They're beginning to come in
"Barry" Netflix biopic about Barack Obama
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He doesn't even look like Obama
Will they include the war crimes in Syria?
Sometimes we have to kill children or the terrorists win
Will they include the drones bombing innocent children?
funny how they assume he's going to leave office
Jesus, not even North Korea has propaganda this obvious
Can't wait til God Emperor appoints a special hollywood prosecutor
>I hate muslims!
>Obama is killing muslims!
Will they include how blacks are doing far worse under Obama?
>I like hyperbole!
>Take me seriously!
Muslims kill muslims more than any other group of people
Fits Barrack HUSSEIN Obama's motive to radicalize the middle east for his prophet
Can't wait to see the bits of his childhood growing up in Hawaii and Indonesia
Oh, wait, they're going to cut in immediately at the age of 25 when he first stepped foot in Chicago and pretend that it's "hometown", as Obama says himself
No matter who wins in November we will soon miss Obama.
what else is he going to do
The people he targeted with a missile strike in a ceasefire created by us in the first place were Syrian forces that were fighting ISIS.
Will they show how he started his presidency going on and on about ending nuclear weapon proliferation, then he went on to spend a trillion on increasing our nuclear arsenal. Now he's threatening to start a nuclear war with Russia so his corrupt administration can hold onto power.
>I think Obama is muslim despite killing them and Osama!
>Take me seriously!
>Why don't Republicans win the presidency anymore?
Will they show Obama inciting racial violence and helping rig the election and also protect a war criminal
>I have no sources for my bullshit, but fuck it!
Hahahahahah! You idiots are finally reaching the pint of admittance e that Trump won't win.
>Boohoo! Dey dun cheated because muh feels tell me!!
stay in office
He's also killing Christians and Yazidis that might count as humans.
but he can't do that
Nah, Trump is going to win
check latest polls and his crowds vs Hillary's
It just takes mass rigging to make it close
I bet you were really concerned about that under Bush, right? Compared to Obama he's Stalin.
archive this thread, you'll see
Hillary is going to win. Deal with it she is a better choice for this country faggot. Now go back to Sup Forums!
Hahahahaha! I'm going to enjoy Sup Forums on election night. So to get this straight all the states or at least the states in play are in on it? Even with their Republican governors?
I've seen a pretty good movie on a flight to indonesia, about barrack when he was a kid
Quite enlightening tbesu
I wonder if they'll show the part where he said that as a kid the call to prayer was the "most beautiful sound in he had ever heard"?
national polls have hillary up like 7-9 points buds. trump may get more people to go to his rallies but that's because his supporters are the kinds of people who like to go out in public to praise their dictator and yell obscenities at those who kindly disagree with their opinions.
Well most of the GOP establishment would prefer Hillary to Trump, that's pretty well-established
Not sure what your angle here is? It happened and places like CNN and the New York Times covered it.
>Hillary has the whole media on her side
>Hillary has rigged polls and is given debate questions by every OP in the media
>even the neocons won't support Trump cause they want a Washington insider to continue their military industrial complex campaigns
>Hillary launched awful slanderous sexual assault campagins
>still tied and losing in newest poll
lmao, I'm sure you all thought BREXIT wasn't going to happen after those poll numbers right?
Just watch all those "racist" and fucking white people come out and vote Trump in a landslide despite all this rigging
Oh i never thought of it this way.
The republican and democrat establishment both work for the same people. Trump is a true outsider that threatens them. I agree more with what Hillary says according to the I Side With test, but she can't be trusted.
Brexit was polling, by fewer polls, 48%-52%. Where you stupid fucks get that BRexit was totally not polled to happen is a mystery to me. You'r handlers made that shit up and you swallowed it hook-line-and-sinker. Get ready for the reality bomb on Nov. 8th you dumb fuck.
>I still have no sources, but fuck it! Feelz B4 Realz!
