now spread bullshit along the same lines as "acid builds up in your spine and turned my cousin's uncle into a glass of orange juice".
To anyone who's ever had the slightest interest in ketamine and can handle their weed/shrooms/LCD, I implore you to try it.


At a rave I got sold 5meo amt as Lsd after doing ecstasy the night before and a bit with it... holy shit thinking it was l and then when I finally think it's nothing at all, told it was 5meo and realizing this is going to last forever... plus candy kids in the Lancaster desert listening to happy core can include some UGLY was mothetfucking stars
I was alright but at another my friend accidentally did the same and woke up in a hospital "right after everything turned rainbow 3d, we had a seizure"

>d-dude ketamine murdered my mom and raped my dog
it's literally just an anaesthetic. nothing more.
the bad experiences you have with it are either because it's not for you or because you didn't take harm prevention steps (which you *should* with any drug)

Use some more punctuation, friend

>go to King Gizz concert
>a ton of people on acid and x as I expected, no problem with that though because I'm used to it from the kind of other shows I usually go to
>most of the drugged out people are mean as fuck

The fuck, only real drug I've done is pot but I thought ecstasy was supposed to make you love life and be happy and shit. People were being rude as fuck and at one point I had some girl yelling at me "YOU'VE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO A ROCK SHOW, FUCKER" over and over until her BF pulled her off me


I saw grimes and took a mdma-esque drug behorehand and was rolling like crazy then I slept with my boss's ex and got fired