Do it!

Do it!

Interesting challange

if people stop using these emojies, then sure

I mean it's really only necessary to compare popeye's to church's. KFC is fucking slop.

popeyes is garbo

Well I've only ever tried kfc no of the other are around here.

I don't like their sides as much but their chicken is on point.

Homemade... cheaper and better

I'm a sucker for KFC, popeyes is pretty fucking good, church's is ghetto nigger trash

Chick fil a

Dem chickens look good to me

chik fil a

the rest are different flavors of poo

cheaper means inexpensive because of inferior quality.


Chicken only, not sides, although I'll put KFC's biscuits up against any restaurant biscuit/roll in the world.

Popeye's was a disappointment, never seen a Church's... KFC doesn't have very good fried chicken, tbh...

excuse me mutts while I eat my superior ChickenJoy

it's dangerous to go into the neighborhood my local popeyes is in, and we dont have a church's, so kfc by default.

>Homemade... cheaper and better

This. It's not difficult, but it does take time. But homemade fried chicken is much, much better than fast food fried chicken.

you dont like having chicken cooked in dirty oil that's been used over and over again all day and has all those little burnt pieces of flour?





Lookie here what I caught, Sup Forums!

Raising Cane's is the only correct answer. KFC is not worth eating.

it depends.if you don't have drinks at home stay the fuck away from popeyes.popeyes chicken is better than churches but your gonna get cotton mouth from it.churches is safer but a little less tasty.kfc just shits in your mouth with that arsenic filled tyson chicken.

fuggin canes



fried chicken is for niggers.
If you eat any form of fried chicken you are a nigger. plain and simple.

Kfc is only acceptable if it's the only fried chicken available. I'm a Popeyes fan, myself.


Popeye's spicy chicken > all others. Golden Chick comes close when you put their spicy seasoning on it.

KFC is garbage tier.

If anyone does this remember to have a grounding flavour on hand as to not have previous bites influence the next due to residual oils and proteins and whatnot.
I hear coffee is good for this

liquor works too


>on point

>None of the above
They're overpriced, anyway.

Have a Cold Stone.

Zaxbys chicken fingers make my dick hard.

chic-fil-a is pure sex
everything else sucks dick

tbh my local grocery stores have better chicken than all 3

Honey butter chicken from Chicago.

Your mother.

Chick-Fil-A has the best chicken, Popeyes is the best fried chicken.

KFC is fucking disgusting

which one has the least niggers in the kitchen?
That's your answer. They might cook fine when they're making soul food but put them in a franchise kitchen and they're some of laziest unhygienic chefs you can imagine.