What do you have to say about latest poll numbers you revisionist cucks
Oh I already remember the lib tears from BREXIT, I will be ready
>Dur hurr both sides bad so will vote for teh republican nominee!
Shut the fuck up, child.
You know even as someone who's pretty far left Hillary is bad enough that I may have considered not voting for her if the GOP had chosen Jeb or Rubio, even if I think both are not very good, but nah you guys went and fucked it up and chose the retard.
>Opens up in a small village
>you can hear a woman laboring
>Text reading "Nyang'oma Kogelo, Kenya" appears on the bottom
>A young Obama Sr. is outside, sweating, waiting nervously
>A nurse comes out, speaking Kenyan
>Subtitles read, "Come meet your son"
>He looks up, a smile appears
>The camera follows him rushing through the mud house, reaching the main bedroom, where his wife, a young American woman, is panting on a bed, with a crying baby clutched to her
>She looks at him, asking "What should we name him?", handing the baby to the new father
>The man looks into his son's face, and whispers "I want to name him after myself"
>The room is filled with gasps and excitement.
>The mother laughs out with joy, "Barack Hussein Obama Jr it is then!"
>The village imam takes the baby and calls the Adhaan (Islamic call to prayer, a custom to call it when a baby is born), into Barack Jr's ears
What about them you drooling idiot?
How old is this and how long are you going to keep posting it as if it represents anything
>stay at home drumpfags XD
>this contest is OVER XD
Yeah unfortuantely Trump supporters aren't as braindead as you CTR and libcucks
The latest polls show him winning even despite rigging (democrat oversampling)
We have physical proof the DNC and Hillary rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. He was never going to win. All his supports threw their money away to someone with 0 chance to win. They spit in the face of democracy itself.
We have physical proof that Hillary lied in a congressional hearing, and passed around top secret information with her aides who aren't authorized to see that type of stuff.
We have physical proof that she rewards top government positions to whoever gives her the most money.
That's some next level shit that goes above whatever her policy is. The proof we have on trump is that he says mean things to people and is a womanizer. Doesn't come close to destabilizing countries and breaking the law at the highest level there is.
This was from today. Why would you think it would change. What kind of bubble do you live in? Please, I beg you please to keep believing. I want to savor this shit on election day.
>Get ready for the reality bomb on Nov. 8th you dumb fuck.
should we also get ready for the nuclear bomb clinton is going to incite from russia?
>I have proof of nothing but people sure have talked a lot about it!
>funny how they assume he's going to leave office
>stay in office
You sure you're not confusing Obama with Trump? Obama is practically giddy these days because he knows his term is ending in a few months, he can't *wait* to go home.
>I finally admit I am an agent of Russia.
You can't vote anyway, Ruskie
>I love muslims!
>Obama did nothing wrong in the Middle East!
>I am totally sane!
Let me guess, you're not even American. Only Eurocucks say these retarded things so early in the morning
You guys are so bad at this. lol
So is the joke that people who hate Muslims should love Obama but actually hate him, and people who love Muslims should hate Obama but actually love him?
>I still offer no proof. FEELZ B4 REALZ!
Worst President of all time.
>I so mad a black man fixed all of Georgies shit
>Only white presidents are aloud to kill Muslims!
go back to plebbit you faggot nigger lover.
I'm not gonna comment on how great or awful a president he was but this isn't even close to true regardless
worst president in my life time at least
Even Bush looks like Lincoln compared to this nigger
He so mad.
Yeah, maybe by ''my C is a white person's A" affirmative action standards.
Go back to your containment board, Sup Forums
anyone who thinks bush is better than Obama is either purposely being contrarian or is legitimately autistic...he is the reason for the recession in the first place you dumbfuck
>race relations during his presidency is at its worst since maybe the civil war
>dozens of terrorist attacks at home
>losing ground to russia and china at every point (phillipines, crimea, etc)
>trillions of debt piling up
>democracy in america crumbling
>every country makes fun of us now
He might not be absolute bottom but you can make a case
>FEELS B4 Realz!
White trash mad.Lulz
Bush kept Russia and niggers in line
He had to deal with the fallout of that dumbfuck Clinton's mistake with Bin Laden and the mortgage crisis due to Clinton's policies in the 90s
Bush was the worst President, now nigger is the worst President, and Hillary will take the title from the current champ of shitty Presidents.
That means this country is fucking done, democracy is dead and this and any future government is illegitimate.
>26 posters
>71 replies
There's already been an Obama biopic
I love it when Sup Forums comes out of their hugbox and get's BTFO.
>he is the sole reason for the recession
>uneducated retards actually believe this
Contrary to popular belief in a mostly capitalist society government only has a very small role in the economy. Bubbles and bursts are always going to happen, you can't legislate them away. Morons like you actually believe the economy is directly tied to the president's daily actions always amaze me how you feel the need to constantly talk about the economy without understanding even the very basics of how they work.
As for the loosening of regulation on wall street, most of that was done under the clintons during the dot com boom.
Hopefully you're just 14 and won't be this stupid when you can actually vote.
>Bush kept Russia and niggers in line
lol OK redneck retard
presidents aren't even the problem, we've been doing okay with presidents. Our problem is presidents are the only people anyone pays any attention to at all when the lion's share of power in our government is in the legislative branch. The house and senate have the most power in our system by far and also directly oversee via committees most of our government agencies much more closely than the executive branch. But no one pays any attention to what a shitty job they do so they just sit on their hands, make sure nothing gets done, then blame the opposing party for it so they can get re-elected and raise more money for the party to win more elections.
>I dun make up histry as I see et!!
Coupled with the fact that nobody gives half a shit about local elections, which is where the average person is going to actually see the most impact on their own life
>As for the loosening of regulation on wall street, most of that was done under the clintons during the dot com boom.
Some of it was done under Clinton and some was under Bush but the warning signs of an impending recession showed up under Bush but his administration doubled down on de-regulation in hopes that the shit show would happen under the next president.
In short, the recession hit earlier than Bush anticipated and a Republican president won't get elected for decades as a result. GW Bush literally destroyed the Republican party.
>he can't *wait* to go home
To Kenya
Yep. The Tea Party and now the "Alt-Right" in 2016 will insure that the most rapid candidate makes it out of the Republican primaries. A candidate that is completely unpalatable by moderates thus insuring Democrats get elected to the Presidency.
>I'm a birther
Nate Silver also gave Trump a 2% chance of winning the GOP nomination, yet here he is.
Implying the stimulus did anything other then inflate the money suppley effectively making those with low income poorer
Implying Economies haven't fluctuated like this since the beginning of time
> (((we)))
>first W.
>now this
Is this gonna be a new trend with movies now? The last year of a President's term, they're gonna release a biopic while he is still in office?
>Whargargarblle excuses
What happened in 2008 again? Who actually bailed out the banks?
No one said he's perfect. He was only perfect during the last presidential election by getting 50/50 states right. Before that he got a paltry 49/50 in 2012. Here's his own words on Trump:
I just want to be perfectly think Trump will win?
Ya if I were a peaceful people, even during the Iraq war. They just wanted to be left alone in their mountains. They litterally didn't do nuffin and now ISIS has practically wiped them out.
Kind of disappointed that the evil and all-powerful KKK didn't assassinate him in his first term tbqh famalam
>"we'll be out of the middle east by the end of my first term"
You must be with the terrorists then
>speaking Kenyan
There is no 'kenyan language' retard. Kenyans speak their native tribal language, swahili, or english.
By the age of 12, all kenyans start learning English in school, and by 16, school is entirely in english.
I hope they finally cast a transgender actor to play Michelle.
>Netflix made an entire show about Barack Obama fucking my VVaifu
Fuck my life lads.
This is the last straw.
Ending it all tonight.